Decker's Wood

“It was hot. Does your hand hurt?” I took his hand in mine. It was a little red, but other than that it seemed fine. Decker opened and closed his fist as if to prove to me he was okay. I kissed the back of his hand, a gesture that said thank you, to show him how grateful I was for him, for his slightly barbaric yet sweet honor of my virtue. The need and want that flashed through Decker’s eyes had me blushing like a virginal nun. He flipped his hand over and linked our fingers together.


“I need to get you somewhere private, now.” He practically dragged me through the streets back to his car and drove like the devil himself back to the book store. Unable to wait for me to unlock the door, Decker grabbed the keys from my fingers and flipped the lock, hauling me inside in five seconds flat. As soon as the alarm was disabled, he pulled me behind a book shelf and glanced around. “This will do,” he whispered.


“There’s a perfectly good bed upstairs,” I breathed as his lips went straight to the soft curve of my neck, right below my ear. Goosebumps spread across my skin at his touch, and my nipples tightened with sexual awareness.


“Yeah, but I can’t wait to get you up there. Besides, unplanned, spontaneous moments are more fun.” He kissed me, nothing more than a whisper of a caress before his erotic exploration continued on as he kissed the corner of my mouth, my cheek, my nose. “And now every time you walk down this aisle you’ll remember this and think of me.” Decker’s hand slipped under my top, and his fingers slid reverently over my skin until they rested right under the swell of my breast. While I wanted him to create this memory here, for me, for us, I wanted something else more. I pushed at his chest, hating the distance it created between us. The confusion on his face bothered me, so needing to explain, I decided it was better if I just showed him. I sank to my knees, my eyes on his the entire time. My hands lifted tentatively to the button on his jeans.


“Andi.” My name was nothing more than a sigh from his lips.


“I want to remember you, here, like this.” I explained as I ever so carefully lowered his fly, terrified I would catch something of importance behind it. Wouldn’t that be a mood killer? I freed his hard, silky lengthy and allowed my hand to travel up and down in wonder. I loved the feel of him, so perfectly smooth and hard. Decker’s groan of approval filled me with a wanton power that I had never felt before. To have such a beautiful man so consumed by my touch made my mouth water. I needed to have him on my lips, in my mouth, so I leaned forward and licked him from base to tip.


“Jesus,” he murmured. As my tongue flicked over the velvety tip, Decker’s hips moved forward, and I took him into my mouth. “Fu...” He couldn’t get the full word out, only managing a guttural moan. I wanted to smile at the knowledge I could bring this man to incoherency. Instead, I took him deeper into my mouth and sucked. I kept my eyes on Decker, watching as his head fell back and his hands braced on the bookshelf behind me. He was too big for me to take all of him into my mouth, so I used one hand to grip the base of him and as my mouth drew away, I slid my hand up his length. It was a well-coordinated dance between hand, mouth, and cock, and I was a little proud at myself for the hungry look in his eyes as they returned to mine. After all, this was something I had only done a few times in my life, and I had no idea if I was any good at it. It’s not like I gave out a survey at the end of my sexual encounters to ask for feedback. Feeling bold and daring, my other hand cupped the heavy, smooth sack that hung in perfect, tight symmetry behind his throbbing member. I rolled him gently in my hand, while sucking, pumping, and licking. “I’m not gonna last,” he managed to pant out. I hoped the aggressive look in my eyes and renewed vigor with which I pulled him into my mouth explained how much I wanted him to come for me. I had never tasted a man before; this would be new and I was more than a little curious. I wanted to taste him, I wanted all of him. Decker’s hand reached for my head and just when I thought he might pull me away, he clenched my hair in a fist and began to pump fast, but gently into my mouth. “Fuck your mouth is hot, perfect,” he whispered as his thrusts became more demanding.