Decker's Wood

“How often to you, like…perform?” I asked, trying to find the words in my tequila addled brain.


“Depends on what jobs I’m offered, but I haven’t worked in front of the camera in almost a year. I’ve been directing.”


“Oh,” I managed to breathe, a little relief settling into my shocked brain. The thought of Decker working behind the camera rather than in front of it was much easier for me to accept. “Do you make women audition before filming them?” My own small form of acceptance quickly drowned under something akin to jealousy.


“Not like that, no. The production company I work for only hires people we know, friends. They don’t need auditions because we know what they can and can’t do.” I chewed on my lip nervously, a thousand questions just waiting to burst free. “Maybe we can talk about this another time. It’s late and we are both a little wasted right now,” Decker suggested as he moved around the couch. “Is it okay if I sleep here?” He pointed to the sofa.


“Uh huh.” I watched as he kicked off his shoes and pulled at his shirt, dragging it up over his head, exposing his toned torso. A small embarrassing groan escaped my lips. His body was carved from every woman’s fantasy, a canvas of smooth, bronze skin. The muscles in his arms bunched as he reached for a cushion and arranged a makeshift bed. My gaze floated lazily over that male beauty. I could tell he was hard through the denim of his jeans and I blushed at the sight. It’s not like I hadn’t seen an erection before, but knowing Decker had one right now, because of me, well, it did wonders for a girl’s ego. When my eyes returned to his face, he stood watching me with an amused look. “Don’t worry, Country, this is a normal reaction to a beautiful woman. Well, not entirely normal as I’ve been having some issues down there, but I’m not about to jump you or anything. I wouldn’t do that to you. We’re friends, right?”


“What sort of trouble down there?” I found myself asking, ignoring the ‘friends only’ comment. I didn’t want friends, I wanted Decker. Decker who screwed women for a living? Oh heck no. I pushed my knees tightly together.


“Nope, not getting into that with you.” Decker stretched out on the couch. Casey had joked that maybe Decker had penile dysfunction. How close to the mark had he hit? Or did he have gonorrhea or something? That was a sobering thought, clearing all lust from my brain faster than a prairie fire with a tail wind.


“You’re like a real life Dirk Diggler,” I whispered with a small smile. He was nothing like the baby-face Marky Mark though. Decker was one hundred percent wild man.


“Dirk’s got nothing on me, Country.” I heard him murmur from the couch.


“Does Bradley know?”




“That butthole. I’m so kicking his ass next time I see him.”


Decker laughed softly. “He was just protecting you, and me I guess. I’m not embarrassed by what I do, but it’s not Bradley’s place to be telling people. And he was no doubt hoping you would never find out, you’re far too innocent for the life I live.”


I snorted as I struggled to shove pillows off my bed. “I’m not a freakin’ virtuous angel, Decker. I’ve had sex, probably not as much as you, but I’m not some prissy flake like you and Bradley seem to think I am.”


“I had to explain the ins and outs of anal, Country. You want me to explain DP now?” I thought about that for a moment. I was too intrigued to stop myself.


“What’s DP?”


“Double penetration, two men, one woman.”


My mind floated over that scenario. “Like at the same time?”


“Like a sandwich, one on top, one on the bottom—”


I threw a pillow at him before he could go any further. “You’ve done that?” I exclaimed. “Are you bisexual?”


“No, Andi,” he chuckled, “I love women. But in my job, I’ve been required to share them with other men which was no hardship, because I never really saw them as anything other than a work colleague.”


I finally got the covers back to a point where I could squirm beneath them. “But what if yours touches his, while you’re…you know…doing it?”


Decker sighed loudly. “I guess the fact that I’m not attracted to men means I don’t think anything of it. Maybe a slight reposition is required to prevent crossing swords, but it’s not like I do it regularly. I’ve only done it on a few occasions, as it’s not my preferred sexual indulgence.”


I snuggled under the covers, my body cocooned in the cozy warmth of my bed. “What’s your preferred indulgence?”