Decker's Wood

“Sorry, honey, I did promise my girl here a dance.” I moved around the frowning brunette and followed Andi to the dance floor. When we got there, Andi didn’t turn around, instead she began dancing with her back to my front. I took her waist and guided her a little closer. I had no idea whether her inhibitions had been lost under the influence of alcohol, or if it was all an act for the too-forward brunette, but Andi reached back and wrapped her arms around my neck, her sexy body moving to the music, rubbing seductively against mine. I lost myself under the power of her beautiful warmth under my hands. I wanted to reach up and cup her breasts, tease her nipples to taut points. Instead, I somehow managed to keep things relatively PG rated. I’m sure Andi didn’t miss the roaring erection at her lower back though. A fine sheen of sweat had Andi’s body glistening, begging me to lean forward and lick the arch of her beautiful neck. The dance floor was packed, but I didn’t notice anyone else but the exquisiteness before me. Her hips swayed like a goddess. Her fingers gripped the hair at the back of my head, urging me closer. How could I not comply with such a demand? I buried my face in the crook of her neck and breathed her in. I kissed her skin and licked at the salty taste there, my hands sitting right beneath her breasts. It was by far the most sinfully wicked dance I had ever partaken in, and we still had our clothes on. Finally, Andi pulled away, taking my hand, dragging me back to the bar.


“Quick Fucks!” she declared to the bartender who smiled widely as he began making us more shots. I noticed Andi glancing at the brunette who had taken up residence at our booth, glaring daggers in her direction. She turned back to the bar and picked up our shots, handing me mine. “Here’s to one bitch ditched.” I clinked my glass against hers and we knocked back the shot. A few guys standing beside us applauded. Andi gave them a little unsteady bow. One of the guys was wearing a shirt which read, ‘Kiss my nuts goodbye’.


Andi pointed at him. “You, where are your nuts going?” she demanded.


The guy to his side slapped his back. “He’s getting married next weekend.”


“You poor thing,” Andi said with a serious expression. “Free sex on tap for the rest of your life, you must be completely bummed.”


The bachelor grinned. “Yep, completely bummed.”


“You should have a shot with me,” Andi said, pointing at him again.


We ordered another round and Andi threw it down, slamming the empty shot glass on the bar with a little too much enthusiasm.


“Damn, you are a little firecracker. Please tell me that’s not your man behind you there?” whispered one of the men, invading Andi’s personal space.


I’m pretty sure I wasn’t meant to hear him, but he was too wasted to realize how loud he had spoken. I wanted to punch the fucker in the face, throw him over the bar, and hand him his ass on a platter. Instead, Andi quickly fixed the situation.


“Actually, this is my husband. We’re celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary.”


The guys all looked at us dubiously.


“Where’s your wedding ring?” one of them asked.


Andi didn’t miss a beat. “I don’t like flashy jewelry so we got matching nipple rings instead.”


Five sets of male eyes dropped to Andi’s tits. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and cupped her breasts, moving her back to my chest and kissing her neck. I could feel her nipples immediately harden. I looked up at the shocked faces before us.


“You look at my wife’s tits again and you all might lose your fucking nuts.” Their gazes immediately left Andi, and after a short awkward silence, Andi coughed.


“Baby, it’s hot as hell in here. How bout we take this home and I’ll let you tie me up again.”


The group of guys all choked on their beers.


“Mmmmmm,” I murmured, hiding my smile in the arch of her neck, my hands still clasped possessively over her breasts. “I do love tying you up, but only if you promise to do that thing with the ice cubes and your tongue.” Five groans met the wicked words I said just loud enough for our audience.


Andi faux sighed. “You drive a hard bargain.” She turned in my arms, placed a chaste kiss on my cheek. “But I do so love making you scream like chimp on fire.”


We both laughed as she led me away from the bar.


“Good luck with the loss of your nuts,” she threw over her shoulder to the bachelor who raised his glass in response.


The fresh air outside the bar did nothing for the raging hard-on I was now sporting. I tried to shift it as we walked back to Andi’s apartment.


“Problem there, Decker?” Andi asked, looking a little too impressed with herself.


Little did she know how completely ecstatic I was with my massive erection. It had been missing for so long, I was more than happy to walk around in public with it.


“No more so than those lovely little nipples begging for attention there.” I nodded to her tits. She slapped me across the chest and tripped over a crack in the pavement. I caught her before she fell to the ground. “Damn, your drunk,” I noted.


“I told you we were going to get as drunk as a biddler’s fitch, I mean fiddler’s bitch,” she slurred.


“I don’t even know what a fiddler’s bitch is,” I confessed.


“You know somethin’? Neither do I.” Her body leaned into mine for support as we stumbled along.


“Andi, you’re butt-toast, jump up.” I leaned forward so she could jump on my back.


“My butt is what?” she asked indignantly, her hands on her hips. She was trying hard to look serious, but she couldn’t seem to wipe the smile from her face. “Baked, shit-faced, buzzed, wasted…drunk. Last chance for a piggy—” Whomp. I nearly fell forward from the way she threw herself onto my back. “Damn, Country, I thought you’d be a hell of a lot lighter than this.” It didn’t take long to regain my footing, and we recommenced the two block walk to her home.


“So, you have a pretty dick, huh?” she whispered in my ear after a short while.