Decker's Wood

“Well, creeper didn’t really take the restraining order all that seriously to begin with, so I called Bradley. You know Bradley, he knows…people.” I shrugged. I wasn’t really sure what people Bradley knew, I never questioned it, but one phone call and the boy could have fifty free pizza’s on your doorstep or a debt collector ready to start cutting pinkies off.


“I called Bradley, he made a few calls, and the next time I saw creeper, he looked like he’d kissed a Mack truck going a hundred miles down the highway.” I laughed, I shouldn’t have, but the memory of creeper’s horrified face as he turned in the line at Starbucks and saw me standing behind him was priceless. “Anyway, my luck changed the day I jumped online and found this place. Everything just kinda fell into place from that moment on. Now, I’m as happy as a pig in mud.”


Decker’s glower turned into a smile. “A pig in mud. How very Texan.”


“Well, you know what they say: you can take the girl out of Texas…” We fell into an awkward silence. “So, do you like to read?” I asked, changing the subject.


“I have to read scripts for work sometimes,” Decker confessed.


Scripts? “You’re an actor?” I exclaimed with a shrill scream.


“Sort of.” Decker chuckled nervously. Huh, this little secret of his was starting to intrigue me. The more time I spent with him, the more I wanted to know about him. For Decker to be so closed lipped about something as basic as his job, it had me completely and utterly enthralled.


“I’m good with mysteries,” I murmured. “After all, my father wrote some of the best. I’ll figure you out.” Decker abruptly stood and stretched, his shirt riding up high enough to give me a glimpse of the tantalizing V that forced my gaze down to the low riding jeans that sat on his hips. I quickly averted my gaze before I was caught eyeing the candy.


“I’m beat. I think I’ll get going, Country.”


Strangely, I was disappointed. Even though I had left Casey and Lionel’s desperate for my own company and a good book, I enjoyed having Decker around. Maybe it was our childhood connection or simply the fact that I was all alone in a big city, but his presence calmed me. I grabbed the spare key for the shop door. Decker stood at the top of the stairs as I reached out and handed it to him.


“I don’t know anyone else here, and I would feel better if I knew someone was able to get inside the shop if I needed help or anything.”


Decker reached for the key as if he was gearing up to pet a rattlesnake. “You sure?” he asked.


“Of course. Just keep in mind I know how to throw a punch, so don’t start getting any creepy ideas about letting yourself in to watch me sleep.” That seemed to break the awkwardness that had settled over us.


“No creepy sleep watching. So it’s cool if I watch you take a shower?” he said with a cheeky grin.


I thumped him in the chest, and it hurt my hand. “Ow, damn you’re a perv. Are you made of freakin’ concrete or something?”


Decker took my hand and gently rubbed my fingers. His touch drew my dumbfounded gaze to his, and I melted into liquid as his warm hand engulfed mine.


“That will teach you for getting violent with a machine like me.” As if only now realizing he had my hand in his, he dropped it faster than small town gossip and rubbed his hand on his jeans, as if trying to erase my touch. Well, way to make a gal feel special. “Umm, okay,” he stammered. “You have my number; call me if you need anything, even if you get nervous up here by yourself. I’m only twenty minutes away.”


I nodded, still thrown off kilter by his touch and consequent repulsion to it. “


I’ll lock up,” he said, dangling the key in the air. I watched Decker descend the stairs. “Andi?” He turned back to face me, his eyes flitting from the key in his hand back to me. “I’ve never had keys to a girl’s apartment before. It’s kinda cool, and you can trust me, I won’t disrespect your privacy or anything.” I simply nodded as he left.


When I heard the lock on the shop door engage, I slumped back against the wall. Damn it, what the hell was I thinking? Obviously it was my lady parts making my decisions for me right now. I had to pull my chastity belt back on and lock that thing up tight. There was no way in hell I was going to join the bevy of Decker tramps. I was better than that, I deserved better than that. Yeah, well, tell my throbbing lady parts that.






Chapter 7