Decker's Wood

“Like Bruce Lee,” someone mumbled at my side. I turned to notice Imogen and Vanessa watching me with questions burning behind their inquisitive gaze. “His real name is impossible to pronounce, so we just started calling him Bruce, like Bruce Lee,” Imogen explained.


“Oh,” I said. “That makes sense, I guess.” I knew the girls had questions, so before they could launch into an interrogation, I started talking. “My name is Andrea Jennings, but I hate Andrea, never call me Andrea, it’s Andi. I’m twenty-eight-years-old, single, and an Aries. I have a degree in English, and I have worked as a freelance editor for the last seven years but quit so I could follow my dreams of opening a book store in New York. I love coffee and vintage furniture. My boots are sacred, touch them and you die. And I hate peppermint ice cream.”


Both the girls grinned.


“So, you’re single?” Vanessa asked. Oh boy, in New York a week and I was already being hit on by a woman.


“Ummm, I am, and completely one hundred percent heterosexual. Not that I have a problem with people that aren’t. I mean, if you prefer Miss. Kitty to Mr. Winky, all the more power to you.” I held my hand up for a high five that never came.


“Andi, I just wanted to check if that fine specimen you brought as your date was available or not,” Vanessa explained.


“Oh, my bad,” I murmured. I glanced at Decker who was still being hounded relentlessly by Casey and Lionel.


“So, you won’t mind if I go…” Vanessa tilted her head Decker’s way.


“No, no, not at all.” I plastered on my best smile and hoped it was convincing, when in truth, the fact Vanessa had her eyes set on Decker bothered me a whole bunch.


“Any advice?”


“Sure, he loves country music.” Both the girls glanced at Decker with disbelief. “I know, crazy right? I mean, who likes country? It’s depressing.”


“Awful,” Imogen murmured.


“I don’t know any country. I’m British,” Vanessa sighed.


“Oh, come on, everyone knows Dolly Parton. What about ‘Nine To Five’?” Her eyes lit up. “Decker loves country. If he heard you singing a little, you’d have him wrapped around your little pinky.”


Vanessa gave me a grateful smile and skipped off to introduce herself to Decker. I should have felt bad for misleading her like that, but I didn’t. Casey and Lionel and moved away and Vanessa set her sights on Decker. He gave her that devious smile I remembered so well, while Vanessa flicked her hair about in an attempt to appear casual. I could tell she was anything but. Her body language gave her away, the way she leaned towards him, the way her fingers danced across her cleavage in an attempt to draw his attention to it, which worked like a charm. I shook my head. Men, such simple creatures!


“So, how’s the store coming along?” Imogen asked.


“Really good, actually. I’m ready to open, just need to beat the pavement and put in some miles delivering pamphlets to let people know where I am.” My eyes flickered back to Decker and Vanessa, and I gave myself an internal berating. Get a grip Andi.


“I already have a strong online presence; I’ve been selling books via the web for almost a year now, so I have quite a few local customers already who are just waiting for me to announce that my doors are open.” Decker glanced my way and smiled. Damn it, I was staring again. I gritted my teeth and turned back to Imogen.


“If you need any help delivering pamphlets, let me know. I like to walk anyway. I’d be happy to help.”


“Thank you.” I gave Imogen a grateful smile. The daunting task of delivering five hundred pamphlets didn’t seem quite so overwhelming with someone to share the journey with. I glanced at the appetizer table, my eyes drawn to the cheesy bacon bites. And then, by a force outside of my control, I was staring at Decker, AGAIN!


“You know, if something is going on between you and Decker, just let Vanessa know. She’s not the kind to step on another woman’s shoes like that.”


I choked on my drink. “We’re not dating, just friends,” I spluttered. Imogen nodded, but I could tell she didn’t believe me. I didn’t believe me. An arm suddenly wrapped around my waist and took hold of my hand, artfully spinning me around. Casey stood before me in all his spandex glory, a cheeky smile playing on his handsome face.