Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

“Because they’re the foundation of society. Magic, the five elements of man, Duat . . . They all dictate how citizens should live by learning through their gods’ teachings.”

Seth does like ancient Egyptian culture; a foundation which she could work on. After all, she was part Egyptian herself. And she wouldn’t mind showing that side off a little bit more if it was something that might draw more of his attention. She closed the locket, shifting the pendant from palm to palm, thinking on the hieroglyphs inside. Maybe Seth could even help her finish the translation. Give her a reference of some sort.

Her grandmother’s warning suddenly flashed into her memory. Do not tell anyone of what I have revealed. . . .

Natti fidgeted. Well, I wouldn’t tell him what it is, exactly . . . She rubbed her finger over the eye, thinking on whether it was worth the risk. If it was the cause of her grandmother’s death, could she put her and Seth’s lives in danger by bringing it? It seemed unlikely.

Bastet cocked her head and watched the chain sway in Natti’s hand. Natti patted Bastet’s head, walked back to the desk, and turned over the box. Bastet followed, leaping onto the piles of paperwork and hieroglyphic printouts. Her saucer eyes watched Natti place the necklace back in the box, and she growled.

Natti began to pack up her things, stuffing her trigonometry book and world history text into the overloaded pack. She heard a thump as the cedar box tipped over again. She poked her head up just when Bastet picked up the chain and let the necklace drop on the floor. She looked at Natti with wide eyes.

Reaching over with a sigh, Natti picked up the necklace and eyed the cat. “Oh, why the hell not?”


Natti walked to her locker, her fingers curled around the pendant hanging from her neck. Though unsure exactly why, she found great comfort in wearing it. It was as if it were some sort of security blanket, calming her jittery nerves. She stopped, placing her backpack down on the floor. She dialed the new combination she requested from the office, opened the locker door, and sifted through her things. She had just pulled out her trigonometry text when two very warm hands glided over her hips.

Letting out a startled cry, she dropped the book to the floor. A familiar chuckle rumbled from behind and sparks electrified her when he reached under her shirt to touch the skin of her abdomen. The intense tingling it sent through her felt heavenly.

Natti rolled her eyes, trying to pretend the touch didn’t affect her. “Still up to your old tricks, I see.”

Seth pulled her against him and rested his chin on her shoulder. “Old habits are hard to break. Even harder when you’re looking so beautiful.” She could feel him brush the tip of his nose gently along her ear lobe. “I take it we’re still on for this afternoon.”

“Only if you behave yourself.” Natti turned to look him straight in the eye. A slight mistake on her part, for the moment she caught sight of his hypnotic eyes, her body began to melt under their gaze.

“I’ll do my best.” Seth grinned, his eyes wandering over her and finally falling on the necklace. He ran his fingers down the chain, letting them brush along her neck. He then scooped up the pendant and stared at the eye. “Feel you need some protection on this date?”

Natti snapped out of her trance. “Ah, sorry? What?”

“Your necklace. It’s an amulet for protection.”

“Oh.” She didn’t know that! Maybe having Seth’s help would finally lead to some breakthrough on the mystery. Natti turned her attention to the pendant. “No. It was something my grandmother left me,” she told him, not wanting to give away everything just yet. “Actually, there is something intriguing about it that I want to show you on our date. Something you might be interested in.”

Seth fingered the latched. “You’re not going to show me now?”

Natti’s lips curled into a mischievous smile, pulling the pendant from his grasp. “Reveal the mystery and ruin the anticipation of the discovery?”

He laughed, making her heart flutter into her throat. “I’m sure it will be worth the wait.”

Pushing her hair back, he focused on her lips. She held completely still, her mouth yearning to taste his. He leaned into her, taking a step forward. His foot kicked the book she dropped, breaking their concentration. They both looked down, nearly knocking their heads together.

“Oh, um . . . Let me get that for you.” Seth brushed his fingers through her hair before bending down to pick up the book. As he lifted it, an envelope slipped from between the pages and glided to the floor: her grandmother’s letter. Seth scooped it up, examining the wax seal.

“Bloody hell!” Natti cursed. “I’ve been bloody toting this back and forth all this time!”

Kelsey Ketch's books