Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Seth could feel his heart pounding a little faster. He let his father guide him into the house. Passing the kitchen, he noticed his mother working to prepare the evening offering. He gulped and glanced at his father. Sean gave him a wicked smile before ushering him into the drawing room across the hall. He closed the door behind them.

“I was surprised to find your mother asleep in the sitting room.” Sean walked to the fireplace and turned to face Seth directly. “Quite unusual when she should have been preparing the offering for my arrival. I thought perhaps she had fallen ill or had touched her anklet again. To my surprise, I found that I was required to reverse a sleeping spell instead. You are the only one in this house other than myself who can perform such magic. But why, I wondered, would my own son have to place such a spell on his mother?”

“Sir, she—”

Sean raised a hand to silence him. “So I talked to her, asked her questions, and she revealed some intriguing news. We had a visitor, a beautiful young girl with dark hair and enchanting eyes. Yet she was not here when I came home. She had not eaten my laced treats nor was she waiting for my arrival. So I asked what became of this visitor. ‘Seth took her home,’ she said. ‘He had to return her to her family.’ Explain to me, Son, why are you hiding this girl from me?”

Seth bowed his head, trying to hide the truth behind a veil of respect. “I’m not hiding anyone, Hem-netjer.”

“Do not lie to me!” Sean snapped. “By your mother’s description, this is the very girl I had seen at the Haunted Pyramid. The very girl I had pursued until my men witnessed you give chase. You let her slip away that day, and you have let her slip from our grasp once again. And I think I know why. Revenge. Revenge against me for taking your favorite play thing. I took away Mandy. Now, in return, you deny Set what is rightfully his.”

Seth could feel his temper boiling under his skin. “You mean I’m denying you your pleasure.”

Sean’s eyes blazed. “Set presented her to me. He made her known to the Sons, conveying his wishes twice now. Her place is by his side in the temple—”

“And in your bed, right?” Seth growled.

Sean paused, and then began to chuckle. “Is that what bothers you?”

Seth scowled, not caring if his emotions showed through. His system was running hot. And he felt the beast inside craving blood. “Set presented her to ME first. He had her cross my path on her first day of school. She’s rightfully mine!”

“To turn her into one of your little groupies? Or had you planned to favor her as you had Mandy?” Sean snorted with disgust. “No, my son. You must learn your place.”

Seth’s temper snapped. “My place!” He snarled, baring his teeth. “You have controlled everything in my life. You tell me what to do, who my friends will be, what to do with my future. I can’t make one single decision. I’m tired of it. And I’m tired of you taking away what’s rightfully mine. I’m not taking it anymore!”

Sean snickered and began to roll air between his fingers. “Oh, Seth. If only you showed more promise. Exhibited more potential with your powers. Then you might not be in the predicament you are in now.”

“And how am I to expand my power and master my skill with you constantly interfering?” Seth shot back. “You flaunt your charm in front of me. And as what? As a lesson? You tell me I waste my powers, yet you never even let me try. Well, it’s my turn. I’m not taking this crap. I am a Son of Set, and I will prove myself worthy!”

A wide, gleaming smile spread on Sean’s face, throwing off Seth completely. Sean looked at him, eyeing him with hunger. “Ah, that is what I’ve wanted to see. You have finally embraced the darkness within you and now crave for more power. I am proud of you, of the steps you’ve made since the ceremony.” Sean’s eyes darkened suddenly, taking Seth in as a threat. “But be warned, son or not, no one stands between me and what I want. And I want that girl!”

“She is not yours to take!” Seth challenged, straightening his spine enough to tower just an inch over his father’s head.

“We will see about that.” Sean sidestepped him, and opened the door for Seth. Seth clenched his fists, slowly moving forward. He was about to cross the threshold when his father held up his hand to stop him.

“I do look forward to finding this—what was her name again?” Sean taunted, pretending to be lost in thought. “Ah, yes. Natti, correct?”

Seth shut his mouth tight, refusing to acknowledge the question. He shoved his father’s hand aside and stormed out without another word.

Kelsey Ketch's books