Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Ky felt Seth’s arms. “Wow, bro, you’re wound up tighter than a clock.”

“Is this about Mandy?” Q asked. “I know she was your favorite toy, but come on. You can always charm another girl, Seth.”

Seth finally pushed himself free from Ky’s grasp. “You don’t get it! He took her! He’s always taking what’s mine!”

His fury and anger continued to build into unbearable frustration. His already tense muscles began to cramp. His mind ran wild with fantasies, each becoming more violent and disturbing. He could hardly keep control of the beast inside his heart. It tore at him, snarling and lunging, until his chest and lungs ached. Seth needed a release, a victim which he could take hold of and bend to his will. He had to take control of his powers.

“Hey, what is done is done. There is nothing you can do.” Q pressed a morning-after pill into Seth’s palm. “Go get a new girl, man. Cut class and take some time off to get this out of your system. Things will look better after you do.”

Though Seth always carried a condom in his wallet for cases like this, he stuffed the free contraceptive into his pocket. “Thanks, man. I think I will.”


Seth stormed through the halls, searching for anyone wandering alone. No one had crossed his path, and over the span of half an hour, Seth’s muscles were more wound up than before Ky and Q had left for Psychology. Frustrated beyond belief, he kicked the lockers beside him.


He turned when he heard his name. Natti was just slipping out of Mr. Gibson’s room, a pass clutched in her hand. She glanced around, closed the door, and started toward Seth. The beast tingled with excitement, wanting her now more than ever. It wanted her under its spell, to use her name and take away her essence. Yet a part of Seth’s heart resisted. He took several steps away from her, pressing himself into a corner. Natti’s brow raised in confusion.

“Shouldn’t you be in class?” she asked.

Seth’s urges were becoming stronger. Images flashed into his mind, dark fantasies of slamming Natti into the wall. He could hear her scream in his thoughts as he mentally pinned her against the locker and forced himself on her. His heart lurched, and a fire smoldered inside. The pain was searing, enough so that it snapped him back to reality.

No, this is not how I want her! This is not how I want to take her! The beast snarled in argument. Seth looked at Natti standing before him with fear. He wasn’t sure what his body would do while the predator’s hunger built up inside of him. He tried to curb his lust and suppress the darkness taking hold of his heart.

“Just keep moving, Natti.”

Natti lowered her head, ignoring his warning and stepping closer to the trap that was ready to spring. “I heard about Ashley and Mandy.”

Seth tried to avoid her eyes, the beast dying to sink its teeth into her. “Natti, please . . .”

She shifted uncomfortably. “I understand if you’re still mad about last week’s game, but I just . . .” She swallowed, her expression sour. “I wanted to say I’m sorry. Loss is hard on everyone. And I know you and Mandy were particularly close.”

Her last word was filled with a sadness he never heard in her voice before. It was like it broke her heart to say it. The reaction stirred a gentle warmth and a little hope into his soul.

Seth shook his head, still trying to suppress his urges. “That’s just it. We weren’t close. They didn’t mean anything to me.”

Natti snorted. “That’s can’t be completely true. You must have felt something.”

“And what would you know about how I feel?” he snapped, his temper flaring.

“Well, for one, you’re clearly upset. And two, I know when you’re lying.”

“Right,” Seth growled. “I forgot I’m talking to the human-lie-detector.”

Natti sighed and stepped even closer.

Why is she doing this? Seth’s body trembled, hardly able to contain the hunger. Why isn’t she leaving? The predator roared, wanting out. It wanted control. Clenching his fists, he locked his eyes onto Natti. He had to get her to leave before he lost himself completely.

“You should go.”

Natti didn’t budge. Hesitatingly, she reached out a hand and touched him. “Look . . . If . . . If you ever need to talk or anything, I’m here.”

It was too late. Her touch was just what the predator needed to be released and take hold of his heart. Seth felt the darkness flow through him, and his mind calmed. He knew what he had to do, what would satisfy his needs. “Actually, there is something you can do for me.”

“Sure,” Natti said while Seth closed his fingers around her hand.

Kelsey Ketch's books