Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

“Oh, come on,” Wanda pleaded. “It’s really a lot of fun. People from all over come for it. It’s so cool!”

Natti continued to stare at the ad. Her stomach flipped while she tried not to remember what happened to her mother. To suppress the image of the wooden casket that brought her home. Instead, she thought back to her grandmother and the little Egyptian perfume bottles sitting on her shelves—the ones she never appreciated—and the necklace sitting in the cedar box. ‘Our heritage, our bloodline . . .’ If she was meant to carry her family’s secret, their ‘burden,’ maybe it was time to let go of the past and start embracing her Egyptian bloodline. Her grandmother would’ve liked that. Her mother probably would’ve too. So why not start with a simple step, like attending the Pharaoh’s Festival.

“Okay,” she sighed. “Why not?” She would just have to leave some of the details out when she asked her father permission.

Mr. Jackson tried to pull the class into a discussion on Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, but eventually, Seth had completely zoned out. His mind was too consumed with rage. It boiled underneath the surface, threating to melt his flesh off his body. And as a result, his desires were growing into uncontrollable urges. His muscles constricted under the tension, his magic surged through his aggravation, and the beast grew even more impatient for a victim.

Seth forced himself from his thoughts when Mr. Jackson put down the blue whiteboard pen he had been using and turned to the class. “So, after reading act four, scene three, what do you think of Petruchio’s treatment of Kate? Is it really in the name of love, or is there something else behind Petruchio’s madness? Yes, Rose.”

Seth shifted his gaze to the Hispanic girl in the front row.

“Actually, Mr. Jackson, I find what Petruchio is doing quiet disturbing. It’s like he’s trying to see how long it will take for her to break or something. I mean, the poor woman isn’t even permitted to eat or sleep. And claiming it is for love is just wrong. He doesn’t really love her. He wants to control her.”

“And what’s wrong with that?” Seth let slip, and the class turned to him.

“Seth.” Mr. Jackson raised his brow in utter surprise. “Care to share your opinion for a change?”

Seth glared, his anger soaking into every pore. He clenched his fists on top of his desk. “I just don’t see that what Petruchio is doing as wrong.”

Rose snapped, “He’s tormenting her!”

“Only because she won’t behave as she should,” Seth retorted, an image of Natti flashed into his mind. “Perhaps she should just learn her lesson and accept the inevitable.”

“This brings up an interesting view point,” Mr. Jackson cut in, rubbing his chin. “Some readers believe that this is a lesson in how to make women subordinate to men. Because he has taken away all her freedom except for her words, Kate finds herself powerless under Petruchio.”

“And that’s not love,” Rose argued. “What Petruchio feels isn’t love.”

“The point of a match isn’t about love,” Seth growled. “It’s about the benefits. In Petruchio’s case, he got her dowry. And quiet honestly, I think what he’s doing to Kate benefits everyone. She needs to learn to submit. She should just give into his wishes and let him make her a better woman for it.”

“You mean like all the girls you sleep with?” Rose retorted, and the majority of the class laughed.

Seth shot up in his seat, and Ky shoved him back into his chair before he could take a step. Seth’s fury was a raging fire, his hands itching to strangle Rose’s neck.

“Okay.” Mr. Jackson stood up, his hands raised in a surrender-like gesture. “Let’s not bring anyone’s personal life into this.” The bell rang overhead, and the class began to gather their things. “Right, remember to finish up act four tonight and be prepared to discuss. Also, if you haven’t started writing up your review, you might want to start thinking about it. I want to hear your opinions! Three to five pages, people! Typed neatly in size TWELVE font!”

Seth hoisted his backpack over his shoulder and marched into the hallway. Rose brushed by him, muttering the word ‘bastard’ once she reached earshot of him. The beast roared, and his temper flashed in white heat. Seth lunged for the girl only to have Ky and Q snatch him and drag him in the opposite direction.

Seth snarled and ranted, “I’d like to see what she feels after I plant a few of my thoughts into that head of hers!”

Ky slammed Seth against a set of lockers and pinned him back. Seth lashed at his friend, though he knew it was no use against Ky’s strength. His body was in physical pain. The predator inside Seth was trying to claw its way out.

“Calm down, dude,” Q hissed.

“That’s just it!” Seth snapped in agony. “I can’t calm down! I don’t even know what’s happening!”

Kelsey Ketch's books