Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Seth slammed the ball into play, letting his anger give him a little more strength to his serve. Wanda returned it with a backhand stroke. Ky slammed his racquet into the ball, sending it flying. Natti cut it off when it crossed the net. Seth chased after the tennis ball only to fall short. He gritted his teeth and shoved his fist into the fence. He switched places with Ky so that Natti was the receiver. He eyed her carefully.

“Love-fifteen,” he growled, rocketing the ball in her direction.

Natti backed up a bit and sent it toward Ky. Seth intercepted.

“Hey, what up, man?”

The ball bounced into Wanda and Natti’s court. Natti returned it with a backhand stroke. Again, Seth cut in front of Ky and lobbed it over the net.

“Wanda, move!”

Wanda jumped aside, and Natti slammed the ball back in Seth’s direction. They quickly fell into a singles match, forcing Wanda and Ky off the court. Natti was shocked by Seth’s sudden vigor. He spoke the truth, he wasn’t giving up easily, and she found herself enjoying the new challenge. The pace was much faster. The sudden turns and bursts in speed caused Natti’s lungs to burn, her muscles to ache, and her heart to pound. This was her kind of thrill; the best adrenaline high. There was nothing else in the world except for Seth and the ball.

Natti panted, watching Seth line himself up behind the service line again. He wiped the sweat from his brow. That’s when it hit her. They were locked in a deuce, making this possibly the final point of the game before the bell. If she claimed it, she would win the bet.

It should have felt like a victory, lifting a giant weight off her shoulders. No more strange tingling sensations or fog drifting into her mind. No more headaches and racing heartbeats. Yet, instead, the thought of winning twisted her gut into agonizing knots. She didn’t understand. This is what she wanted, right? To be left alone. Her throat closed slightly, cutting off some of her oxygen. Something deep inside her soul screamed. He was annoying, yes, but at some point, he had gotten under her skin.

“Deuce!” Seth shouted.

Natti’s head jerked back into the game, her mind coming to a decision. She would throw the point, and if she timed it just right, neither would win. It would void the final bet. It wouldn’t be easy. She had to play it right.

Seth’s serve bounced into her court. Using a forehand stroke, she put the ball into play for the last time. She watched the rally carefully, knowing she couldn’t make a mistake in judgment. When she saw his forehand stroke send the tennis ball toward the edge of the court, she decided to take her chance. She hesitated before rushing after it. The ball bounced once. She paced herself, and then dived, her racquet stretched out and scraping across the clay. The ball touched the ground for a second time.

“Oh yeah!” Ky bellowed.

Mrs. Kuft blew her whistle just as the bell rang. “Mr. O’Keefe! Ms. Stone! This was supposed to be a doubles match, not a singles!”

Natti leaned on her knees, trying to catch her breath. “Sorry, Mrs. Kuft. We just got caught up in the excitement. Seth’s team won two to one, not counting our last game.”

“I should make you both run laps.” Mrs. Kuft scowled, and then sighed. “However, if we had a team, I would also sign you both up for tryouts based on that amazing display.” She scratched something into her notes and stormed off.

“Oh right!” Ky cheered. “We won, which means free lunch all next week!”

“No!” Seth snapped.

“What?” Natti looked at him in shock.

“All bets are off,” he snarled. “I saw you throw the game.”

“I didn’t—”

“Don’t lie! You threw the game!”

“Who cares, bro?” Ky slapped him on the shoulder. “We won.”

“No! She threw the last point. All bets are off.”

Natti was becoming very confused and agitated. “Okay, so I threw the last point. You still won the doubles.”

“There’s no discussing this.” Seth snapped at her. “I won’t honor the bet.”

Natti stared into Seth’s eyes as he glared down at her in silence.

“Uh, Natti,” Wanda whispered. “I’m going to head back.”

“Um, me too, dude,” Ky said. “Let me know how this all works out, man.”

Natti waited until the court was empty before addressing Seth again. “Why? I thought you’d at least be happy I didn’t win. You can continue to annoy me all you’d like now. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“I didn’t want you to throw the game. You embarrassed me in front of the whole class!”

Natti laughed. “This coming from the guy who was flirting with my partner even before the game! Besides, if I let you win, I would have been stuck with you for a day!”

Seth’s eyes blazed. “Would that have been so terrible?”

“Yes, Seth!” Natti snapped back, her emotions unraveling. She wanted him. She didn’t want him. Her brain was getting more and more confused. “If it meant you trying to make me into one of your tarts that line up every morning, then yes!”

Kelsey Ketch's books