Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

Mandy turned and waved to a girl hidden behind the rest of the squad. The petite cheerleader stepped forward, a shy, little smile on her lips. Ashley was hardly the girl he remembered in middle school. Her straight, dark hair was no longer short and oily, but long and silky. Her baby face had matured over the years and the makeup she wore brought out the green of her eyes. Her low-cut shirt fit snug around her thin body, and her tight jeans showed off the curve of her hips.

Even though Seth’s mind was still on Natti, the predator in his heart shifted its focus on the new offering. It took hold, guiding Seth to take Ashley’s hand. His lips pressed gentle into her palm, sending visible shivers through her body.

“Very pleased to see you again, Ashley.”

“All right. Same as before,” Mrs. Kuft groused. “I’ll call your names, and you’ll head to your assigned court. Markus and Quant, you’re playing Britney and Ales on court one. Seth and Ky, your play Natara and Wanda on court two . . .”

Natti felt as if the air was sucked out of her lungs with the announcement. She had been dodging Seth ever since she had seen him with Mandy that morning. She couldn’t explain what happened. Something had just snapped when she’d seen that kiss. It was so deep and so passionate, and it wasn’t with her. Yet she couldn’t understand how she could be jealous of something she never had and never even wanted.

She looked over at Seth as his beautiful lips curled into an enchanting smile. She wondered what it would be like to kiss him just once. He gave her a little wave, which made her shrink back in her seat and hide behind Kevin’s broad shoulders.

“Kevin and Jen, you’re playing Helen and Cassia on court three. And Harry and Ben, you’re up against Roger and Matthew. Right, off to your assigned courts!”

Mrs. Kuft blew her whistle, making the class jump to their feet, except Natti, who refused to move from her spot.

“I can’t believe we get to play against Seth today!” Wanda bounded up to her with a big grin. “Come on! Let’s warm up!” Wanda pulled Natti unwillingly from her seat and dragged her to their court. “I’ve improved my game so much! Do you think Seth will notice? Do you think he might actually talk to me? Oh my God, I’m so excited! This is like the best day ever!”

“Yeah,” Natti mumbled. “Right up there with funerals and detention.”

“Come on! Even when we lose, at least we are playing with Seth!”

Natti stopped short, whiplashing Wanda around. “‘When we lose’? What are you talking about? We’ve been doing fairly well.”

“Yeah, but no one has ever beaten Seth and Ky. Not one single game!”

Natti pulled her arm away from Wanda and locked her eyes on Seth and Ky while they warmed up. “Really?” A sneer pulled at her lips as a thought formed in her mind. “Well, I think it’s time someone did.”


“Hey, boys, ready to start this match or what?” Natti strolled up to the net, baiting Seth with a sly smile. He raised his brow, clearly intrigued.

Ky laughed. “That anxious to lose?”

“I’m anxious for an actual challenge.” Natti’s lip curled. “Perhaps even making this game a little more intriguing, if you know what I mean.”

Wanda pulled at her sleeve and whispered, “Natti, what are you doing?”

Seth snorted a laugh. “Seriously? You want to bet on this game?”

“What’s the matter? Afraid we might beat your pants off?” Natti teased, adding a bit of flutter to her eyelashes. Seth was eating it up.

“No,” he said as his eyes traveled her body.

“Oh, come on, man!” Ky bounced the tennis ball with a menacing grin plastered on his lips. “Might be fun. Besides, we haven’t lost a match.”

“Not yet,” Natti sneered.

Seth’s smile widened and he shrugged. “Fine by me. But we set the terms.”

“Which would be?”

“Nothing too complicated.” Seth stepped so close his scent enveloped her, causing her to catch her breath. “Losers buy the winners lunch for the next week.”

Natti stared into his turquoise eyes, feeling herself being pulled in. His lips were becoming more enticing, thinking of them crushing on top of her own. It scared her that, deep down, she knew it would feel good . . . really, really good!

Wanda grasped Natti’s wrist. “I don’t think we should be doing this.”

Coming out of the trance she found herself in, she looked over at her friend. “It’s just a friendly bet.” Natti smirked before turning back to the boys. “We have a deal, gentlemen!”

Ky focused on Natti’s chest. “Perfect. This game is already making me hungry.”

Natti rolled her eyes, her body crawling in disgust. She raised a penny. “Call it in the air.”

She tossed the coin, and Seth crinkled his brow.


Natti watched the penny clatter onto the clay court. “Tails! Looks like we’re serving first.” She turned to take the server’s position only to find Wanda still at the net. Seth was talking in whispers, smiling, and even brushing his fingers over her hand. Natti’s anger and jealousy flared. “Wanda!”

Kelsey Ketch's books