Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

“Mandy,” he stroked her cheek while his charm took hold of her mind, “as much as I appreciate the gesture, now is just not a good time for me. How about we meet after school?”

He hoped to guide her to a simple ‘yes,’ when his concentration was suddenly broken. Out of the corner of his eye, he spied Natti rise from her seat and walk across the cafeteria. His gut twisted. They still had twenty minutes to eat. Was she really leaving already? Much to his relief, she settled back down with her friends after returning a half full bowl of soup with her lunch tray. He exhaled and turned his full attention back to Mandy only to find her and Q had followed his gaze. Q shrugged and rolled his eyes, but Mandy’s cheeks were burning crimson. Jealousy flashed in her eyes. A malicious little smirk darkened her features.

“Oh right.” She stood up. “I forgot. There’s a new girl to play with. Well, have your fun just like you do with all the others, and call me when you’re ready for a real woman again.”

Seth grabbed her wrist. “You know you’re still my number one, right?”

In the foggy daze of Seth’s magic, Mandy leaned in and kissed him on the lips. “Always. And I plan to keep it that way.”

Seth released her hand and her mind from his spell. But before she started toward the cheer squad’s table, she turned back to Seth.

“Speaking of girls.” She wiggled her breasts in front of him. “You remember Ashley Dunwater? She’s a friend of mine from way back. She had moved to New York with her mother just before we started high school.”

Seth had a vague memory of a girl with a tom boy haircut. “I guess.”

“Well, she’s back and just made the cheer squad last Friday at tryouts. That should give you a slight hint of how much she’s changed. She’s been really dying to see you again, and I think after you meet her you’ll be dying to do her as well.”

The hunger slowly began to return. “If you say so.”

“Believe me, I know so.” She jerked her head and moved for the cheer table where a dark haired girl watched from afar. Seth’s eyes widened and he sent the girl a charming smile while she tried to stifle a giggle.

Seth turned away only to find Q and Ky staring at him.

“Dude, what’s wrong with you?” Ky asked. “Do you have a fever? I’ve never seen you turn down your favorite play thing before.”

“Nothing is wrong with me!”

Ky and Q turned to each other, and Ky grinned.

“Aren’t you a little young to be having this problem?” Ky held up his index finger and slowly let it wilt into his palm.

Seth grabbed his wrist and pinned it down onto the table. “I’m not having a problem!”

“Come on, man.” Ky laughed. “I noticed you’ve been trending down this week. Only five girls! The Seth I know has about seven or eight.”

“If you need, man,” Q piped up, “I can get you some Viagra at a great price. It would perk you back up in no time.”

“I don’t need your drugs, Q. And I’m telling you, it’s nothing. I’ve just been distracted, that’s all.”

“By what?” Ky raised a brow.

“It doesn’t take a genius to guess, Ky.” Q glanced back. “It’s the certain British chick sitting behind us.”

“Dude! Have you banged her? Is she good?”

“I haven’t banged her just yet,” Seth admitted. “But I think she’ll be worth the short wait.”

“Then can I have Mandy?” Ky pleaded, jerking his thumb to the cheerleaders. “PLEASE!”

Seth growled, “Mandy is still mine!”

“I just want a taste, dude. You’ve shared everyone else. I’m even hoping you’ll share Brit-chick. She’ll make one fine plaything. I just thought if she took Mandy’s place then maybe—”

“Vulture! I haven’t even gotten the girl under my control yet.”

“Yo, dudes,” Q snapped. “Could you keep the chitchat down? I’m trying to work on an evil plan here.”

“I thought you were working on your psychology report.” Ky shrugged.

“Ugh, don’t even bring that subject up. It’s the one damn class standing between me and Stanford. If I don’t pull up my grade somehow, I’m going to lose my perfect four-point-five by the end of the year for sure.”

“Well, it’s more of an art than a science, Q.” Seth laughed.

“That’s my problem exactly.”

“So, what evil plot are you working on?”

Kelsey Ketch's books