Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1)

“What is it with you? It’s like—” Natti let out a soft moan and placed the palm of her hand to her forehead. “Oh God, why do these conversations we have always give me a headache? I think this the worst yet.”

“I know a cure, if you’re interested.” Seth traced circles over the soft skin of her arm.

Natti broke free of his hold and quickened her step, rushing through the crowd to the second floor landing. “Shouldn’t you be bothering one of your concubines? Like that brunette cheerleader, Charlotte, or that redhead I saw—”


“Or that tall girl from the gymnastic team—”


“Or that other girl with dark hair also on the cheer squad—”


“Or even your favorite dish I keep seeing you with, that blond cheerleader.”


“Yeah,” Natti hissed. “Why don’t you go bugger off to them? I’m sure they’ll bend over backwards to give you a blow job.”

“You’ve been monitoring who I’m with?” Seth eyed her, flattered by her observations.

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t read too much into it. It isn’t exactly hard to track considering your little public displays.”

Seth laughed. “Are you jealous?”

Hesitating, Natti responded, “Not hardly.”

“Oh, and who is lying now?”

“I’m not jealous!”

“Ha!” He brushed his fingers over her arm. “I knew I would get under your skin.”

Natti didn’t flinch at his touch. “More like getting on my nerves.” She shifted uncomfortably. “I should report you— especially considering you don’t know the meaning of personal space— but I suspect you would just charm your way out of trouble.”

“Oh, come on.” He stopped and guided her toward him. “You can’t keep resisting my irresistibleness, Natara Stone. You’ll give in eventually, and I won’t quit until you do.”

She sidestepped him and snorted a laugh. “Right . . . Good luck with that!”

She turned to leave, forcing him to tighten his grip and gently pulled her back. She threw back her head with a soft groan as he brought her closer.

“Don’t leave. Not yet. Just a few more minutes.” He rubbed her waist, the beast growling with his stomach. He locked his gaze on hers to use their hypnotic power and capture her full attention. He tried again to shift her mind into his control and mentally instruct her into a kiss. “I want you, Natara Stone. I crave to taste you.”

She pushed him back, clearly pained by the headache she had mentioned. “Look, if you are going to annoy me for the rest of the year, could you at least do me one favor?” Seth watched her debate for a moment before she finally spoke again, “Call me Natti.”

Seth looked at her in shock. Through all his training, he had learned the power of acquiring one’s name. It was part of the five elements of man, the identity of a person’s essence. With it, his magic could secure a deeper Connection with the victim. But this name, the nickname Natti had freely given him, had stronger magic than any other name he collected. He gathered the power entrusted him and cradled it gently in his mind like a prized treasure.

“Natti,” he repeated, careful not to exploit the name’s full power just yet. He sent her an enchanting grin. “I like it.”

He witnessed a shiver run through her body while she blushed. “Yeah, well . . . I’m just tired of you calling me by my full name all the time. It’s kind of creepy.” She stepped away from his arms, turned, and strolled up to Mr. Jackson. “Good morning, Mr. Jackson.”

“Morning, Natti,” he greeted, but his eyes locked on Seth. “Is this young man bothering you?”

Natti glanced back at Seth and shrugged. “No more than usual. He’s just being a twit.”

She walked into the room, and Mr. Jackson directed his attention to Seth. “Seth, a word if you please.”

Seth walked toward the teacher, his eyes focused on Natti as she took her seat.

“You’re playing with fire, Seth,” Mr. Jackson told him. “And you’re going to get your fingers burned for it.”

Seth snapped his full focus on Mr. Jackson. “I don’t see how it’s your business.”

“She is my student. Actually, during her first week here, she’s become one of the best. Perhaps you could take a leaf from her book when it comes to your studies.” Mr. Jackson glanced at Natti. “But I also know your reputation, and the last thing I want to see is you corrupting that young woman. She has a future.”

Seth sneered and turned on his charm. “You make that sound like a bad thing. After all, wouldn’t I be just as good for her as she might be for me?”

The application of his magic and the Subjection of his words easily worked their way into Mr. Jackson’s brain. His face softened, his eyes becoming out of focus. “I guess that could be true, like much of the great literature romances. I’m just concerned, for her sake.”

“I understand.” Seth patted him on the shoulder. “Yet is my personal relationship with her really any of your business?”

Kelsey Ketch's books