Court Out

Chapter Twenty Four

The rest of the day continues with out any major catastrophes. I run around like a tipsy headless chicken, making sure that every whim of Serena’s is catered to. Despite my initial thoughts that the suggestions she had for her big day would be way over the top, the venue looks beautiful.

My room is huge, with a large carved ash four poster bed, adorned with luxurious bed linen and bountiful fluffy pillows. I’ve already raided the complimentary stash of goodies in the bathroom and had a long soak in the freestanding tub.

I wish Sebastian were here. I’ve resisted the temptation to call him for fear of being overheard again. He’s spending the night with Ewan and the rest of the boys to make sure that he gets to the wedding in one piece tomorrow. I have no idea what Sebastian is going to say to him, if anything about Serena.

It’s one of those great hypothetical questions, isn’t it? I mean, if you knew that your friend was going to marry someone who had been involved in a heady physical and emotional relationship with someone, would you tell them? Is it any of your business? Would they shoot the messenger?

I always thought I knew the answer, but now, I really don’t know what to do. Of course, that situation doesn’t incorporate the fact that your best friend has been doing other, criminal acts with the man, but the basics are there.

I’ve cried off attending the rehearsal dinner downstairs, on the basis that I don’t want to run the risk of eating too much. Serena seemed content with the excuse for my absence and again gave my waistline a rather smug glance. She’s promised to pop in later so we can do some ‘girlie stuff’ before going to bed. I’d much rather sit and eat one of the many bowls of pot pourri dotted around the room, but I think I’m stuck with it.

The banging on my bedroom door comes just after 10. I unlock and open the heavy wooden door and am greeted by the sight of a clearly inebriated Serena. She pushes past me and sits heavily in the middle of the bed. I grab the television remote and tune in to a channel showing a film that I hope will distract her. It takes me a moment to realise that I’ve tuned into the adult channel. Serena doesn’t seem to have noticed and we sit in silence for a few moments, watching the synchronised bobbing bottoms before she turns round to face me.

“Do you think I’m doing the right thing?” she slurs.

Despite everything, this was not what I was expecting.

“What do you mean? About what?” I ask, somewhat shrilly.

“Marrying Ewan. I mean, he loves me and everything and he’s nice to me, but is this it? Can I really be with just him for the rest of my life?”

She looks at me expectantly. “Well?”

“Well, tomorrow you are going to have to say your vows to him and really mean them. If you can do that, then you should marry him. If you can’t, then no, you really shouldn’t.” I don’t know where this amazing pearl of wisdom has come from, but it actually makes a lot of sense.

Serena tries and fails to process this. “Yeah, but I want to get married, I like the security of a relationship. Would it be so terrible if I got married just for the perks?”

Despite everything, I’m already speaking words of reason to her.

“Erm, yes! Serena, if you are having totally acceptable pre-wedding jitters then that is one thing. If you have no intention of being a good wife to Ewan for the rest of your life, then that’s something else altogether!”

She sighs. I can practically see what is going through her head. She’s wondering whether to tell me about her dalliance with Rivers. I decide to try and push it. For once I can be devil’s advocate.

“So, I saw Lucinda this morning” I start.

Serena sits bolt upright and looks at me with a deep frown. “Really? Did she say if she was still coming?” she asks, chewing on her bottom lip.

“Coming? Coming where?” I stupidly reply.

“To the wedding, of course!” she responds.

Wait a minute.

“Serena, please tell me you didn’t invite Rivers to the wedding?” I beg, already knowing the answer. A defensive mask settles on her face.

“Yes, I did. What of it?” she snaps.

I decide to skate around the issue.

“Well, it’s just that you and Lucinda are hardly best friends are you? Anyway, she didn’t mention it. She did mention her own wedding though.” I say, not able to resist.

Serena’s frown has deepened and she has screwed the duvet up between her fists. She looks like she’s struggling with something. It takes a moment before she replies.

“Yes, well I doubt if that’ll ever happen. Now I’d better get to bed.”

With that, she gets to her feet with remarkable agility for someone with that level of sobriety and leaves the room without a backwards glance.

I text Sebastian, bidding him goodnight and letting him know what I heard from Roger. He replies within seconds. It would seem that Ewan is experiencing his own wedding nerves, but that’s probably due to Serena’s behaviour, not any other women he’s debating leaving her for.

I relax on the bed and debate whether to crack open some Pringles from the mini-bar but decide against it. It really would be terrible if, along with all the other guaranteed drama tomorrow, my dress bursts open at the seams. Aside from the excesses of champagne today, the diet has really been a success. I haven’t actually seen the bridesmaids dress since we first picked it out. Serena has it with her in her room. I did ask to try it on earlier, but apparently it was with the seamstress who was doing a last minute alteration to the hem.

It’s actually a pretty nice dress. Floor length lilac silk, with one shoulder and some draping around the waist. It’s technically simple, but strangely flattering. I’ve got some gorgeous silver Gina platforms to wear with it and my diamond solitaire earrings that my parents bought me for my 21st.

Serena’s sister Dianne and Ewan’s sister, Marsha are the other bridesmaids and she has a couple of flower girls too. The hair and makeup people will be here pretty much at the crack of dawn so I really should be trying to get my beauty sleep.

One AM comes, then two, then three. I’ve given up on counting sheep or trying to do long division in my head in an attempt to drop off. No matter how many ways I toss and turn, my mind is still racing with ways in which the current predicament could play out. The police wouldn’t really arrest Serena at her own wedding, would they? If not, then when? I wonder if Hobbs has been arrested again? What’s happened to Walker?

I just need to know what is going on. DC Connelly didn’t get back to me, so I’m totally (And literally at this moment) in the dark. I lie on my back and stare up at the ceiling. Whatever happens, I hope the makeup lady brings vats of concealer to disguise the suitcases now lodged under my eyes. I decide to get up, stretch my legs and get some fresh air.

I dig out my recently well-worn trainers from within my suitcase and slip them on. It’s quite a warm night so I guess I should be ok in just my pajamas.

I creep down the dark corridor, anxious not to disturb those luckily enough to be enjoying their deep slumber. As I head down the stairs towards the front door I’m surprised to see a figure in white stood outside on the steps. A cloud of cigarette smoke is around them and whoever it is, is pacing across from left to right. Trying to be as quiet as I possibly can, I sidle up to the door and realise with a start that it is Serena. She’s in her dressing gown, with her hair on top of her head in a messy bun. She’s also talking to someone on her mobile. I can’t hear what she’s saying but from the look of it, it’s a pretty heated conversation. She’s clearly arguing given the expression on her face and she looks far from the radiant bride that she’s supposed to be.

I duck out of sight and try to remain in the shadows. I wonder if there is any way that I can listen to what she’s saying? Inspiration strikes and I make my way into the small cloakroom off the main hall. Carefully, I open the small window and get as close to the gap as I can. For a second I can’t hear anything, then Serena’s voice rings out, sharp and crystal clear through the night air.

“No, of course I don’t know how she knows about us, but she does!”

She sounds impatient and massively annoyed.

“Something she said earlier. By the way, has Quinn said anything to you?”

There’s a long pause. She is still pacing around the front of the property, smoking furiously.

“How is this my fault! Anyway, where the f*ck have you been? What’s this about you still getting married? Why haven’t you been returning any of my messages? Do you know how you’ve made me feel?”

She sits down on the nearest step and listens to the response from the other end of the line. I’d bet my Louboutins that she’s talking to Rivers. Whatever he’s saying appears to be placating her. I can see that she’s nodding her head and making noises of assent.

“I know, it’s just so frustrating. And you promise you were going to call anyway? Mmm hmm. You too baby”

I’ve heard enough. I rush out of my hiding place and back up to my room as fast as I can. I get under the covers and shut my eyes tight. Before I know it, the surge of adrenaline that was with me moments ago has gone and I fall into a deep, troubled sleep.

Elle Wynne's books