Better Off Friends

everything was fine.

But sometimes a girl just needs her mother.


The wait in the principal’s office felt like forever. I had the

entire time to reevaluate how I acted. I remembered once in

first grade I’d been mad at this fourth-grade boy who always

teased me during recess. He’d call me names and sometimes

throw sticks at me.

I finally told Mom about it. I said that I hated him and I

wanted to punch him in the face.

Mom said I should never hit anybody, because violence was

never the answer. That hitting someone showed that you

cared. And you should never give someone that kind of power

over you.

But it wasn’t Keith I was mad at. Or cared about.

The door finally opened and I saw my father. I felt so guilty

for having to bring him in. I never wanted to be responsible

for one of those calls.

“Hey, Calley,” Dad said softly to me. He only called me this

when he was worried about his “baby girl.”

Principal Boockmeier motioned for him to sit down. I couldn’t

even look at my father, I was so horrified by my behavior.

“Well, I filled in your father about what happened. It seems

that Levi’s and Tim’s stories matched. Keith’s seemed to be a

bit more dramatic.” Principal Boockmeier pursed her lips,

like she was holding in a laugh. “While I understand you

were provoked, what Keith said, though unfortunate, did not

warrant your response. We have a very tough policy on violence of any kind, and you did hit him. So you’ll be suspended

for the rest of the week and have after-school detention for

two weeks. If there are no more incidents, this will not go on

your college transcripts.”


I was shocked and relieved. Thanksgiving was this week,

so I was only going to miss two days. And there was a chance

it wouldn’t totally mess up my record.

I quickly got up and followed Dad out of school. He stayed

silent on the car ride home. I looked down at my sore, slightly

red right hand.

The car stopped and Dad shut off the engine. I looked up

and found us in the Culver’s parking lot.

“What . . .” I mumbled.

Dad turned to me, tears in his eyes. “I can’t say that was a

fun call to get, Macallan. But then I heard from both Principal

Boockmeier and Levi about what happened and, well . . . your

mother was one of the sweetest people on earth. She wouldn’t

have hurt a fly.”

Tears began to well up in my eyes. I’d let my father down

and, worse, I’d let my mother down.

“But” — he put his hand on mine — “she would never have

tolerated anybody talking crap about her family. That would not go over well. Your mother would’ve done the same thing,

sweetheart. You remind me more and more of her every day,

and while I might not be able to help you with everything she

could, I’m so proud of you. She would’ve been, too.”

“Really?” Tears were coming out harder now.

“Of course.” Dad held on to my hand tightly. “And I know

she’s looking down on you right now, probably laughing a little, and wishing she could be here with you. She’d want me to

treat you to some custard for being strong and standing up

for your uncle, and for yourself.”

I pictured Mom as Dad described her, and knew he was


right. She’d never tolerated anybody treating Adam differently. One of the things Dad said he loved most about her

when they first started dating was that she never babied

Adam. She treated his younger brother like everybody else.

She certainly wouldn’t have allowed anybody to speak to

him, or me, that way.

“Is that a smile I’m seeing?” Dad asked.

I nodded. “You’re right. I know Mom would be proud. She’d

be proud of both of us, Dad.” He seemed surprised about my

confession, but I wasn’t the only person who’d lost somebody.

“Let’s go get some custard.”


I’m so sorry, Macal an. You know how awful I feel about what

happened. I should’ve stepped in, I should’ve punched him in the face.

I can’t believe I acted like such a wimp. It real y is a miracle you ever talked to me again. And I’m grateful that I’ve never had to experience your right hook.

I’m so sorry, I know I shouldn’t joke about that.

I’m such an idiot.

Blimey if I didn’t deserve a punch in the face.

I’m so sorry.

Moving on.


I needed to clear my head.

So I did the only thing I could think of to make me feel better.


Since football season was over, I didn’t have to worry about running too long and burning off extra calories. Or have to think about keeping my weight up. Or think about anything.

I only had to run.

I’ll admit that catching that ball and hearing the cheering was

amazing. I understand how people can get caught up in moments