Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

Lynn smiled. “Fuck, yeah.”

“Plus, we need to be around alpha males like you two. You know, to listen to how you really talk. Don’t edit yourselves for us.” Barbara smiled warmly.

Braxton looked at Damon. “Well, you see, we were planning on leaving today.”

“Oh, you can’t do that! I need an inspiration for my hero and you two gentlemen fit the bill,” Barbara pleaded.

“Yeah. You can’t just leave us helpless women here alone while there’s a madman on the loose,” Felicity offered.

“I don’t think you are exactly helpless.” Braxton nodded toward the .45.

“Are you kidding? What if I hear a bump in the night, get up to investigate, and end up shooting Kate who couldn’t sleep and is making homemade cookies because that’s what she does when she’s got something on her mind.”

“You wouldn’t really shoot me would you?” Kate’s voice quavered the tiniest bit.

Felicity smiled broadly. “Not on purpose.”

“If you ladies will excuse us, I need to have a word with Kate.” Braxton guided her toward the kitchen.

Alone in the kitchen, he glared at her. “I think you need to tell them they can’t stay.”

“Why would I do that? Are you crazy?” she hissed.

“I’m not the crazy one wielding a .45. Did you see the look in Felicity’s eyes? I don’t think she’s right in the head.” He tapped his temple for emphasis.

“I’m not telling them they can’t stay. They’re not crazy. They’re just writers. Besides, I need the income. If the bank sees I’m bringing in customers, then I might have a chance against foreclosure.”

Kate’s face lit with the hope. He doubted she’d survive a foreclosure. It would crush her.

Braxton blew out a breath. “They can stay, but on one condition.”

Kate crossed her arms and narrowed her gaze on him. “What’s that?”

“I stay, too.”


Kate stood in front of the living room window, watching Damon and Braxton retrieve the luggage out of the cars. She grinned as Damon dropped a bag, cursed, and straightened. From the posture of the two males, Braxton had to be telling him he wasn’t going anywhere.

A few minutes later, they were stomping back through the house and following the group of writers to their rooms. Kate busied herself in the kitchen, checking her supplies and making a list of what she needed to pick up. She had enough for breakfast in the morning, but would have to head into town afterward to replenish her stock. The writers popped in the kitchen to grab their room keys and tell her they were heading out and might be back late.

“What the hell am I supposed to tell Barrett?” Damon followed Braxton in to the kitchen.

“Tell him you couldn’t find me.” Braxton grabbed a soda out of the refrigerator and popped the top.

“I already told him I found you, dumbass.”

“Then tell him you lost me again.” Braxton gave his friend a broad smile.

“I...” Damon growled as his phone began to ring. He snatched it out of his jacket and slid his finger across the screen. “Hello?’

Damon’s face softened and then a smile broke out across his lips. Speaking in a hushed voice, he walked into the living room.

“Must be Ava.” Braxton stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She let herself lean back into the strength of his warm chest.

“How long have they been together?” Her heart melted as he rubbed his bristled chin against her cheek.

“A few months, I think.”

“So they are still in the honeymoon stage.”

Braxton chuckled. “The honeymoon stage is never over between mated Weres.”

She tilted her head back to meet his gaze. “You mean they never get tired of being around each other?”

“Nope. Not to mention the sex gets better every year.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Better? How can it get better than when we…” Her words drifted off as his hand found her breast. She moaned and arched into his greedy hand.

“You feel so damn good.” His hoarse voice sent delicious electricity straight to her core.

“Son of a bitch,” Damon snarled as he strode into the kitchen.

Braxton quickly moved his hand and shot Damon a dirty look.

“What’s wrong?” Kate pulled away from Braxton’s arms and hurried to the refrigerator, pretending to search for something in order to give her body time to cool down.

“Ava’s really pissed. She thought I’d be home by now.” Damon propped his hands on his hips and sighed. “Jesus, she flipped when I told her I was at a bed and breakfast. I told her I was here on a mission. It’s not like I’m sitting around playing footsie with Braxton and eating bonbons.”

Kate giggled at the image of the two males. “I don’t have bonbons, but I do have some cookies and some wine.”

Damon brightened a little. “Almost forgot about that.”

Braxton snarled. “Save your cookies and wine for that writer group. Don’t waste them on him.”

“Damon’s a paying guest too, Braxton,” Kate admonished.

Jodi Vaugn's books