Beneath a blood lust moon (Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves, #2)

“How come I didn’t get cookies and wine?” Damon scowled.

“Because you ate everything in the house,” Kate deadpanned.

“That sounds so romantic.” Barbara sighed.

Kate frowned. “What? Damon’s appetite?”

“No. The cookies and wine.”

“How much wine are we talking about? Because we’re just letting you know, we can throw back some liquor,” Myrtis said.

Felicity waved her hand in the air in a dismissive gesture. “Ignore her. We brought our own alcohol. The last bed and breakfast we stopped at said no alcohol. We were beginning to wonder if Eureka Springs was a dry city.”

Kate laughed. “It’s not a dry county. That’s for sure. And alcohol is definitely allowed at the Bella Luna.”

“What a relief.” Barbara sighed. “I was beginning to think we were going to have to stay at that hotel just outside of town. You know, the one next to the construction site with all the police tape around it.”

Kate went pale.

Braxton squeezed her hand to keep her from saying anything.

“I’m afraid there was a death there last night.”

The ladies let out a collective gasp.

Too late. Braxton rubbed his hand down his face. She needed to bring in customers, not scare them away.

“I’m not sure what happened, but…” Kate’s voice trailed off.

Lynn’s eyes widened. “Was it an accident?”

“Was it suicide?” Barbara’s mouth dropped open.

Felicity arched an eyebrow. “Was it murder?”

Kate looked up at him. “I believe the police are ruling it as a homicide.”

“Murder! I knew it!” Felicity pumped her fist in the air while the other ladies shot her a glare at having guessed correctly.

“Sorry. We’re writers and we sometimes get excited over the weirdest things.” Barbara laughed. “It makes for great fodder for our novels.”

“Yeah.” Felicity’s eyes grew wide with excitement. “On our last trip to New York, we were almost kidnapped by this crazed taxi driver and held for ransom.”

Myrtis snorted. “We were not. That cab driver wouldn’t let you out of the car because you refused to pay him.”

“Fifty bucks for two blocks. That’s criminal.” Felicity crossed her arms.

Braxton shook his head. These were the craziest women he’d ever seen. And he’d seen a lot of crazy during his stint bartending in a strip club. “Are you ladies interested in seeing the rooms?” They needed to quit yapping and book the damn rooms already.


Sadness filled Kate’s eyes.

“We don’t need to see the rooms. We’ll take it.” Barbara clasped her hands together.

“Really?” Kate brightened. “The rooms are ready now if you’d like to get settled in.”

“That would be great.” Felicity plucked her keys out of the depths of her oversized purse. “Let’s unpack first. Then we can head back into town for a late lunch at that place Lynn pointed out.”

Barbara looked horrified. “You mean that hole in the wall? I’m not sure it’s safe, Felicity.”

“We don’t want safe. We want excitement for our novels.” Felicity gave a sly grin. “Besides, if there’s trouble, I got this.” She pulled a .45 handgun out of her bag.

“Holy shit, Felicity. Put that damn thing away.” Danielle flapped her hands up and down nervously.

Braxton shoved Kate behind him. “Do you have a permit for that?” Crazy women and guns did not mix.

“Sure do. Concealed carry permit right here.” As Felicity waved her license, her gun swung around and pointed at Barbara, who had the good sense to drop to the floor.

“Jesus, give me that!” Myrtis grabbed the gun and pointed it at the ceiling. “Who the hell would give you a concealed weapon permit?”

“The guy teaching the concealed weapon class. Plus, he asked me out to dinner.”

“Great to know there are assholes out there willing to give a crazy woman a gun for a piece of ass.” Myrtis glared.

Damon and Braxton snorted. The women turned and looked at them.

Braxton sobered and nodded. “If you ladies unlock your trunks, we’ll be happy to take your luggage to your rooms.”

“We will?” Damon arched his brow.

Braxton elbowed him hard in the side.

“Why, aren’t you two gentlemen?” Barbara gushed and then locked her gaze on Braxton as she cocked her head. “Do you know who you remind me of?”

Braxton stiffened. Holy fuck. Had his face been splattered over the five o’clock news?

“A pirate.”

“Excuse me?” He had fucking blue streaks in his hair. No pirate had blue streaks in their hair.

Damon laughed out loud.

Braxton shot him a glare and jerked a thumb in his direction. “What about Damon? Who does he look like?”

Barbara gave him a thoughtful look. “He looks like a vampire.”

Damon looked horrified as Braxton barked out a laugh. “I do not look like a fucking vampire.”

“Damon! You can’t say the F-word in front of these ladies!” Kate hissed.

“Why not?” Felicity shrugged. “We say it all the time in our writing. Don’t we, Lynn?”

Jodi Vaugn's books