Ambition: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Driven Book 1)

Pulling on me, we rolled so that I was on top, filled deeper than ever by Patrick's wonderful cock. Holding my waist, he planted his hips and thrust hard and deep, his eyes still looking into mine. My body tensed again as another wave of orgasm swept on me and I cried out, my body singing joyfully to the universe as pleasure and release shot through me all the way to the tips of my fingers and back again. It felt like my hair was almost standing on end it was so electrically wonderful, and still Patrick kept up his thrusts, even as sweat stood out on his forehead and beaded on his chest muscles.

I lost track of time, of the world, of everything except the feeling inside me and the wonderful, stupendous man underneath me. I rode him, pleasured myself on him, feasted on his body and his cock with carnal, unbidden need until I could feast no more. My breath tore from my throat as I lost count of the number of climaxes he gave me, still maintaining iron-willed control, until tears were coursing down his cheeks from the effort of his restraint. I couldn't take any more, and I looked down at him.

"Now," I mouthed, my voice having failed me. "Come for me."

"As you wish," he said through gritted teeth, pulling me tight and rolling me over so that he was on top. His hips sped up even more, and in moments I could feel the trembling in his back and his thrusts that told me he would be mere seconds.

I'll never forget the image of Patrick as he came, the way his eyes flew open like it was a holy, ethereal experience. As he came, and my body tensed one more time, coming with him as we found that final level of perfection that I'd never found with anyone before. For the first time in my life, I'd found my total, complete sexual partner and equal, and as we collapsed on the carpet, too exhausted to even disentangle ourselves, I knew that I would forever be bound to this man.

Chapter 11


I wasn’t so much upset that Tabby was having sex with Patrick in the entertainment room as I was worried. It wasn't about the furniture, mind you.

I was worried because, as far as I knew, the last man before Patrick to have sex with Tabby was Scott Pressman, the Knave of Hearts. His chicanery had left her an emotional and mental wreck, and while she wasn't the same woman who Sophie had brought home and cuddled on the bean bag chair a whole night using classic Ben & Jerry's therapy, I cared about her enough to still worry.

"You knew she had to get back in the saddle eventually," Sophie said the next day after they'd both left. We'd loaned Patrick one of the Mount Zion cars so that he could get to his apartment to change in time for work, while Tabby just called Vanessa to say she was running late. Being the President meant you got to do that sometimes.

"Don't say that," I groaned, trying not to smile. "Because knowing Tabby, she has a literal saddle somewhere that we don't know about. I guess just, after Pressman, I was kind of hoping that Tabby would find a boring, non-criminal past sort of person. Better yet, an accountant who likes cats or something."

We were sitting in my home office, the Dow Jones and Nasdaq numbers running by me, Sophie on her computer composing an e-mail to some of the media outlets we knew. Bennie Fernandez had gotten back to my blind-drop e-mail saying that while he was too busy to deal with Gerald Traylor, he knew a good guy down in Washington with the IRS who would be able to handle the information we'd given him. Hey, when you’re hiding two mistresses in million dollar apartments, the IRS will find you if they want to. In the meantime, Sophie was using the media to blow up Traylor's facade even before the Feds got to him.

“I’m sure you would,” Sophie joked back as she typed. "That way there'd be no way to have any lingering issues."

I shrugged. "Maybe. I just, I'm worried that she's exposing her heart again before it's ready."

Sophie clicked the mouse she was using and stood up, coming over and kissing my cheek. "Mathew Mark Bylur Marcus Smiley Mark Snow, you are the kindest, sweetest, most protective man I've ever met," she said. "But relax. I've seen Tabby before, and yes, Pressman screwed her up bad. But I've watched, and she's been right here with us. I wouldn't have set up the room the way I did if I didn't think she was ready."

"I guess. I suppose you know her better than me and I know she’s like a sister to you,” I said.

“While it was a terrible experience, she’s become a stronger person now."

I turned in my chair, pulling Sophie down into a hug. "You're too beautiful, you know that Sophie? Just too damned beautiful."

We held each other for a minute before Sophie kissed me and then patted me on the cheek, climbing out of my lap. "Well, if you want to have more than just a hug, give me a half hour to finish my work. If you can get through the market session, we can do a lot more than just a little playtime too."

"Oh?" I asked, turning back to my computer. "Why's that?"

"Because anticipation makes it all the sweeter," she breathed into my ear, her warm breath sending chills down my spine. "Besides, after listening to those two for most of last night, I'm needing a lot of satisfaction."

She reached between my legs and gave my cock a gentle rub and squeeze through my shorts before kissing my ear. "After lunch, this is mine."