Ambition: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Driven Book 1)

I was more nervous than ever the next night as I waited outside the theater for Patrick. We'd both decided that the sort of casual, non-dressy dates we'd been on so far were ideal for both of us. Despite our jobs, both of us were laid back casual types, and didn't feel the need to get dressed up all the time.

I'd even taken the RIST downtown to meet Patrick, forgoing any of the cars in the garage. I was wearing a casual, flirty sort of baby blue skirt with a white top and light jacket, since the evenings were starting to get a bit cooler. I also had one of my favorite little purses, a shoulder bag that was bigger than what I'd take to a club, but nowhere near huge. I've never understood women who carried a purse larger than some people's backpacks. It just wasn’t my style.

I didn't have to wait long. Materializing through the foot traffic around the theater, a smile lit up his face as he saw me waving for him. I'm sure I was doing the same as he came closer, jogging the last few feet before swinging me around in an embrace like we hadn't seen or spoken to each other in years.

"Whoa tiger," I joked, giggling with delight. "Are you going to greet me that way for every date we go on?"

"Depends," he replied. “Did you like it?"

"It was fun, but we can't do that after a meal," I joked in reply. I joked because the reality was, I was thrilled by the feeling. Patrick was strong and solid, his arms sturdy enough to carry me around like a little girl if he wanted to. Yes, I was enjoying it, and yes there was a bit of fluttering in my belly, the sort that usually meant I was feeling more than just fun.

We stood outside, looking at the marquee for a few minutes, and another warm chill went through me when Patrick put his arm around my shoulders. Instead of saying anything, I leaned into him, putting an arm around his waist. "You know, I really should get out more," he said after a bit. "I have no idea about any of these movies."

"Me either," I admitted. "I've been so busy with MJT, most of the entertainment I've gotten has consisted of stuff watched on the home theater."

"Really? Sounds like fun," Patrick replied. I could tell he was more comfortable with our respective socio-economic situations, for which I was grateful. After all, just a year prior I hadn't been making much more money than he was. I still wasn’t quite used to the money I was making these days. For me, the stuff at Mount Zion was mostly toys that didn't matter compared to the important things, the people inside.

It was that importance that made my next decision easy. "Well, how about we skip this then and head back to Mount Zion? I promise, the home theater Marcus installed is equal to anything short of IMAX, and the seats are going to be a lot more comfortable."

Patrick considered it for a minute, then nodded. "Sure. Uhm, is your staff going to be there?"

"Yes, but I can ask them to give us our privacy," I said. "They do have their own wing of the house they can stay in."

"Okay," Patrick said, "with one request.”

"What's that?" I asked as we turned and walked towards the RIST station.

"If you don't have popcorn at home, we stop and pick up some."

Pulling out my cell phone, I typed a quick message to Sophie, who responded within minutes.

No problem. Mark's even gone to the store to get you guys some popcorn, he said he'll make kettle corn for you when you get back.

I think he's happy he'll be in the area, I texted back. Sophie's reply was a series of hearts, LOL's, and a laughing emoticon.

I put the phone back in my purse and looked up at Patrick. “Shall we?”

It took us nearly forty five minutes to get back to Mount Zion, but as soon as we walked in, we were greeted with the most heartwarming site I'd ever seen. Sophie and Mark had dressed up, putting on their best suits (that weren't from the wardrobe of Marcus Smiley and Sophie Warbird), playing the perfect house staff couple. The lights were dimmed, and Sophie had dug out a lantern from somewhere to light the entryway. The candle inside flickered in a welcome, old fashioned light, casting us all in a beautiful orange-yellow light.

"Welcome home, Miss Williams," Sophie greeted me with a small smile, her eyes twinkling in the candlelight. "If you’d follow me."

Mark, for his part, looked elegant in the twin tail tuxedo that he had put on, taking our jackets and disappearing into the gym area, probably to hang them up somewhere. We didn't exactly have a formal coat check room, after all.

"What is all this?" Patrick whispered in my ear while Sophie led us to the entertainment room. "Last time I saw Matt, he was wearing a t-shirt and looking like a strict bodyguard."

"Careful, he could turn into James Bond at any minute," I only half-joked back, knowing how deadly Mark actually was. "I think they just want us to have a good time."

The entertainment room was laid out perfectly, with the largest bean bag chair positioned in the middle of the room, and two small tables set nearby, both of them currently empty. “Have a seat, I’ll bring you your refreshments presently. If you don't mind Miss Williams, Matt and I have taken the liberty to load the movie for tonight."