After the Storm (Storm, #1)

First I have to thank my family for their love and support through this process. They were one the first ones to hear my ideas and encourage me to go for it. To my wonderful husband Mike who let me write while he did all the work around the house and took care of our son. To my monkey Johnathan who can make me smile and laugh no matter what and gives the best cuddles. To my parents who I love with all my heart and still amaze me at their positive attitudes that get them through all of life’s battles.

Suzanne Soneira you are by far the best, most encouraging friend a girl could have. If it weren’t for you I would have never started on this journey. You were the one who pushed me to start writing. You were the one who told me I could do this after hearing and reading my story. You are the first one to hear my ideas and read what I write. I don’t think you could be sweeter if you tried. I love you. Thank you for just being you. I could have never done this without you.

Florencia Turco DeRoussel and Carla Turco you ladies are amazing. Truly wonderful people. I am so honored to know you both. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me about my book and help me make sure I was on the right track. And a big thank you for the photo shoot for my author photo. I had so much fun and you made me so comfortable, we were able to get some great shots.

Jennifer Short Benson, where to begin. My Purple-lovin’ Indie Author Book Ninja. You are awesome. I love how you support your Indie Authors 110%, and are always there for us. Thank you for not allowing me to jump off the ledge all the times I wanted to quit. Your belief in me helped get me where I am today. Thank you so much for just being you.

Carey Heywood and Melissa Collins, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I tried not to pester you too much. You both are such awesome women. I am amazed at what you both are able to accomplish on a daily basis. I can’t wait to meet you both and see if your awesomeness can rub off on me.

Chelle C Bird, girl, you crazy, and I love it. You made me smile and laugh so many times I lost count. One of these days soon I’m going to get to meet you in person my soul sista.

Louise Chapman, lady you are so sweet and will bend over backwards to help someone. Thank you so much for putting together my cover reveal, release day blitz and blog tour. Thank you for keeping me calm during all of it. If I ever make it across the pond I am so giving you a huge hug and not letting go until it is awkward.

To the indie authors who have supported me, answered questions, given advice, listened to my craziness and helped along this journey, A.L. Zaun, Antoinette Candela, Carey Heywood, Chelle C. Bird, E.K. Blair, Evelyne Stone, J.M. Hill, L. Chapman, Megan Hand, Melissa Collins and S. Moose. You ladies are so wonderful and I am honored to know you.

Carrie Sutton, you are so wonderful. I loved getting messages from you about how excited you were about something that happened in the book and the fact you were still “OMGing” weeks after finishing it. Thank you so much for the teasers you put together for me.

Heather Young, I love that you read my book in one day and compared me to one of my favorite authors Janet Evanovich. Thank you for helping me stay organized, on track, and contacting people for me.

Kristina Amit not only were you able to give me awesome feedback, you were also available to chat online many times and helped iron out some of the scenes so that they flowed better. I loved the fact that you searched the internet finding pictures that reminded you of my book.

Saoching Moose, every time I would think I wasn’t good enough I’d listen to one of your messages that you sent me while you were beta reading. Your voice and words still bring a huge smile to my face, just like the first time.

To my beta readers, thank you, thank you, thank you. You helped me fill in all the gaps in my story that didn’t make it on the paper from my head when I first typed it. Alexis Durbin, Antoinette Candela, Carey Heywood, Carrie Sutton, Chelle C. Bird, Jenn Diaz, Jennifer Short Benson, Heather Young, Kristina Amit, Nicki DeStasi, Saoching Moose, Stacia Newbill, and Suzanne Soneira. I cannot put into words how wonderful you all are and how much I appreciate you. You all are invaluable to me. Each and every one of you added to my story.

To Melissa at MG Cover Design thank you for putting up with me and wanting to change something that I just noticed after viewing the cover at least a dozen times.

To Angi Black you rock my world. Or should I say, you edit my world. And boy does my world need it! Thank you for working your magic.

M. Stratton's books