After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Evie leaned over and whispered into Lexi’s ear, “Hey, snap out of it. You can’t change the past, you can only work with today.”

Lexi could see the worry in Evie’s eyes and was hit once again by how much she hated that people were worrying about her. She hated the fact that she felt so hateful. This wasn’t her.

“So, Lexi, I was thinking.” Leigh paused to give Evie a cross look when she groaned. “I think we should get all of the guards in here. You know, just so we know what they all look like. We wouldn’t want to mistake them for the press. There are so many of them, I just can’t keep them all straight.”

“Leigh, that is a wonderful idea. I even have my camera with me. We could take pictures and get all of their information. You know, just to make sure we don’t miss anyone.” Evelyne bobbed her head up and down in excitement.

“And look, I just happen to have a notebook, too. Seems we’re ready. Come on, bring them in Lexi.” Marie sat with her pen poised over the paper and a hopeful expression on her face.

Lexi looked over at Evie and could see the excitement in her eyes, too. Maybe this was something they all needed—a way for the ladies to let loose without going to jail and for her to smile without feeling guilty. Besides, she’d been so caught up in herself she really hadn’t paid much attention to all the people around the property and she should. “Let me talk to Noah.”

Evie wiggled in her seat. “No need, I’ve already talked to him. As long as you were fine with it, the show should start any minute now.”

Lexi shook her head and sat back holding Evie’s hand for strength as the men started parading through the room. Noah must’ve had a good talk with them because most of them decided to have some fun. They stated their names and basic information, then added what they looked for in a woman, their turn-ons and -offs. Some of them even played music from their phones and danced.

Lexi glanced over at the personal body guard Noah had hired. Kat Snyder sat in the background, watching everything and not smiling. She didn’t share much about herself, holding herself back into pure professionalism. Lexi hoped she’d break through Kat’s shell since they spent so much time together now.

She thought the ladies might have a heart attack when a few of the guards entered at the same time with nothing on but their boxers. Lexi had to admit that they had great bodies but she missed Noah’s. It’d been so long since she’d appreciated his body with her hands and mouth and she took the faint stirrings in her belly at the reminder as a good sign. Looking over to the doorway, she caught him standing there, and felt the heat that passed between them.

Soon, she knew.


Lexi stood in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. Physically, there were only slight pink scars where Jeremy had stabbed her. From a distance, you couldn’t see any of the external damage but her insides were something else. She was healing but knew there was still more that needed to be done, knew what her next step had to be. Noah was so afraid he would hurt her, and she feared he might no longer want her.

She took a deep breath and gave herself a pep talk, then stepped back, opened the door and walked into the bedroom naked. Noah’s eyes widened, darkening with hunger. He leapt out of bed and came over to her and she couldn’t stop her shiver.

Framing her face with his hands, he caught her gaze and kissed her softly, deepening the kiss when she arms wrapped around him. Running her hands over his skin she felt him shiver. He lifted her, never taking his lips off of hers as he walked to the bed where he laid her down. He fumbled with the bedside drawer before finally getting it open and rolled the condom on before they lost all control and dove into her.

For the first time in weeks, she felt she was coming home to herself in Noah’s arms. Her spirit started to fly. She let out a laugh it felt so good. Looking at the love she saw in Noah’s eyes, she knew everything was going to be okay.

They spent the night in each other’s arms, making slow sweet love, showing how much they meant to the other.


Lexi stood with Noah on her back porch, looking at the door. Her stomach was in knots—she didn’t want to go in there, but knew she had to. This was the first time she’d been to her house since the attack.

Noah rubbed her back. “You don’t have to do this, you know. We can wait until you’re stronger.”

M. Stratton's books