
To my copyeditor Lindsay Walter; regarding your skills as a copy editor I would like to express a sentiment that can only be summed up thusly: WOWSA! You absolutely blew me away with your attention to detail and eagle eyes. I’ve never had such a fabulous or more thorough copyedit, and I am incredibly grateful for how careful and detailed you were with my work. Thank you, thank you, thank you! And an additional Hyperian-Team shout-out to Julie Moody, whose patience and attention to detail proved to be a godsend in the final stages of editing When.


Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank all those friends and family members who’ve inspired, encouraged, supported, and believed in me. Specifically, they are: Brian Gorzynski, Sandy Upham, Steve McGrory, Matt & Mike Morrill, Katie Coppedge, Leanne Tierney, Karen Ditmars, Sandra Harding-Hull, Hilary Laurie, Nicole Gray, Shannon Anderson, Nora, Bob, and Mike Brosseau, Catherine Ong Kane, Jennifer Melkonian, Anne Kimbol, Sally Woods, John Kwiatkowski, Matt McDougal, Dean James, McKenna Jordan, Drue Ehrhardt Rowean, Juliet Blackwell, Sophie Littlefiled, Nicole Peeler, Thomas Robinson, Meg Guzman, I.J. Schecter, Laurie Proulx, Terry Gilman, Maryelizabeth Hart, Suzanne Parsons, and Betty & Pippa Stocking.


There are days when the only thing holding me up is your love and friendship, and for that I’m eternally grateful.




VICTORIA LAURIE is a New York Times best-selling adult mystery author and a former professional psychic intuitive. Both careers have served her beautifully in crafting her young adult debut, When. She lives and writes in Michigan.

Victoria Laurie's books