Three, Two, One

No. She strokes me in a way I’ve never felt before.


Her breathing increases as JD reaches for her breast and kisses her neck. “Blue,” he says. Her back bucks against him and then he switches positions, so he’s hovering over her. So he’s staring down at her. So he’s taking control of her. “Tell us to stop now, or this shit’s happening.”


She looks over at me, like she wants my opinion on the matter. “I’m in,” I say. More to reassure JD than her. Because that’s who he’s really asking. Me. He wants to know if we’re gonna do this. He wants to know if we’re really gonna share a girl.


Blue looks back up to JD. “Don’t stop.”


“Fuck, yes,” he says back. And then he leans down to kiss her. Fisting her hair and grinding his hips into hers.


I grab her thigh and open her legs. JD’s hands are no longer in the way, so I scoot down her body and slip my face right into her sweet spot, looking up to catch her expression as I tease her with my tongue.


“Ohhhh,” she moans into JD’s mouth. He straightens up and then straddles her, his knees on either side of her shoulders. And the moaning stops because his cock is in her mouth.


JD lifts his hips and I can see through his legs, a perfect view of Blue as she works him. She takes him like she touched me, with careful consideration. Not fast and wet, but slow. Deliberate. I finger her. First one, then two. She loses control of her work, and JD thrusts too hard, making her gag.


“Fuck, yes,” he says again.


I lift Blue’s legs to gain access to her ass, and when my tongue slips in to probe, she begins to beg. “Please,” she says, looking up at JD. “I need this.”


“Tell me what you need, darling,” JD says. He likes to talk when he fucks. “Tell me what you want.”


“I need you both,” she moans.


“Where?” JD prods. “Keep telling us what you want, Blue.”


I stop what I’m doing to her clit. My fingers withdraw from her ass. And I wait for it. Because I want to hear it too. I need to hear it too.


“Both of you, JD.” She looks down to me. “Inside me, Ark. Please.”


JD moves backwards, forcing me back as well. His hand reaches down to stroke himself a few times before he positions himself over the top of her. Her * is wet from my licking and her body is so ready, she angles her hips upwards, inviting JD in.


He lowers himself just enough for the top of his cock to enter and this drives her wild. I kneel behind JD, waiting for him to give her what she’s begging for. And when he finally thrusts inside her, I almost think she’ll come right then. I move off to the side and JD fucks her hard for a few seconds, pumping into her with a fury. She winces and cries out, and I place a hand on JD’s back. “Easy,” I tell him.


He slows. I move to the side of Blue and lie on my back, while JD pulls out, wraps an arm around her waist, and lifts her up, placing her on top of me. My dick is so hard it slides right between her ass cheeks and bumps up against JD’s balls.


“Oh, fuck,” he says. “Jesus. Fuck. Ark.”


I reach down as JD lifts her hips up to allow me to gain access. Her * is so wet, dripping down into her ass, I have no problem entering her. She stiffens from the moment of pain, but I pull out a little, giving her time to get used to me. She breathes heavy, panting, as JD whispers dirty, soothing things into her ear. “Let him in, Blue,” he says. “Let us fill you up, baby.”


I slide in a little farther and again she whimpers. But this time I don’t stop, I ease in a little bit more, and then I get past the muscles trying to keep me out and I’m fully inside her ass.


“Oh fuck, yes,” JD says. “Fuck, yes. I can feel you, dude.”


I can feel him too. His dick is moving slowly inside her, but when I move as well, he throws his head back and thrusts deeper.


Blue wails.


I place another hand on JD’s back. “Easy, man. If you ever want to do this again, she needs to have fun too.”


JD leans down to kiss Blue on the lips. “Sorry,” he says. “Sorry. I’ll go slow for you.”


I reach under JD’s arms and grip her breast, kneading and squeezing it until she relaxes. JD moves slowly now, letting her get used to us both, and then my hand slips down and begins to tease her clit.


This is when she goes wild.


Her whole body arches, her mouth is open, moaning this time, not screaming. Her legs are shaking, trembling from the pleasure and the exertion. I keep it up, and then JD is pumping hard, his cock sliding past my own as he fucks her. His arms strain to hold himself up. He’s kissing her lips. Sucking her neck. Biting her shoulder.


And then she stops. Everything stops. For one moment, we are still.


She explodes. I can feel her muscles straining as she comes all over JD’s dick. He bites his lip, trying to hold back so we can both enjoy her release before we finish and it has to end. She clenches twice, then three times. Once for each of us, I think to myself with a grin. And then when her wave of pleasure starts to dissipate, JD pumps her hard and pulls out, spilling his semen all over her belly.


“Yes, fuck, yes,” he whispers as he kisses her face. “Fuck, yes.”


I push him off her and then roll Blue and I over so I’m on top. “One more time for me, OK?” I ask her as her body, wanting so desperately to relax, arches up again as my fingers flick against her clit.


“Ohhh,” she moans.


And then I’m inside her. I go to the pace of JD’s heaving breathing next to me. Hard and fast at first, but then slower. He catches his breath. Blue accepts my movements and begins to match me, her hips moving with mine. I thrust deeper and deeper with each long pulse. And then I cup her face between my hands and look her in the eyes. “Ready?”