Rock with Me (With Me in Seattle, #4)

“Liar.” She sits up and offers me a sweet grin. “It’s almost dawn anyway. We could go for a run.”

I pull her back to me and roll her so she’s tucked beneath me, cradling my pelvis in hers and her hands immediately find my ass.

I brace my elbows beside her head and bury my hands in her hair, nuzzle her nose with mine, and then sink into a long, slow, wet kiss. She makes me forget the shitty past, and is the first person I’ve been with that makes me feel as alive as I feel when I’m playing music.

I’m never letting her go.

My cock is painfully hard again, and rubbing against the wetness from her *. Each time I hit her clit with the tip, she moans and bites her lip. I reach over for a condom, but she stops me, links her fingers in mine and pulls them to her face, rubbing the back of my hand on her cheek.

“We don’t need the condom,” she whispers, her gorgeous blue eyes watching mine intently.

“Sam.” I kiss her tenderly. “I’m fine with the condoms.”

She shakes her head and cups my face with her free hand. “We don’t need them,” she repeats. “I have an IUD.”

“But…” I begin, but she interrupts me again, kissing me with those pouty lips of hers, pulling on the hoop in my lip.

“I trust you,” she states firmly, eyes still on me and happy, and I know that statement is possibly the most profound Samantha Williams could have made to me.

“I trust you, too.” My lips find hers again, sweeping back and forth, teasing her sweet tongue with my own, and I pull my hips back to slowly sink into her tight, wet warmth.

She gasps and smiles. “So much better this way.”

“Jesus H. Christ, Samantha I’ve never not used protection,” I admit and watch her closely.

“Me neither.” She grins. “I think I prefer it.”

If I move, I’ll come. It’s that simple. God, she feels amazing, her tight muscles gripping my bare cock, legs hitched up around my hips, cradling me. I’ve never felt so complete.

So whole.

“You have to move,” she murmurs.

“I don’t want to,” I shake my head and rest my forehead on hers.


“I don’t want it to be over.”

“Leo,” she wiggles her hips, forcing me to move within her. It takes my breath away. “This is just the first time.”

The first time of many.

My hips begin to move, thrusting softly at first and then gaining momentum, pushing harder, faster. I feel the build-up rush down my spine as the first tiny contractions grip my cock.

“Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” Reaching between us, I graze her clit with my thumb, and push her over the edge into oblivion. She bucks and cries out, her * squeezing around me even more. My balls tighten and lift, and the world stops spinning as I come inside her, truly inside her, for the first time.

It’s the most incredible moment of my life.

“Amazing,” I murmur and kiss her softly.

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

Chapter Fourteen


“My name starts with a ‘c’, and ends in a ‘t’. I’m hairy and round and squishy inside. What am I?” Jules folds over in laughter, the card with the question gripped in her hand.

“I need another beer,” Caleb mutters and stomps into Luke and Nat’s kitchen for another round.

“A carrot?” Brynna asks, squishing up her face in concentration.

“What kind of carrots have you been eating?” Leo asks with a laugh.

“Ew. Yeah, never mind.”

“This is so fucking funny,” Jules chuckles.

What the hell could it be? I stare at Jules, as if she can send me the answer by osmosis. We’re playing Dirty Minds for family game night, all our siblings and better halves are here, and we’ve turned it into a drinking game.

Of course.

“I know what it is.” Will grins at Meg and runs his hand down her back to her hip. “Although yours isn’t hairy.”

“Yuck. Stop it,” I scold him and grin when he laughs out loud.

“Dude, really?” Leo scowls.

“What?” Will asks innocently.

“For the love of all that’s holy, Nat, stop fraternizing with the enemy!” Luke has Nat in a firm lip-lock, as usual.

“I’m married to him, Jules. He’s hardly the enemy.”

“Tonight he is. Girls against guys. Get your sexy ass over here with me.”

“Are you going to kiss me?” Nat asks with a raised brow.

“After one more drink, yes.”

“Definitely go over there with her,” Nate quickly jumps in and is met with frowns from all the guys, except Leo who continues to laugh next to me.

“Uh, they’re our sisters, man.” Matt reminds him with a frown on his handsome face, his blue eyes sparkling with humor.

“They’re not my sisters,” Nate responds.

“It’s a coconut, you nasty people!” Jules yells and hands the cards to me. “You go next.”

“Okay,” I respond and pull a card out of the deck. This game is effing hilarious. “I go in pink and hard and come out soft and sticky. What am I?”

“That’s disgusting.” Stacey laughs and takes a drink of her margarita.

“That’s not what you said last night.” Isaac leans in and nuzzles her neck, making her squirm and giggle.

“You are all over-sexed.” I announce to the room at large.

“Not all of us,” Brynna pouts, sticks her lower lip out and scowls at Caleb.

“Don’t start,” he warns her.

My eyebrows climb into my hairline. “What the fuck?”

“Caleb’s staying with Brynna and the girls for a while,” Luke fills me in. “It’s a safety issue.”

I frown over at the unlikely couple, Brynna with her long dark hair and generously curvy body – God, I wish I had her boobs – and Caleb, the big, muscular Navy SEAL.

“Is something going on there?” I ask Luke softly.

“I have no idea.” He shrugs. “But they keep looking at each other. None of my business.”

“What is it, Sam?” Nat asks with a grin.

“It’s gum.”