Rock with Me (With Me in Seattle, #4)

I stop and frown up at him. “Seriously?”

“Yep,” He’s pulling my tight jeans down my thighs and I struggle to turn to the keypad to enter in the code before the thirty-second window is up. I punch in the numbers and turn back to him.

“Step out of your pants.” He’s squatting by my feet, and I lean on his shoulders, bunching the material of the t-shirt in my fingers, while he peels the denim off my legs.

“Shirt off,” I mutter and he complies and assaults my mouth with hard, demanding kisses.

He pulls me to the stairs as we continue to tug and pull at our clothes, inching our way up toward the bedroom.

“Can’t wait.” He props me on the landing, my feet planted on the stairs and he leans in and buries his face in my still-covered *.

“Holy shit!” I jackknife into a sitting position, watching Leo pull the lace to the side with his forefinger and lap at my labia, through my folds and up to my clit. “Fuck,” I whisper.

“Lie back,” he instructs me, his voice hard and leaving no room for argument.

I love it when he gets demanding.

He rips my underwear in two and throws them over his shoulder.

“You keep destroying perfectly good underwear.” I pant and feel him grin against my *.

“I’ll buy you more.”

“You don’t have to. I like it.” I hear him chuckle and then his tongue is inside me and my hips raise up off of the stairs, pushing me harder against his mouth. He cups my ass in his hands and holds me tightly against him.

“Fuck you’re good at that.” And I remember: I’m one of the few who knows that.

He sinks a single finger inside me, and I clench around him, my muscles ready to clench around his thick cock.

I need him inside me.

“Leo,” I breathe.

“Yes, baby.”

I look down to find him watching me, watching my nipples pucker in arousal, my breath coming fast, my teeth biting into my lip over and over again while he finger-fucks me and licks at my clit.

“God, I need you.”

“You have me, Sam.” His eyes are happy and full of mischief as he sinks a second finger into me and sucks on my clit, hard.

I explode, screaming his name and grinding against his face, clutching his hair in my fists. I hear him laugh as he rises over me and pulls my nipples into his mouth, sucking hard and running his tongue over them each in turn, which sparks new contractions around his fingers.

“So responsive,” he murmurs against my mouth. I can smell myself on him, and damn if it doesn’t turn me on even more. “I think I need you in my bed.”

Before I can protest, or even respond, he lifts me and carries me quickly to the bedroom, and lays me, face down, on the bed. Just when I think he’s going to take me hard and fast, he begins kissing me, lightly biting me, from my ass up my spine and to my neck. He straddles my thighs and I feel his hard cock resting on my buttocks. He’s bent over me, caressing and kissing my back, whispering words that I barely understand through the thick sexual haze I’m caught up in, and I can’t help but lift my hips in invitation.

“In a minute, baby,” he whispers and pulls his large hand down my back to my ass. “You are beautiful, Sam. I love your soft skin. You don’t have any scars or marks on you.”

“Well, just the ink from your marker,” I remind him with a smirk and he bites my shoulder playfully.

“You didn’t mind,” he mutters and continues to lightly rub me, raising goosebumps on my flesh.

“It was sexy,” I whisper.

“You’re sexy,” he whispers back and kisses my shoulder where he just bit it. “I love your raspy voice.” He kisses my spine, right between my shoulder blades. “I love your soft blonde hair.” He kisses my other shoulder. “I love the noise you make when I do this.” He bites my earlobe and I moan.

“Fucking sexy,” he murmurs and slides down my body leaving open-mouthed kisses in his wake. He grips my hips and raises my ass off the bed. Finally!

But instead of fucking me, he buries his face in my * again, and sends me straight into another mind-numbing orgasm.

“Holy fuck!” I scream as he drags his tongue up and down my labia, from my anus to my clit. “Leo, please!”

“Please what, baby?” He asks, and I hear him tear open a condom. Thank Moses.

“Fuck me!”

“Okay,” he agrees and slams inside me, hard. I cry out again and push my ass back on him, meeting his thrusts. He suddenly smacks my right cheek with his palm and I shudder. He smacks the left cheek just before he slams into me again, and I feel like I’m going to simply die from the pleasure.

He continues to alternate lightly spanking me while fucking me, and when I hear his breath catch, and know that he’s almost there, I reach down between my legs and fondle his scrotum.

“Fuck!” He cries out and grips my hips roughly, pulling me rhythmically against him as he succumbs to his orgasm.

He pulls out of me and I fall onto my chest, ass still in the air. I can’t move.

I don’t care.

“Well, that’s a gorgeous sight,” Leo murmurs with a grin as he walks back into the room from discarding the condom. I open one eye and stare at him.

“You broke me.”

He laughs as he settles next to me, rolling me onto my side and into his arms. “I don’t think so.”


“Look at me.” I pull my eyes open to find him frowning down at me. “Are you okay?”

I nod and yawn and shimmy closer to him. He runs his knuckles down my face and his expression softens.

“Thank you for my song,” I whisper.

“You’re welcome.”

“Are you going to record it?” I ask, blinking lazily up at him.

“Yes, if you don’t mind.”

I shrug. “I don’t mind. You just don’t usually do many ballads.”

“It’s a badass ballad, not a * ballad,” he mutters defensively and I smile widely.

“Definitely badass,” I agree.

“Go to sleep, baby.” He kisses my forehead.