
I lay there with my head on her shoulder, our ragged breaths the only sound in the otherwise silent park.




I didn’t even want to look around to see if we’d been caught. She’d been loud, and I felt my skin warm as my heartbeat picked up.


She twisted her head toward me, and I leaned up, inches from her mouth. Her lips parted, and her eyes begged as she just stared at me, both pain and pleasure in her eyes.


Taking the invitation, I kissed her, wrapping my arms around the top of her head on the ground and enveloping her with my body.


The full force of her lips pushed back against mine, deepening the kiss.


“Madoc,” she quivered against my mouth. “I—”


“Shhh,” I urged, taking her mouth again.


There were things we needed to say. But not tonight.


? ? ?


That night I crashed on the couch in my father’s house, not wanting to push Fallon too far, too fast. Our midnight romp in the park was enough to scare her off, and I was pissed that I felt the need to walk on eggshells around her.


I had never cared about any other girl like this, and I didn’t know if that was just me, or if it was Fallon. She and I started so young; maybe she’d ruined me for other women. I didn’t know. And I wasn’t in the mood to think about whether or not I loved her.


I settled on the fact that I was simply not done with her.


So, I backed off, not insisting that we share a bed, and opted to let her get some rest.


Tate and Jared were already home by the time Fallon and I walked in. I didn’t see them, but I could definitely make out certain little noises coming from their room that told me they weren’t asleep.


I planted a long kiss on Fallon’s lips before saying good night.


But the next morning, it was Jared shaking me awake.


“Hey, we’re heading out soon,” he alerted me.


I brought the heel of my hands up to rub my eyes. “Is everyone up?” I asked, sitting up. He threw two duffel bags into the foyer next to the door. “Yeah, but Fallon’s already gone.”


I threw my legs over the edge of the couch with my elbows on my knees.


“What?” I blurted out, looking at him like he better be lying.


“I guess she woke Jax up early to fix the car.” He gave me a knowing look. “Obviously, that didn’t take long, since he only had to plug back in the throttle body, so she’s already been gone an hour.” He stopped and stared, chewing on his gum and waiting for me to say something.


“Un-fucking-believable!” I shouted, picking up a vase from the coffee table and hurling it across the room where it shattered against the wall.


I slammed myself back against the brown leather couch, running my hands over my face in exasperation.


What the fuck?


“What’s up?” I heard Jax come around the corner and ask. I laid my head back, closing my eyes and locking my hands on top of my head.


“Nothing,” Jared answered. “Let me handle this.”


I didn’t hear Jax leave, but when I dropped my hands and opened my eyes he was gone. Jared walked around the coffee table and sat down in the brown leather chair that matched the sofa.


“She went back to Shelburne Falls for the rest of the weekend. Her mom texted saying she needed her there or something,” Jax said. The anger inside of me created a fog in my head too thick to think.


Jared dug in his hoodie and seemed to be removing one of his keys. “We’re heading back now,” he said as he worked. “We’ll visit the parents, and Tate’s got a race tonight. You should come.”


I shook my head, not even looking at him.


Was he nuts?


He held a key out to me. “To Tate’s house,” he explained. “Fallon is staying there tonight. Mr. Brandt is leaving town on business early this evening, and I’ll keep Tate in our room at your house. You go sort this out.”


I shook my head. “No way. I’m done.”


What the hell did Fallon ever really do for me anyway? This was the last straw. If she couldn’t open up and act fucking normal, then she wasn’t worth it.


Jared stood up and threw the key on my T-shirt-clad chest. “Just go,” he ordered. “Sort this shit out. I want my friend back.”


“No,” I maintained. “I’m not chasing after her again.”


“I told the whole school about my teddy bear to get Tate back.” He scowled down at me. “Chase. Harder.”


But I couldn’t.


Fallon knew I wanted her. She had to know that I cared about her. But I didn’t trust her. She was playing me, and I didn’t know why.


When she was ready to talk, she’d find me.






Penelope Douglas's books