
Her lips twisted up, enough to know she was done with me for the night and was not cooperating.


But then . . . she turned her lips up in a sinister smile and looked me up and down.


“For someone that hates me,” she started as she looked at me with heat in her eyes, “you are awfully concerned about my comings and goings.” She dragged a delicate hand down her neck, over her breast, continuing down to rest on the inside of her turned-out thigh.


Holy shit.


My eyes had a mind of their own. They just followed.


She smirked as if she’d just won, and I blinked, trying to drag my gaze away from where her hand rested. Turning back around, she walked even faster as she continued down the sidewalk toward wherever she was going.


That’s when it occurred to me that she was alone.


“Where’s Aidan?” I shouted, but she ignored me, steering into the dim park.


Running after her this time, I tore off my light blue button-down and threw it across her arm.


“For Christ’s sake, Fallon, it’s cold and dark. Take the shirt.” I shook it at her, but took it away when she continued to ignore me.


I stuck my tongue between my teeth to keep from grinding them. “You can’t walk through a park alone,” I barked. “Where’s Aidan?”


“Why would I know where Aidan is?”


“Because . . .” I trailed off, blinking long and hard.


Fuckin’ Tate.


Realizing I’d been set up, and even more aggravated that Tate allowed Fallon to walk through town by herself in the dark, I exhaled deeply through my nose.


Of course, Tate probably assumed I’d run after Fallon, anyway.


“Well, looks like I got played. I was under the impression you left a bar with a complete stranger.”


“Yeah, that would be so like me, wouldn’t it?” The resentment in her comeback was thick.


“Yeah, well, you looked comfortable with him on the dance floor.” I struggled to maintain pace and still look cool. She was almost speed-walking.


“Yeah, just like you with the brunette?” she said over her shoulder. “Am I complaining, Madoc? Nope, because I don’t care.”




“Hey.” I brushed off the sting of her words with a casual smile. “I moved on. It wasn’t hard. Just like you did in Chicago, I’m sure.” I swerved in her path and cut her off, staring down at her as she tightened every muscle in her face. “With as easily as you open your legs for me,” I continued, “I’m sure you’re having a great time in college.”


Her eyes flared, and she slammed her hands into my chest, but I barely stumbled. “Ugh!” she growled. Her green jewels fired in anger, and her hair fanned around her face in a wild storm.


“Come on,” I challenged, breaking into a laugh. “You know I like it when you fight me. It gets you hot, and I get laid.”


Her fingers balled up, and I saw her hand coming before she probably even knew what she was doing. Her tight fist landed right across my jaw, hitting the corner of my mouth, and I didn’t even try to stop it. I loved Fallon’s fight. I always did.


The sharp ache in my face spread across my chin, and I pursed my lips, sucking and swallowing the blood from the cut on the inside of my mouth.


Her fists didn’t stop, though. Landing with two hard thuds right on my chest, I grabbed her wrists, trying to still her.


“I hate you!” she screamed, but the flutters in my stomach turned to amusement that I couldn’t hold back.


I burst out laughing, and she went wild.


Her arms flailed, and she tried pulling away and kicking at me, until finally I let her body crash into mine, dragging us to the ground. She landed on top of me, but I quickly rolled us over, straddling her.


She didn’t cry out, thank goodness, only wiggled and shot me with bullets from her eyes. God help me if a police officer stumbled this way, though. This “banter” was something most people wouldn’t understand. I wasn’t going to hurt her. I just wanted her attention.


Pinning her arms to the ground at the sides of her head, I leaned in, whispering in her ear.


“What did I say wrong?” I teased, feeling the fast rise and fall of her breasts against my chest. “You’re not having fun at college, or you’re mad that I called it? Don’t be ashamed for spreading yourself around, Fallon. It’s genetic. You’re your mother’s daughter, after all.”


“Ugh!” She reared up, trying to throw me off, but I pressed down.


“Come on!” I challenged, seeing the tears I wanted in her eyes. “Come on. Admit it!”


Her face, hot with fierce defiance, looked about ready to explode.


And then she screamed, “I’ve never been with anyone but you, asshole!”


And I stopped. Everything stopped.


The air left me. My face fell. I didn’t care that my heart pounded like a baseball bat across my chest.


What the hell did she just say?


I narrowed my eyes, studying her. She sucked in air through her teeth, glaring at me like she wanted to tear me apart.


“No one,” she growled. “Now get off me before I scream.”


I couldn’t believe it.


“In the two years that we were apart, there was no one else?” I questioned, still hovering over her.


“There will be.” Her threatening whisper sounded scarier than her shouts. “I’m going to make you a distant memory.”


I narrowed my eyes at her challenge, and whether I understood it or not, my dick started to swell, as well. Maybe it was the position we were in, the heat of battle, or the need to break her down, but I wanted to touch her hard.


I saw the silver glint of her tongue ring through her teeth, and I instinctively ran my tongue across the back of my bottom teeth, remembering the feel of that in my mouth on the dance floor.


Her breathing was slowing, and she licked her lips, not wavering under my gaze.


I kept my voice low and soft, trying to reach her. “You act like you have no heart, like you just swallow your conscience with all of the pain you cause. But I see through it, Fallon. The truth is, you want me like nobody’s business.” She closed her mouth and swallowed. “You’ve always wanted me. You know why? Because I don’t try to kill your demons. I run with them.”


Her chest started rising and falling faster again, and her eyes faltered.


“And I never stopped wanting you,” I added before crashing my mouth down on hers.


She moaned into my throat, and I was like a man at a feast. I couldn’t kiss her fast enough. The more my lips moved over hers, the deeper the hunger in my stomach.


More, more, more. My whole body was on fire.


Penelope Douglas's books