Lead (A Stage Dive Novel)

“You’re really … you want to …” I couldn’t say it. The words tangled, making it impossible to get them out.


“Why not? I see it as a win-win situation. I get to release some of my frustration and you get to release any lingering feelings messing with your head. We fuck, we see we don’t have chemistry, we move on. Or even better, everything falls apart like it normally does and you’re happy just going back to being friends. What do you say?”


To have, or not to have, sex with Jimmy. A bit of a no brainer. “Sure, why not?”


He straightened, removing himself from view. His presence though could never be doubted. The man was magnetic, his heat and hard flesh pulling me in. The way he opened himself to me and told me his secrets, the way he gave me his trust, it all drew me closer. The temptation to lean back against him was almost overwhelming. Carefully, he undid my ponytail, spilling my dark hair across my shoulders.


He twirled a strand around his finger, rubbing his thumb back and forth across it. “Like your hair.”


“Thank you.”


Slowly, he unwound my hair from his finger. His hand slid to the base of my spine and then went lower, over my ass, down to the edge of my red jersey dress. Never had one limb’s journey been so important. Goose flesh covered my back and it wasn’t from any chill.


“And I like you in red,” he said, brushing his lips against the tip of my ear.


“Do you?” I was just happy I wasn’t in sweats. The too-sexy-for-words medical boot, bright blue with white straps across the front, was bad enough.


“Oh, yeah.” His fingers skated right up the back of my bare leg, making me shiver. “Very much.”


Jimmy Ferris did not mess around.


“You want to do it r-right now?” I stuttered.


“Might as well.” His other hand slid around my front, stroking beneath the bulge of my breasts. He pressed his hard body against the length of me, grinding his erection against my ass cheek, making me ache. “Not inconveniencing you, am I, Lena?”


I sucked in a breath, my mind racing. “No. Not like I had anything else planned.”


“Good.” A finger traced the elastic of my panties around the top of my leg, sliding beneath to trace over my hipbone. It felt so fine my stomach pretty much turned itself inside out in elation.


To have him this close, the heat of him at my back, and the soap and subtle aftershave scenting the air, was bliss. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined this, the chance to really be with him. My skin felt hot, feverish. And my heart had started beating somewhere between my legs. God, I needed him touching me there.


“Probably safer on your back,” he said.


His words drifted right over me, meaningless noise. Right up until he reached around me and pushed aside the bowl and spoon. He turned me, picked me up, and placed me on top of the table.


“Lie back,” he said. The look in his eyes, the tension, it was hunger for me. Amazing. Tightly leashed but there just the same. I’d never seen such a beautiful sight in all my life.


“Lie back, Lena.” His hand on my shoulder guided me down until I was flat against the hard wood.


“We’re really doing this?” All I could hear was my heavy breathing. So incredibly loud. It wouldn’t have surprised me if the neighbors complained about the noise levels. “Jimmy?”


In lieu of a response, he slid his hands beneath my skirt and began divesting me of my sensible comfortable black cotton panties. Worn because the possibility of getting laid by my boss on the kitchen table hadn’t really crossed my mind. Yet there they went, flying over his shoulder.


“I guess we are,” I said.


He pulled a chair over and sat, hot eyes on me the entire time. A muscle jumped in his jaw repeatedly. Thank god I wasn’t the only one wound up about this.


I went up on one elbow, nerves buzzing in my head. “What are you doing now?”


“What people do at tables.” Strong hands held my legs apart. “Eating.”


My stomach dipped. “Oh, god.”


His head disappeared beneath my skirt.


Jimmy Ferris seriously did not mess around.


Warm breath hit my most secret female flesh. Okay, enough fancy talk, it was my vagina. Then he dragged his tongue up the length of my lips, sending lightning streaking straight up my spine. “Holy fuck.”


Beneath my dress, he hummed. The sweetest sound in all of creation.


I wriggled, trying to get closer. “Jimmy.”


His mouth attached to first one lip and then the other, sucking hard. Blood rushed through my veins at the speed of light, all of it heading straight to my *. It’d been so long since I’d had this, and never with someone so blatantly into the act. His mouth covered me, hot and hungry. Fingers sunk into my thighs and his tongue lapped at my labia, making me moan. I don’t know when my back hit the table once more. Early on would be my guess. Same went for when my eyelids slid closed on the cold white ceiling, high above my head. What Jimmy was doing took my full, undivided attention, every wet sound and fierce sensation driving me wild. My hips jerked, head turning this way and that. It was too much and not enough. I never wanted it to end.


The knowledge that this was him pressed all of my buttons, bringing my love and longing roaring to the surface. So much emotion, I felt ready to combust. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him all, to offer him anything. How incredibly foolish would that be? I bit down hard, the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.


He ate me like a man deprived, starved.


He ate me like I was his favorite meal.


Vaguely related, apparently singers had excellent tongue control and strength. Bless them for that, many, many times over. In fact, the man excelled at oral beyond my wildest dreams. He worked his mouth between the lips of my sex, tongue diving deep, tasting me. Then he’d trail the tip up to my clit and tease me until I cried out. It was sublime. The muscles in my thighs drew tight. He gave me long, strong licks from just above my ass to my clit followed by sweet suckling kisses. My head spun, my senses reeling from overload. My sex had never been so spoiled.


And so it was that then, with all my elegant flailing, the chunky ass medical boot smacked him in the side of his head and we cried out together. In pain.


“Shit.” He extricated himself from beneath my clothing, rubbing at his skull. “You okay?”


“Yes. You just have a really hard head.”


He shook said head.


“Please don’t stop.” Pain didn’t matter, only coming did. “Please?”


“Just a minute.” Carefully, he draped my wounded leg over his shoulder. “There we go. You sure you’re okay?”


“I’m fine,” I said, panting.


“You sure?”




The smirking bastard. “Okay, Lena. Don’t get all over excited. Now, where was I?”


“You want me to hit you in the head again with the boot?” Desperation tightened my voice, murderous thoughts running through my brain. I was a sweaty horny mess and he needed to start taking me and my orgasm seriously. Now. “Do you? Really, Jimmy, is that what you’re telling me?”


He chuckled.


And then he pushed up my skirt and got back to it, lucky for him. His ever-so-talented lips worked me up and up, to heights unheard of before. Up where the air was thin and the stars within reach. This was more than just great head. I felt so high, the rush of hot sweet emotions filling me had to be touching him too. The power of how he stirred me, driving me out of my mind was so intense.


He couldn’t not feel it.


The tip of his tongue traced over my opening, making my muscles clench. So damn empty. Every inch of me drew tight, my legs shaking. My ass rubbed against the smooth surface of the table. He’d made me so impossibly wet, my * swollen and aching. I needed to come more than I needed to keep breathing. When his swift, clever tongue focused in on my clit, it was almost all over. A long, hard suck of it finished me off, tipping me straight over the edge. The freefall was magnificent. The world blurred to white and blood roared in my ears. It was basically an out of body experience. My mouth opened on a silent scream. Such pleasure, such joy.


Kylie Scott's books