Half Wild

He looks at me intently still. “Who?”



It’s strange but I can’t say her name. I shake my head, and feel like the choker is on me again and I can’t breathe. And all the times she hit me and slapped me and shackled me and deafened me with her Gift, all that floods into me. I push Gabriel away as I pull out my knife and step into the open doorway, and I say, “My teacher and guardian.”






My Teacher and Guardian






Celia stands. She’s dressed the same, in her army gear, black boots, green canvas trousers, green shirt. Her hair is the same short, spiky crop, so thin I can see her scalp. Her face is as pale and ugly as ever.


“Nathan. It’s good to see you.” She says it as if I’m some old friend she hasn’t seen for a few weeks.


I shake my head. “No. It’s not.”


I step forward, my knife out. Nesbitt stands then and I see he’s pointing a gun at me. Gabriel steps forward too and his gun is pointing at Nesbitt.


“What’s going on?” I ask. “Why is she here?”


Van stands up and motions to Celia to sit down. “Celia is working with the Alliance. She’s one of the White Witch rebels helping us bring down Soul, the White Council, and the Hunters.”


I shake my head. “No.”


Van says, “Nesbitt, please put that gun away. I’m sure Nathan isn’t going to harm any of us.”


Nesbitt spins the gun on his finger. “I wouldn’t kill you, kid, you know that.” And he puts the gun back in his jacket.


“Gabriel, please, you too,” Van says.


But Gabriel keeps the gun on Nesbitt. “Not until Nathan says.”


“Point it at the White Hunter, Gabriel,” I say, and he swings his arm to point the gun at Celia.


Van sighs. “Nathan, this is exactly why I didn’t want you here, not until I’d met Celia, and not until I’d had a chance to talk to you, to explain how the Alliance will work and who is joining.”


“And you expect me to join! With her!”


“Yes, I do.” Van sits down and gets out her cigarette case. “Who did you think would be involved, Nathan? Who? Just the nice White Witches? We need fighters, people who know how Hunters work, and I can assure you there is no one better than Celia.” Van lights her cigarette, inhales deeply, then sends a plume of red smoke in my direction. I don’t think she’s trying to calm me with it but just show how annoyed she is.


“I wasn’t going to tell you about Celia until after Annalise was rescued but perhaps it’s better this way. If you can’t work with Celia then you can go and live under a stone somewhere for all I care. If you want my help in rescuing Annalise then you will be part of the Alliance afterward and that means working with Celia.”


She knows I don’t really have any option. But she must also know that I could still leave after she upholds her part of the bargain. I guess she’s assuming I’ll feel honor-bound to help the Alliance once they’ve helped me. Well, we’ll see about that.


Van drags on her cigarette again and says, “Nathan, please tell Gabriel to put the gun down.”


I hesitate and then I make a show of putting my knife away. I say, “Gabriel, please . . . give me your gun.”


He holds it out to me without hesitation and I take it and walk over to Celia and push the barrel against her forehead. I want to know what it feels like to be able to do it, to have power over her for once.


Celia looks up at me and holds my gaze. Her eyes are pale blue with a few small specks of silver. I make a shooting sound and she doesn’t even blink. I keep the gun there, feeling what it’s like.


I say to her, “You haven’t used your Gift.” She could bring me to my knees with it.


“I won’t use it on you, Nathan. We’re on the same side now.”


“Are we?” I don’t take my eyes off Celia’s but I ask Van, “How do you know she isn’t a spy?”


“She is a spy, Nathan. For us. Celia has been useful in providing us with information about Soul, the Council, and the Hunters.”


“I’m in Spain on official Council business, Nathan,” Celia says. “They’ve brought me out of retirement. I’m meant to be tracking down a list of the most-wanted Black Witches. You’ll be pleased to know that your name is at the top, along with your father’s.”


“I’m a Half Code.”


“Since your escape from the Council building you’ve been designated as Black. I don’t know how much Van has told you but your escape led to many changes. Soul took over the Council and his friend Wallend got free rein to do what he likes. Which is why I’m helping the Alliance. I’m no lover of certain Black Witches, Nathan, you know that, but I’m no lover of criminals or monsters either, and Soul is the former and Wallend the latter.”


“You didn’t seem to mind Soul or Wallend before. You didn’t seem to mind keeping me in a cage under Soul’s orders.”


“As I say things have changed since your escape.”


Sally Green's books