Fatal Felons (Saint View Prison #3)

I stared at her, wondering how the hell we’d gotten here. A sudden need for her overwhelmed me. A desperate urge to show her physically as well as verbally how much I loved her. Work be damned. I was making love to my woman.

Desperate for her, I shoved her panties down her legs and hoisted her into my arms. She instantly wound her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck, and I kissed her hard and deep as I walked her back against a wall. Using my body to hold her in place, I grappled with my shorts, shoving them down just far enough that I could free my erection and sink inside her cunt.

We both shouted at the intrusion, her slick heat engulfing me so sweetly. I slammed into her body while she cried out my name. I kissed her over and over again.

“Say it again,” she moaned.

“I love you, Mae.” I ground into her body. “I love you so fucking much.”

“I’m going to come!”

So was I. I slammed home once more, my pubic bone grinding against her clit.

We came together, an explosion of feeling and sensation, and for the first time in years, I came wrapped inside the body and heart of a woman I loved.

“I love you,” I whispered once more.

She unraveled herself from me, and I set her down on her feet again.

She was a mess, half falling out of her bra, my cum glistening between her thighs. And yet she’d never been as sexy.

I suddenly realized she was probably sore from last night and that I’d just made it worse. “Shit, Mae. Are you okay? I didn’t mean to take you so roughly, especially after last night.”

But she shook her head and pressed up on her toes to kiss me. “I asked for a five-minute fuck.”

“That was a lot more than five minutes.”

“We’re very late for work,” she agreed.

“Probably going to get fired.”

In that moment, so high on each other, I wasn’t sure either of us cared.

Liam and Ripley sat at the kitchen table eating steak and fries, their meals mostly untouched because the two of them were too busy singing along with the radio that blared around the cabin. Heath scooped fries onto his own plate but paused when Mae and I reappeared, freshly showered and dressed.

He raised one eyebrow in our direction, but there was heat in his eyes, too. Like he’d really wanted to join us but had held himself back.

Liam put his microphone fork down and chuckled at us. “Heath, you can turn the radio down now. They’re done.”

Heath hit the volume button a few times, and Mae blushed pink again, but I didn’t drop my arm from around her shoulders. I couldn’t stop touching her. We really did need to go to work, though. I kissed Ripley’s head and said I’d see him in the morning.

His bottom lip trembled. “I miss Grandma.”

I swept him up in a tight hug. “I know you do, kiddo. We’ll get her to come out here for a visit, what do you think?”

He nodded and then scrambled to get back down to his fries. Liam challenged him to a fry sword fight, and he was smiling again as we walked to the door.

Heath’s horny-as-fuck gaze followed us.

I smirked at him and closed the door.

I suspected I’d pay for that later, but it would be in a good way. My dick twitched just thinking about it, and not wanting another hard-on, I forced my thoughts away from Heath and the promises in his eyes.

I got behind the wheel of my car, and Mae got in the passenger seat. “We should pick my car up after work.”

I shot her a glance. “You giving up on making your neighbors think you still live there?”

She shrugged. “I just can’t bring myself to stay in my apartment alone when all of you are out here. The police don’t seem interested in talking to me, so I don’t know why I’m bothering.”

“Good. Because I don’t want you sleeping alone either.”

“Settled then.”

I twisted the key in the ignition, then glanced down at the dash and groaned at the red fuel light that flickered on.

Mae cringed. “Oops. I forgot about that. Didn’t have time to stop for gas. Lucky you love me, right?” She peered over my shoulder. “We have enough to get to work, don’t we?”

“Doubtful. Tank isn’t that big. We’re late anyway. Might as well get gas now rather than after shift.”

Mae reached across the center console and rested a hand on my thigh, dangerously close to my groin.

I shot her a warning look.

She grinned. “What?”

“Don’t ‘what’ me. I see what you’re doing.”

“We just had sex ten minutes ago. I’m not doing anything.”

I guided the car down the road that led from my property. “Innocent as Snow White until you’re screaming my name with a pussy full of my cock, aren’t you?”

Her eyes bulged, and I laughed at her expression. I loved when my dirty talk caught her by surprise.

On a high, I drove to the closest gas station on the edge of Saint View. Both of our spirits were high, fueled by great sex, good music, and the little touches that neither of us seemed to be able to quit. Mae’s hand never left my thigh, but she cranked up the stereo and sang along at the top of her lungs. I parked the car by the gas pump and got out, laughing when I could still hear her singing outside the car with all the doors closed. I wouldn’t tell her. I didn’t want her to stop.

I rounded the car and grabbed the nozzle, inserting it into the gas tank. Movement caught my eye across the paved lot. I dismissed it instantly, realizing it was just someone walking back to the car parked on the other side of mine. I smiled in his direction, in the mood to be friendly because happiness was pouring out of my every pore in a way I’d never known before.

At the flash of his blue eyes, every ounce of happiness faded.

Zye pulled back his hood and strolled over to me like he didn’t have a care in the world. I shot a worried glance toward Mae, and Zye laughed.

“Don’t worry. She didn’t see me. She’s too busy having a concert for one in there.”

Elle Thorpe's books