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Thank you for reading. I really hope you’ve enjoyed DEPARTURE.


This novel was challenging to write at times, perhaps because the story draws on some of my personal experiences (not the part in 2147 :). While Atlantis was about the origins of the human race, DEPARTURE is sort of about the origins of my writing career, or at least, why I choose to leave internet start-ups and do something I felt passionate about.


It seems like the world around us gets faster every year. We’re knee-deep in new technologies, but I’m still scratching my head, wondering if we’re making the world better or just speeding it up. I guess time will tell. Maybe we’ll all be Titans someday. Or maybe we’re smart enough to avoid that fate altogether.


That’s what DEPARTURE is about to me: an exploration of where technology might take us-and the possible consequences. It’s the sort of cerebral, “what-if?” story I enjoy reading and (most of the time) enjoy writing.


To me, the best stories are the ones that leave the reader better than they were. And the best of those nurture both our minds and our souls. I don’t know if my craft is quite there yet, but I’m working on it, and I truly appreciate you coming along for the journey.



Take care,



- Gerry



PS: If you did enjoy DEPARTURE, writing a review on Amazon or sharing it on Facebook would go a long way toward helping others find the book.









I’m beginning to think it takes a village, not an author, to write a novel.


This year, I’ve been very lucky to see my little village grow by leaps and bounds.


My wife, Anna, makes sure the trains run on time here at the Riddle household (and that we never miss our plane when we’re on the road). Without her, I would likely still be in a train station somewhere in Europe and you wouldn’t be reading this novel. And past that, my life wouldn’t be the same.


Professionally, I’m blessed to have some incredibly talented people working to get my books into readers’ hands. Gray Tan of Grayhawk Agency took a chance on me when I was a promising start-up author. A million copies later, he’s still selling my rights throughout Asia and doing an incredible job.


Danny Baror and Heather Baror-Shapiro represent me in Europe and the rest of the world with every bit as much passion and skill.


Between the two agencies, they’ve sold The Origin Mystery series in twenty territories and counting. I’ve been amazed, and I’m humbled to have Gray, Danny, and Heather representing me.


Miranda Ottewell edited this novel and did an absolutely outstanding job. She’s edited novels from some of the most well-known authors in the world, including Daniel Silva, Mitch Albom, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Barbara Kingsolver, and now, unfortunately, she has to add A.G. Riddle to the list. :) If you’re a writer looking for a fantastic editor, I wholeheartedly endorse her.


My four alpha readers once again saved the day with some invaluable catches and suggestions. I learn so much with every novel I write, and I truly appreciate all the time they put in. They are: Fran Mason, Carole Duebbert, Lisa Weinberg, and Michael Hattig.


My beta readers provided a source of encouragement and timely feedback right before the launch. They are: Lee Ames, Sue Arnett, Ivan Arrington, Laura Avramidis, Jeff Baker, Joshua Baker, Paula Barrett, Eris Barzman, Jen Bengtson, Tracy Big Pond, Ben Bird, Casey Boatman, Steve Boesen, Paul Bowen, Jacob Bulicek, Michael Camenisch, Stephanie Campbell, Emily Chin, Lianne Christian, Markel Coleman, Robin Collins, Heather Comerford, Jacky Cook, Frank Cowan, Ken Cuddeback, Terry Daigle, Sue Davis, Sylvie Delézay, Joe Devous, Kathy Dickinson, Adam Dorrell, Debbie Dowdy, Michelle Duff, Matt Egan, Christopher Eix, Maisha Elonai, Amanda Flies, Skip Folden, Kay Forbes, Ben Forrest, Holly Fournier, NJ Fritz, Ben Fury, Matthew Fyfe, Brenda Gehrmann, Zachary Gershman, Kathy Gianneschi, Vicky Gibbins, Christine Girtain, Julie Godnik, Carl Gray, Julia Greenawalt, Mike Gullion, Chet Hale, Miora Hanson, Dustin Hermon, Aimee Hess, Matthias Hüls, Ted Hust, Mary Jakobowski, Paul Jamieson, Sam Jarvie, Christopher Kazu Williams, Shawn Kerker, Jeannine Klos, Linda Koch, Karin Kostyzak, Matt Lacey, Kendall Lane, Daniel Lewis, Cameron Lewis, Marina Lobato, Dee Lopez, Peter Lynch, Kelly Mahoney, Jane Marconi, Angela Marx, Virginia McClain, Leanne McGiveron, Steven McKenney, James McMullen, Jake Meals, Saquib Mian, Kristen Miller, Brian Miller, Thomas Mitchum, Tera Montgomery, Kim Myers, Steven Nease, Kevin Nguyen, Jordan Nguyen, Amber O'Connor, Anne Palmer, Sara Patterson, Mike Pease, Cindy Prendergast, Nikita Puhalsky, Brandon Pulliam, Brian Puzzo, Rachael Qualls, Deborah and Cary Radunz, Akash Rajpal, Katie Regan, Terri Reilly, Dave Renison, Teodora Retegan, Lionel Riem, Timothy Rogers, Andy Royl, Mike Russell, Dennis Sable, John Scafidi, Stefano Scaglione, Scott Scheffler, Andreas Schild, John Schmiedt, Chere Schoning, Cameron Schutza, Shane Schweitzer, Debbie Sembera, Anjulie Semenchuk, Keith Shurmer, Russell Simkins, Andrea Sinclair, Rhonda Sloan, Christine Smith, Duane Spellecacy, Linda Spotz, George Stalling, Elizabeth Steininger Wolf, Alex Stevens, Kady Stewart, Tiffany Tanner, Paula Thomas, Macy Tindel, Kevin Veneskey, Andrew Villamagna, Tom Vogel, Jimmy Von Riesen, Liz W., Lauren Wall, Louise Ward, Ron Watts, Chris Watts, Sylvia Webb, Scott Weiner, Dana Westphal, Charlie White, Linda Winton, Robert Wiseman, Samantha Woracek, John Woughter, Lew Wuest, Athena, and TeResa.


I also have to thank a group of people whose inquisitive minds encourage my playful side. They are: Jason Barroca, Bader Bouarki, Steve Brenckle, Lee Davis, Michael De Feo, Christopher Dunham, David Galli Carrera, eRin Hanson, Rob Hanus, Matt Isaacs, Josh Jacobs, Samuel Lynch, Kostas Mavraganis, Desiree Melkovitz, Jonathan Moore, Bryan Nelson, Jonathan Palmer, Sam Penry, Darin Powell, Zach Renshaw, and Evan Roy.


And finally, to you, wherever you are, whatever time it is: thanks for reading.


See you next time.