Cataclysm (Four Horsemen #4)

“Little wisp,” I ground out through my teeth, aching for her in a way I never had before, “so fucking stunning.”

She looked back at me, her hazel-green eyes wide. Then she reached up and stroked my face, getting blood on it. I let out a breath and wanted to steal hers. I wanted to get in there with her. To impale her on my length and fuck her until she came all over me. My hand rose out of the blood. I gripped her chin before I caught her mouth with mine. She let me part her lips and slide my tongue inside, tasting every inch of her sweet little mouth.

“Fuck, I want you,” I whispered, “I can’t wait until later.”

“Then have me.”

I let her go and then I was practically tearing off my clothes. I could feel Prescott, West and Francis staring at us, but I didn’t give a shit. I bundled them up, kicked my shoes away, and dumped my clothes on the counter. Then I stepped into the bath behind Scarlett, who moved to give me room. Sinking down into the liquid, I shuddered at the sensation of it on my skin. Scarlett turned around and straddled my lap, her hands wrapping around my neck before she kissed me. Her body rubbed against mine, making the blood slosh around the tub.

“Take me, Drake,” she whispered against my mouth. “Take me the way you need. I want you to.”

Maybe it was the events of this whole night making us both lust-drunk for each other, but I shifted us out of the liquid for a moment, allowing her to sink down on me inch by inch. She moaned, continuing to kiss me until she was fully impaled on my cock. I lowered us back into the blood. Scarlett started to ride me, making the blood slosh even more. Some of it ran down the sides of the white tub.

She pulled away and arched her back, holding onto my shoulders to keep herself steady. The way her eyes glinted had me gripping her hips, my fingers digging into her skin.

“Well, fuck,” Prescott hissed from near us.

I noticed West and Francis had come closer and were standing next to him. They could do whatever they fuck they wanted as long as I could have this. Have her this way. There would never be an opportunity like this again. Not if I had anything to do with it. We were going to have a normal life together when this was done.

Well, normal for us. We would never conform to society’s whims. We made our own. And we revelled in it.

My hand ran up from her hip along her body, dragging more blood across it. I pinched one of her nipples between my fingers, making her mewl in response. Her gaze was still fixed on mine as she rode me faster.

“That’s it, you’re such a good girl.”

“Drake,” she moaned, her voice all breathy and filled with desire, “more. I want more.”

I smiled, leaning towards her and kissing my way down her throat. My mouth met hers again, and I bit down on her lip, making her whine in response. My teeth dug harder until she bled for me. Then I sucked at the wound, groaning in her mouth.

It never occurred to me I’d want to fuck her when I bathed her in blood. Sure, I’d thought about doing it afterwards, but this was far beyond any fantasy I’d ever had of my little wisp. We’d killed together. Now this, clinging to each other, desperation lacing our veins in our lovemaking. There was nothing like this adrenaline rush.

Letting go of her mouth, I pulled her against me, our chest brushing together as I thrust up into her. I buried my face in her neck as she panted out her pleasure, her nails digging into my shoulders.

“I love you, little wisp. You have my heart. You have it all. I will never belong to anyone but you.”

She shifted, then she was biting down on my earlobe, making me grunt. She sucked it into her mouth to soothe away the sting. I shuddered, holding back the need to come inside her. The woman had just discovered what would make me detonate on her within minutes. I dug my fingers harder into her skin, locking her in place as I continued to thrust up into her.

“Fuck,” I hissed.

“I love you too,” she murmured, pressing kisses down the side of my neck.

It was then I understood what it meant to be destined for each other. What it truly felt like to know you had found the person you’d spend eternity with. Who embraced everything you were and gave you what you needed without hesitation. Scarlett was my destiny. She was our fate. Our birth wasn’t a coincidence, it was a sign we belonged with each other. People had tried to tear us apart. They hadn’t succeeded. They had only strengthened our bond because we’d fought for it. We’d jumped through so many hoops to come to this moment. And it was everything.

She was everything.

“Drake, harder, please… I need it.”

I encouraged her to get off me, turned her around and made her grab hold of the sides of the tub. Getting up on my knees, I pressed inside her tight little pussy once more, holding onto her hips as leverage before I pounded into her. Scarlett cried out, her fingers whitening around the tub. Then one of her hands left it and snaked between her legs. She stroked herself, letting me fuck her until she exploded around me. Her garbled cries were music to my ears.

“That’s it, good girl, come over my dick.”


“That’s not my name here, is it?”

She tipped her head back.

“No… you’re my Death.”

My hands tightened around her hips.

“Good girl.”

She arched her back and shuddered against me. Then she was slumping down, only holding herself up by one hand. Letting go of her hip, I stroked a hand down her back, wanting to soothe her as she came down.

“I think one of you needs to join them,” came Prescott’s voice.

My head turned, finally looking at the three of them leaning against the sink counter. Their eyes were fixed on us. The blood had got on the floor, soaking the white tiles. It was quite the fucking sight, seeing this perfectly pristine bathroom marred by red. I couldn’t help smiling. It was exactly as I had envisioned it when I’d come in here. I wanted to paint it red.

“You want us to fuck her in the blood too?” Francis asked, raising her eyebrow.

Prescott looked down at where Francis was clearly sporting an erection.

“I think that says you wouldn’t be averse to it.”

Francis shifted, his cheeks going red. Then he waved at West.

“He’s more into blood than I am with all his knife shit.”

West was too busy watching Scarlett with a dark gleam in his amber eyes to respond to Francis’ dig.

“Both of you can join in.”

The next thing I knew, West was pulling off his clothes, clearly unperplexed about giving it to Scarlett in blood. Francis stared at him for a long moment.

“Well, shit.”

Then he was tugging his clothes off too. Scarlett’s head raised, her eyes widening at the sight of them stripping off. Her gaze went to Prescott who hadn’t moved to do a thing.

“If they’re going to join us, then you need to get naked too,” she said a moment later, giving him a significant look.

Prescott straightened, dropping his arms from his chest.

“Is that so?”

She smiled as she straightened and rested her back against my chest.

Sarah Bailey's books