Cataclysm (Four Horsemen #4)

After we’d deposited the bodies in their bedrooms, we walked out and heard a noise. The three of us froze. Drake put a finger to his lips and signalled to West he was going to check it out. I moved closer to West as Drake broke off from us, creeping in the direction of the noise. West took my hand and pulled me in the other direction towards the stairs. We still had a job to do. Drake could handle whatever that was alone.

When we were far enough away after making our way downstairs, West pulled me into the kitchen, somewhere I’d been many times in the past. We made our way over to the pantry, finding Cecilia, Gio’s assistant, passed out there. West set his hammer down, pulled her out of the pantry and placed her on the large kitchen island. His eyes went to me.

“This one?”

I shook my head. She wasn’t that bad compared to the other staff. The housekeeper, Moira, was the one I hated the most. Stuart had a fucking butler too. Gendry. He was a cunt who gave me shit for anything I did wrong. When I found him, I wanted to cave his head in with West’s sledgehammer, not that I thought I could wield it. Maybe I would find another way of ending his sorry existence.

West took out his knife and ran it along her throat, staring down at Cecilia with a dark gleam in his eyes.

“How would you like me to kill her, little Scar?”

I looked her over. She’d merely turned a blind eye to the abuse dished out by the others. It didn’t make her any better than them.

“We can’t have her bleeding out everywhere in here.”

He set his knife down and pulled out a syringe from his pocket, flipping the cap off.

“Cyanide it is then.”

I watched him inject Cecilia in the neck. She was unconscious so wouldn’t feel any pain. I suppose that was a small mercy, not that I believed she should have any. In this situation, beggars couldn’t be choosers. We were here to dispatch them all with efficiency.

He put the cap back on the syringe, pocketed it with his knife, then indicated the hammer with his head. I took a hold of the handle whilst he put Cecilia over his shoulder. Then we left the room, me dragging the sledgehammer long behind us.

We walked down the hallway towards the stairs leading up to the staff bedrooms where we’d just come from. I left the hammer at the bottom of the stairs for West to collect later.

We deposited Cecilia in the room she shared with one of the maids, Jemma, who had been asleep in her bed. West had taken a knife to her, uncaring about the bloodshed. I’d said nothing, merely watched him kill her with a fatal wound to her heart.

“Is there anyone specific you want to kill yourself?” he asked me when we were walking back down the stairs.

“The butler and the housekeeper.”

“Did you see where they were on the cameras?”

I nodded. They were in the family wing. We could circle back if there was anyone else left when we were done.

“Let’s go find the fuckers then.”

We made our way back to the lobby, where West deposited his sledgehammer, knowing we had no further use for it right now, and across to the other wing. I swung the crowbar as I walked. West kept checking me to see if I was okay. Keeping my mind off the memories of this place was difficult, but I kept my shit together. Being in the family wing was worse. This is where I’d lived for ten years. Where everything had happened to me.

“What did they do to you?”

“Gave me shit all the time. They said things… called me names and made me feel worthless.”

I swallowed as we entered the family sitting room. In the far corner, the two of them had passed out with their clothes in disarray. My lip curled up in disgust as we approached them.

“Well, well, looks like these two were having quite the party in here,” West said, looking them over with a sneer. “Would they be in their rooms at this hour or should we fuck them up and leave them here?”

Seeing Gendry’s limp dick hanging out of his clothes made me sick. Made me see fucking red.

“We need to move them into his bedroom.”

I didn’t tell West what I was planning to do when we got them into the butler’s room. We heard a noise behind us and found Prescott walking in. He had blood on his face.

“Just in time,” West said, “help me with these two.”

“Where’s Frankie?” I asked as Prescott came over to us. “And what did you do?” I pointed at his face.

“He’s keeping an eye on Stuart. We ran into some trouble on the way, a couple of guards who were still awake.” He grinned, blood-lust written all over his face. “Don’t worry, they aren’t breathing any longer.”

Prescott and West lifted up Gendry and Moira. West waved at me to lead the way. We retraced our steps to the staff wing. I noticed the two guards were no longer in the lobby.

“Did you move those two?” I asked Prescott.

“Yeah, we took them to the big dormitory bedroom you said the guards stayed in.”

I nodded as we walked up the stairs and got to Gendry’s bedroom. Before the boys could put them down, I dragged a chair into the middle of the room.

“Put him here. Do you have any rope or something to secure him with?”

“Why?” West asked, depositing the man down in the chair.

“I’m going to wake him up. I would rather he be witness to his own demise.”

“What about this one?” Prescott asked.

“Put her on the bed. He can watch me kill her.”

Prescott did as I asked, looking over at West with a raised eyebrow as if he wasn’t expecting me to be quite this ruthless. Well, those two were in for quite the experience. He pulled out a couple of cable ties from his pockets and squatted behind Gendry, securing his arms for me. It would have to do.

I went into his bathroom and poured a glass of water before coming back out. Then I threw it in Gendry’s face.

“Wakey, wakey,” I shouted at him, slapping him across the cheek.

He jerked into consciousness, spluttering and blinking. It took him a minute to recover from being drugged. Then he stared at me with wide eyes when he realised we’d secured him to the chair.


“Yeah, it’s me. And before you ask, no, I’m not answering any of your fucking questions.”

I slapped his face again for good measure before walking away towards Moira.

“You see, Gendry, we’re here to kill you. But first, I’m going to gut this bitch.”


West came over and handed me his knife, giving me a smile before he stepped back with Prescott. I’d told them all before we came here I wanted to be in on the murder. I didn’t want them to stop me from taking lives.

Before Gendry could say another word, I stabbed Moira in the guts and twisted the knife, tearing it through her flesh. She would bleed out all over the fucking bed, but I no longer cared. My gloved hand was covered in blood as I turned around. Gendry looked white as a fucking sheet when I approached him again.

“She called me a dirty little whore and made me feel like shit. You, on the other hand, tried to force yourself on me. Don’t think I’ve forgotten. You’re fucking lucky Stuart didn’t want me sullied or no doubt that cunt Alex wouldn’t have pulled you off me.”

His bottom lip trembled as I looked down at where his dick was still hanging out.

Sarah Bailey's books