Bones Never Lie

I also want to acknowledge all those who work so very hard on my behalf. At home in the U.S.: Gina Centrello, Libby McGuire, Kim Hovey, Scott Shannon, Susan Corcoran, Cindy Murray, Kristin Fassler, Cynthia Lasky, and Joey McGarvey. On the other side of the pond: Simon Littlewood, Glenn O’Neill, Georgina Hawtrey-Woore, and Jen Doyle. North of the forty-ninth: Kevin Hanson and Amy Cormier. At William Morris Endeavor Entertainment: Caitlin Moore, Maggie Shapiro, Tracy Fisher, Cathryn Summerhayes, and Raffaella De Angelis.

I appreciate Paul Reichs’s insightful comments on the manuscript. As always, a big merci to my readers. It is gratifying that you follow Tempe’s adventures, attend my signings and appearances, visit my website (, like me on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter (@kathyreichs). You guys dazzle!

If I left anyone out, I apologize. If the book contains errors, I own them.

Kathy Reichs's books