Beautiful Broken Promises





“’Bout damn time everyone got together again!” Jaxon bellowed over the music while we watched our girls playing pool. Audrey was schooling all of them, but apparently she’d picked up shit like that when she had to drag her drunk-ass dad out of a bar three to four nights a week.


Jaxon was right. We were finally all out on the same night. Cole, Jax, Jace, and all the girls. This time my girl was part of that. My girl. I had a girl. Actually, I had two girls. I know, I know, I’m a lucky bastard.


Em brought over clothes for Raegan to borrow since they were about the same size, and all Raegan owned right now were t-shirts. I tried to get her to wear this sexy little black dress that showed off her amazing legs, but Raegan was feeling self-conscious about the scars on the back of her leg and wasn't ready just yet for the world to see them. It’s a shame because I would have enjoyed watching those stems all night in their full glory.


She was currently leaning over the pool table with jeans that might as well have been painted on because I could see every damn curve. I also lost the battle on her top, the one that was cut so damn low I didn't even know what the point was in wearing a shirt in the first place. When she leaned over the green felt of the table, her tits were resting on top and I got lost in the valley between—along with every other horny guy within twenty feet of her.


“Lots of eyes on your girl tonight,” Jace muttered.


“Yep.” It was my only response. I was still feeling the situation out.


“Doesn’t bother you?” Cole asked.


“If it did, would it make them stop?” I asked. Cole shook his head and I said, “Raegan’s my girl. She’s not gonna let some jackass touch her.”


“She’s the only one over there without a ring on her finger. Better fix that,” Jaxon smarted off while tipping his beer back.


“Em pregnant yet?” I flung back. I was pleased with his reaction because he spit his beer clear across the damn bar.


“No reason to start playing dirty,” he scoffed. I grabbed a bottle the bartender placed in front of me and took the first swig. “I’m just saying, if that guy was as close to Emerson as he is to Raegan… he’d be missing his balls.”


The dick in question was leaning over the table next to Raegan, trying to point out the best shot. He was clearly into her but he wasn’t touching her, so I wasn’t going to be hasty. I trusted Raegan’s instincts.


“Hey!” Jax called out across the bar. “Two feet, dude. Step back two feet, right now.” We all looked to see that another douchebag had joined the girls and he had apparently stepped too close to Jaxon’s wife. Then with his hands, Jax motioned that Emerson belonged to him.


Em turned wide, angry eyes our way and huffed at her husband in annoyance. She straightened her spine and tugged her shirt down a fraction of an inch. Em, like Raegan, had a lot going on for her in the chest department. A wicked smile spread across her face and she marched over to the jukebox near their pool table.


“Shit…” Jaxon groaned.


Em grabbed Raegan’s hand before leaning over and whispering something to the waitress.


“You did this to yourself, man,” Cole laughed boisterously.


“Oh, like you would have let that f*cker get close to Quinn,” he seethed.


“No, you’re right, I wouldn’t. But I also know my girl. Looks like you haven't learned that Em doesn't like to be put in a bubble where no one may trespass,” Cole schooled.


“Sit back, Lane,” Jace laughed. “We’re about to get a show.” He rubbed his hands together in mock preparation. Jax crossed his arms over his chest and scowled at Em. Quinn looked across the way at Jax and gave him a look, as if asking why he thought he could have gotten away with that.


Whatever was about to happen, it was going to be good. The music commenced, pumping an energetic beat. It felt familiar, but I really had no clue what song was coming.


“She’s about to teach you a lesson,” Quinn informed Jax as she joined us.


“I know and it drives me f*cking crazy, but I can’t help but love it so goddamn much at the same time.”


“Oh my God! You picked a song I actually know!” Raegan called out, clapping her hands. Did I mention that Raegan was about two drinks too many into her night?


“Why’s she gotta bring my girl into this?” I moaned.


“I don’t know this song, Quinn,” Jax said loudly above the music. “Give me some idea what I just got myself into!”


Quinn giggled and said, “Well, um… it’s about a promiscuous girl.”


I couldn’t hold it back because it was all just so damn funny. My head flew back and I let out a sidesplitting laugh.


Jax continued to look at Quinn for more. “It’s by p-ssycat Dolls,” she told him. Then it clicked for me, and I knew exactly where this was going. She continued, “It’s about a girl asking a guy to take off her clothes…” She waved her hand as if to say, ‘catch up man!’ Jax groaned but then leaned forward in his chair to watch the show.


“It’s a bad girl anthem,” Audrey added, as she saddled up beside Jace. He kissed the side of her neck and smiled at her, probably happy she wasn’t about to unleash her inner bad girl.


The beat dropped and so did Em and Raegan, who both crouched down and began to bounce with the tune. The guys around them quickly forgot their games and it was clear they had found their new entertainment. Two of them stood to make their way toward them, and I caught my girl imperceptibly shake her head over Em’s shoulder.


My girl.


God, this girl.


I loved this girl.


Still dazed by my new revelation, I watched as she moved her hips to the beat. Her little waist rotated and she could probably give whoever was actually singing this song a run for their money. Em and Raegan moved closer to one another and they grabbed at each other’s hips, which were still swirling to the rhythm. My heart stopped. Actually, it dropped to the damn floor, along with my jaw.


“Fuuuuck,” Jax groaned. Because the only thing that was hotter than your girl dancing provocatively? Your girl dancing provocatively with another girl.


“Yeah. What he said,” I mumbled. My eyes were probably the size of golf balls, protruding from their sockets.


The beat was steady and energetic. Em began slowly loosening each button on her navy blue shirt, and I kid you not, a growl ripped from Jaxon’s throat. Raegan grabbed the edge of the pool table and dipped down. Every guy behind her watched her every move, probably trying to catch a glance down her shirt. Jaxon and I both launched to our feet. Em turned her back on us, but I could still see her hands moving in front.


“Emerson…” Jaxon bit out.


When we could all see from behind that her shirt was fully open, our eyes were glued and our feet stayed firmly planted. Jaxon was vibrating and even Quinn looked shocked. With Em’s back facing us, Raegan moved in front of her and smiled. She moved her hands to Em’s shoulders. They were up to something, but as long as it wasn't my girl with her shirt off, I didn’t mind letting the show continue.


Raegan didn’t move her hands from Em’s shoulders while they continued dancing, and I could tell the song was winding down. With Raegan’s hands went Em’s shirt as she flung it off of her. Under her shirt was another sleeveless shirt, and an audible sigh of relief whooshed from Jaxon’s chest.


Em spun around and pointed at Jaxon, laughing. Raegan was smiling from ear-to-ear and looking pretty pleased with herself. The waitress from earlier chose that time to return with a tray full of shot glasses carrying neon blue liquid.


Rae lined them up along the edge of the pool table and gestured for the guys behind her to take one. Em handed one to Raegan and they all raised them in the air.


“Take this,” Em called out loudly, “as an apology from my husband. He hates to share and sometimes forgets that his wife isn’t a toy!” With a blatant wink back at Jax, she turned back to Raegan as Jaxon let out a bellowing laugh. The two girls wound their arms around each other and flung back the shots.


“I love your girl, dude,” I said to Jaxon, after we’d managed to stop laughing our asses off. When his eyebrow rose, I finished, “I love her for doing this with Raegan. She needed to be included. It’ll be good for her to have friends that are chicks.”


“Yeah, we couldn't all just get to know one another like normal people do. The freight train that is Emerson has to bulldoze straight through to drinking pals,” Quinn laughed.


When they finished their shots, a round of shot glasses slammed back onto the table. One of the guys standing close to Rae and Em sucked air through his teeth and asked, “That was too f*cking sweet. What was it?”


“It’s called ‘Blue Balls,’ gentleman. Enjoy!” Em called, as she hauled a bouncing Raegan toward us. Cole, Jace, Jax, and I dissolved into laughter as we saw every single one of those dicks’ faces drop in astonishment. Em had played that one perfectly.


“Alright, alright, you made your point, beautiful,” Jaxon laughed and pulled Em into his arms.


“Em, you’re married now. Why do you continue these shenanigans?” Quinn chided.


“Quinn, we’re married, not dead!”


“God, I love you,” Jaxon laughed.


“See, he loves my shenanigans!” Em called out drunkenly.


Raegan was out of breath when she reached my side, but that didn't stop me from grabbing her and planting my lips roughly on hers. She tasted like raspberries and vodka. I licked around the inside her mouth, trying to savor her.


“You were moving those hips pretty well,” I whispered.


“I can show you more of those moves.” Her lips grazed my ear and I actually shuddered at the amount of lust in her voice.


“We should leave. Now.” I grabbed her hand to drag her out, but she pulled back, laughing.


“Not yet! Please. I’m having so much fun.” I already couldn’t tell her no. She and Kate had me wrapped around their little fingers.


I reached back to the bar and handed her a fresh glass of water. “Okay, you win. But I can’t take you when you’re passed out drunk.”


She chugged down the entire glass, right in front of me. “Well, we can’t have that now, can we?”