A Chance for Us (Willow Creek Valley, #4)

“Hey,” I say as I walk out by her.

She looks up, shoves the book behind her back, and smiles. “Hey, Sleepyhead. I was wondering if you were going to wake up anytime soon.”

I grin. “Well, someone kept me up all night.”

“And that someone isn’t even sorry about that.”

I take a step closer to her. “What are you reading?”

“Reading? I’m not reading anything.”

I raise one brow. “You had a book.”

“Oh, this? Yeah, it’s nothing. Come on, we can walk the beach and then take the golf cart into town.”

“Why are you being so elusive?”

“I’m not,” she says a bit too quickly. Maren stands, holding the book behind her.

“Okay.” It’s clear she doesn’t want me to see what she’s reading. “I’m going to grab my shoes and we can head out.”


Maren turns, and I pounce on her, grabbing the book.


Being that she’s a half foot shorter than I am, it isn’t hard to keep it out of her reach while I read the title. A Guide to Him Giving You What You Need in Bed Without Asking.

I stare, reading it over again. “Do you . . .” I clear my throat. “Have complaints?”

I know for a fact that I am not selfish in bed. I make sure she’s satisfied before I find my release.

Maren covers her face with her hands. “Ugh! This is like the worst few weeks of my life!” She drops her hands and looks at me. “Okay, so remember that I packed for my wedding and honeymoon before you ended up as the groom. So, I didn’t get that book for you, I got it for the other Oliver. And, no, I have zero fucking complaints. Like, not even a blip of a complaint. I just didn’t bring anything else to read, and well, I bought it, so I figured . . .”

I toss it over on the table and laugh. “So, you’re reading it for fun?”

“It’s very educational.”

“And unnecessary.”

“How so? Are you going to be my lifelong sex partner?”

I shrug. “We could always do that.”

Maren huffs. “Stop it.”

“I’m saying it’s unnecessary because, if you want something—anything—you just have to ask me or tell me. Any guy who has the privilege of being with you should want to do the same thing—to give you joy and pleasure. If your ex didn’t, well, it’s a good thing you didn’t marry him.”

“Believe me, it was just one more thing I was worried about.”

“Sex was that bad?”

“It wasn’t bad,” she defends. “It just was . . . boring. From the beginning, it was strange, and if I compare it at all to us, it’s not even in the same universe.”

“What you’re saying is that I’m a sex god?”

She rolls her eyes. “With an ego the size of Texas.”

“I didn’t hear you say no.”

“Fine, you’re a sex god with impressive skills and a dick that is perfect. Happy now?”

“Yes,” I answer with a grin. “Quite.”

“Let’s go before something else mortifying happens.”

“Do you have more goodies in your bag?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Maren smirks.

Yes, I very much would.

My stomach rumbles, and she laughs. “Go get dressed and we’ll get you fed.”

“Food is good, but sex is better.”

“Food is necessary and sex is later.” She gives me a kiss on my cheek. “I’ll see you in a few.”

I get dressed and meet her downstairs. We head to the golf cart. It’s pretty cool that we can get around this little town on just that. We’re outside of the main tourist area, but Maren says there’s still a lot to do here, which works fine for me.

“Where to, wife?”

She grins. “Let’s go to the right, there’s a bar and I know the owners. They have the best drinks and appetizers anywhere.”

“Your wish is my command.”

When we pass other golf carts, the driver honks, so I honk back and offer a wave.

“Is that normal?”

“No,” Maren says as the next person we pass does it.

“Okay, then what the hell is going on?”

“I have no idea.”

I pull over, wondering if maybe something is wrong with the cart or it’s some alert system I’ve never heard of. When I get around to the front, I see what it is.

“Your aunt must’ve been busy,” I say, staring at the bumper.

“What? Why?” She comes out to stand beside me. “Oh dear God.”

Yeah. Painted on the front is: Just Married.

“Congrats!” Another golf cart driver yells before the guy in the back calls out. “Kiss her!”

It’s like being at the wedding again. However, kissing Maren isn’t something I mind doing, so I pull her to me before dipping her back and planting my lips on hers.

When I pull her up, she’s laughing. “You know, when you do that, it makes it look like we’re really married.”

“We might be.”

That is something I should be furious about, but I can’t seem to muster the energy to care. Maybe it’s the sea air. Maybe it’s because I’m having a shitload of fun. Maybe it’s the girl in my arms, but I feel at ease.

Maren and I have no expectations, and whatever the hell we’re doing, it’s not a chore. It’s nice to be with her, and the sex is fucking fantastic—even without the help of a book.

“We’ll get everything taken care of. I promise.”

I try to come up with a response, but Maren’s phone rings and her face goes pale. “It’s Linda.”

Please don’t let this be the call. I don’t want to see her cry and hurt.

She swipes the screen, and I take her hand in mine. “Hi,” she says carefully.

A long breath leaves her lungs, and she smiles, looking at me. “Yes, Daddy, we’re having fun. We are heading to Maggie’s bar. Yes.” She pauses. “I know. I’m glad you called. I wanted to ask you about the farm.” Maren looks to me before shaking her head. “How? Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Her eyes mist over before she pulls the phone down to relay information to me. “Apparently, he bought it a while back with the contingent that I could only get it once I was married.”

Wow. “Seems there was more than one reason your dad wanted you to get married.”

She nods and then goes back to the call. “I love you for this and I can never thank you enough. More importantly, Daddy, how are you feeling?”

They talk for a bit longer, and the relief I feel is immense. I really like her father. He’s a good man who clearly loves his little girl. My father doesn’t have a tenth of that much love for his kids.

“Sure, he’s right here.” Maren hands me the phone mouthing sorry.

I clear my throat. “Hi, Mr. McVee.”

“None of that, son, we’re family now.”

“Of course. How was the trip home?”

“It was fine, Linda and I took our time, exploring as we drove. I just want to say how happy I am to have gained you as a son-in-law. It’s clear how much you love Maren, and . . . well, Linda and I were beyond honored to grant you guys the deed to the farm. It has been in Maren’s family for a very long time. I know you have your resort, and she has her job, but the farm has been well cared for, and I’m confident you two will enjoy it.”

“I’m sure Maren truly appreciates it,” I say, not wanting to elaborate.

“I’ll let you two get back to your honeymoon. Have fun.”