Wolves' Bane (The Order of the Wolf, #3)

Both the texts and Kelly were saying things were going to be different this time. Neither could say exactly what, and Cal only hoped that it was because of his interference—that it meant things would go their way.

Morgan sat in the study, her nose buried in some book. She was pretending to be preoccupied and unbothered, but he knew better. Her eyes merely skimmed the pages, and he found her gazing out the window, only to snap her eyes back to the page when she realized she was being watched. He was surprised she tolerated him in the room with her. After the anger he’d seen simmering in her eyes the day before, he was prepared for another tongue-lashing today. But she remained stonily silent all morning, hardly looking at him, barely speaking to anyone.

Almost all of the Hunters were in attendance, save for Doug and his team of four who were out on patrol, monitoring the wolves’ movements. Of the Hunters in the house, some were seated at the dining room table, others in the kitchen. Cal stood at the study doorway leaning against the frame, waiting, watching.

He so badly wanted to comfort her. But her body language screamed for him to stay away.

When the phone rang the tension kicked up a notch. Cal moved to pick it up, but Andrew beat him to it.

“Yes?” He paused. “Doug? What’s going on? Where are you guys right now?”

Morgan lifted her eyes from the page, a frown of concern pulling her forehead into a deep vee.

“Rachel? I don’t think…”

Morgan jumped from the seat, knocking the book from her lap to the floor in her haste. She rushed to Andrew, snatching the phone from his hand before he could stop her.

“What do you know about Rachel? You tell me what the fuck you know about her right now, Doug!” As she listened, all of the color seemed to seep from her face. She dropped the phone a moment later and turned her gaze toward Cal. “Lazarus has Rachel.”

“Who’s Rachel?” Andrew demanded as he swooped down and picked up the receiver from the floor. “Doug? What the hell is going on?”

As Andrew continued to speak with Doug, Cal frowned at Morgan. “Your friend Rachel?”

“She told Doug that Lazarus is going to kill her if I don’t come to him.”

“Where is he?” Cal demanded.

Andrew hung up the phone on a curse. “At the carnival grounds where Cal found Morgan. He’s got your friend there. He wants the battle to happen on his terms.”

“That’s eight hours away! The sun will be down by the time we get there. Impossible, we can’t let him have his way. We’ll be walking into a trap.” Cal’s mind was reeling. How could they have let Lazarus turn the tables on them?

This is my fault. The etching, he must know about it. He must have seen me out there.

Morgan turned her eyes to Cal, her face set with determination. “He’s going to kill her if we don’t go. She needs me there. I don’t care if I have to drive myself, I will go to her.”

“Even if it’s a trap?” Andrew asked as he shot a questioning look at Cal.

“Of course it’s a trap. If I’m his bride, he’s going to do everything possible to get me, right?” She turned her hard glare from Cal to Andrew. “I’m not going to let my friend die because of this shit. I’m ready to fight, and you all have been training your whole lives for it, so it shouldn’t matter where it happens.”

Andrew shook his head. “This isn’t how it’s done.”

Morgan scoffed. “What? So Lazarus isn’t playing by your rules this time?” She turned her angry eyes on all of them, one at a time. “They know about Cal’s magic. Lazarus isn’t going to walk into a trap. You thought you had it all planned out but you don’t.” She settled her eyes on Cal. “You men are warriors. This is the first time in a long time that you’ve had a fighting chance to win against Lazarus, and you’re freaking out because he’s smarter than you?”

“He’s not smarter—”

Morgan spun to face Andrew, her finger raised, stabbing the air as she spoke. “He is smarter than you. He knows that you set a trap for him. He knows how to get me to go to him. He knows that he has the advantage now.”

Andrew stared at her, his eyes cold, all trace of his usual easy smile gone, his jaw clenching as he took in her words. Heartbeats of silence seemed to span for too long as they glared at each other.

“We’re going to have to go.” Cal’s words were quiet, barely audible, but both of them shifted their eyes in his direction. “We can’t let an innocent girl get tangled up in this. That’s what we vowed, Andrew. All of us. To protect the innocent. Morgan is right, we’re going to have to fight on his terms this time.”

Several moments of heavy silence passed before Andrew finally spoke. “Fine.” He motioned to the men at the table. “Three men stay here, the rest are coming. Lance, get the weapons.”

“Don’t you think you should stay here with Kelly?” Cal asked, his voice straining to remain calm.

Andrew pierced Cal with his cold glare again. “No, I don’t.”