Wolves' Bane (The Order of the Wolf, #3)

She moaned again as he scrubbed her skin with one hand and used the other to massage away the knots that had formed from her hard day of training.

Her head hung forward and she moved with him, allowing his skilled fingers to dig into the tension and ease it away.

“You said that there were two things Lance hadn’t taught me. One was how to kill the beast. What was the other?”

He furrowed his brow. “The other is not really something I can show you how to do. It’s more like something I have to warn you about and help you to understand.” He poured another glob of wash onto her shoulders and began cleaning and massaging down her right arm. “It’s to do with Lazarus and his”—he hesitated, not sure what to call what Lazarus could do—“skills.” Finished with the right arm, he quickly focused his attention on her left, sliding the cloth down as his fingers trailed behind.

She moaned softly and lay back against him, her head on his shoulder, forcing him to bring his one arm around her front to continue his massaging. His forearm pressed against the swell of her breasts and his cock hardened even more, aching to be inside her.

Her voice pulled him out of his lustful thoughts, her words bringing his brain some clarity. “You said before that he can be very seductive.”

He puffed out a breath. “Yeah, that’s a bit of an understatement. In his wolf form, he can be very alluring. I don’t know if you realized it or not, but the reason why you didn’t run or faint or totally collapse with fear when you encountered him at the carnival was because of this power he has to captivate his prey. It’s one of the most dangerous traits of the wolves. But as long as you avoid eye contact, you can beat it.”

“Okay, that doesn’t sound so hard. I’ll just avoid looking into those ugly yellow eyes again.”

Cal shook his head as he dropped the washcloth into the tub and continued to massage her arm. “It’s not that simple. I told you that he’s at his most vulnerable on the night of the lunar eclipse because he transforms into his human form, and that he’s very seductive in that form. What I didn’t tell you is that if you’re his bride, you’ll be weakened by this, and you’ll be especially susceptible to his charms.”

Morgan snorted. “Are you saying that in the middle of the battle, when Lazarus comes out in his human form, I’m going to want to have sex with him?”

Cal frowned. “Actually, yes, that is what I’m saying. It’s in your genes, Morgan. If you are truly his bride, you won’t be able to help yourself. You will become enthralled by him. Other Hunters have seen it happen.”

Morgan turned her head to the side, catching his eye with a sideways glance. “Well then.” Her voice was low, husky. “I guess you’d better do something about that.”

When he arched his eyebrows with surprise, she giggled and grabbed his hands, bringing them both to rest over her breasts. He groaned as her nipples budded into hard peaks under his palms.

She wedged her ass tighter between his legs, teasing against his throbbing cock. “You’d better fuck me so hard that I don’t forget who you are and what you mean to me.” He groaned again as she lifted herself up and arched back, sliding herself over his cock. “What are you waiting for, Cal? I need you to mark me, brand me so that I can’t lust after another man.”

Her words excited him. What if what she said had some truth? What if Cal could make her immune to Lazarus simply by being with her? She nudged him again, the tip of his cock resting at her entrance.


He moved his hands over the slick skin of her breasts, molding them in his palms as he flicked her nipples. “You are mine,” he growled, a low whisper in her ear. “And I’m not going to share you with anyone.”

She tossed her head back and cried out as he plunged into her from behind, shifting his weight so that he could thrust deeply. Water sloshed over the side of the tub each time she came down on him. His climax rose fast, and despite the exhaustion from the day, so did hers. She moaned as her * spasmed around his cock, milking him until he spilled into her in one giant release.

She rode him through every last twitch and spasm until they were both satiated, then slumped back against his chest, his cock still nestled in her, his arms wrapped around her waist.

“See, if we do that a few more times, there’s no way I’m going to even look at another man,” she teased somewhat breathlessly.

He kissed the top of her head, a smile pulling at his lips. “A few more times? I was thinking a few hundred more times.”