Wolves' Bane (The Order of the Wolf, #3)

“You’ll nail it tomorrow,” he offered, as he cleaned the last of the gravy off his plate with a hunk of bread and plopped it into his mouth. “We still have six days to prepare.”

Morgan put her fork down and pushed her plate toward him. “I’m too tired to chew. You want the rest?”

Cal shook his head as he stood from the kitchen island, pushing his stool back to rise. He took both of their plates to the sink and scraped the rest of her food into the garbage before putting both dishes into the washer.

She was standing on unsteady legs when he finished, and he swooped toward her, his arm going around her waist to hold her up. She leaned in to him and he wrinkled his nose. “You stink.”

She cocked an eyebrow up. “You’re not smelling so hot yourself, tough guy,” she teased as he started them toward the door. “Is that tub in our room big enough for the two of us?”

His heart thudded with renewed energy and his cock grew hard instantly, surprising considering how exhausted he’d felt only moments before. “Oh, yeah, it’s big enough.”

They moved up the stairs and down the hall arm in arm, his eagerness to get into that tub making it next to impossible not to run with Morgan in his arms all the way there.

When they were in the room, Morgan stripped off all of her smelly clothes and left him staring dumbfounded at her bare ass as she waltzed into the bathroom. The sound of water pumping into the giant Jacuzzi tub was enough to have him frantically ripping his own clothes off too. A brief moment of guilt tugged at him. She was clearly exhausted, barely able to eat. What was he thinking? Wanting to ravish her body when she obviously needed some sleep? And yet, seconds later, there she was, poking her head out from the bathroom, her finger crooked to beckon him.

“What are you waiting for?” she purred as she ducked back into the room.

Cal scrambled out of his pants and quickly followed her. She was already submerged, her body hidden by the soapy suds of bubble bath. The room smelled like fresh fruit, a far cry better than the stink of the beast that they’d been smelling all day.

Morgan smiled at him as she pulled her hair out of its ponytail. It dipped into the water at her shoulders, clinging to her skin. “I found some apple-scented bubble bath the other day in the cabinet. I thought this would be a good time to use it.” She scanned his body, her eyes leaving a hot trail of lust as she swept her gaze over his pulsing cock then licked her lips.

“Aren’t you too exhausted?” he asked. Shut up, shut up, shut up. Despite his words, he moved toward the tub and motioned for her to scoot forward.

“Too exhausted for a bath?” she teased as she moved.

Cal hissed a breath as he eased himself into the hot water. “Christ, woman, are you trying to scald me?” It was hot, really hot, but as his legs slid around her and his body adjusted to the temperature, there was no way he was getting out—not with her slippery skin pressed against him.

She pushed herself toward him, nestling her back into his hard erection. “I like it hot. It helps get the dirt off.”

He smiled as he lowered his nose to her hair, inhaling deeply before sputtering out a lungful of rank air. “Holy shit, your hair reeks of that beast. You need to let me wash it for you.”

Morgan shrugged as she reached to the side of the tub and handed him a bottle of shampoo. “Go for it.”

He took the bottle and gobbed a generous amount of shampoo into his palm while she dunked her head partially under the water. When she sat back up, her hair was soaked through.

She hissed a moan through her lips as he massaged the goop into her hair. It smelled better already—the flowery scent of the shampoo quickly overpowering the disgusting odor of the beast.

“Mmm, that feels good, Cal.” Her eyes were closed as she tilted her head back even farther, and he ran his fingers through her hair, gently untangling the knots.

He was surprised by how happy he felt. Washing a woman’s hair had never been at the top of his list of things to do, but with Morgan it was different. The feeling of contentment, mingling with his desire for her had his heart almost bursting with happiness. How could he have denied himself this? It would have driven him mad if he’d gone on without her. And to think he had been about to sever this bond. No wonder his father was insane. Cal could only imagine the depth of loss he would feel with permanent separation.

Once he had finished with the shampoo, he turned the taps back on and used the detachable showerhead to rinse all of the soap out, then repeated the process with conditioner, leaving her hair smelling much more pleasant.

She cocked her head and smiled, her eyes sliding open a fraction. “Much better. Thank you.”

He reached around her and grabbed the body wash and cloth from the side of the tub. “I’m not done yet,” he said as he nudged her forward so that he could pour the wash over her back.