Wolf Slayer (The Order of the Wolf, #2)

She gulped back her tears. “It’s gorgeous, Jay,” she croaked.

He pulled it from the box, and motioned for her to lift her left hand. “I may not be great at communicating my feelings with words, but every time you look at this you’ll know that it’s a symbol of my feelings for you. The deepest, truest feelings I possess.” He slid it onto her ring finger. “You are my destiny. You are my life.”

Aubrey touched the finger with her other hand, lifted it to her lips and kissed it, then leaned in and kissed him. “I love you too, Jaylon.”

He ran his hand along her thigh and kissed her again, pulling her closer so that her ass rested against his hard cock. “Mmm, I like the feel of you there.”

She wriggled teasingly and laughed. “I bet you do. But you haven’t yet answered my question. Are you feeling any pain tonight?”

He sighed. “Yeah, yeah I am.”

When she made to pull away, trying to scramble off him, he slipped his hand between her legs and rubbed her, abrading her clit with his fingers against her jeans. “I’m aching to be inside of you, Aubrey.”

She moaned as he latched onto her breast, the cotton of her T-shirt and bra doing nothing to keep the heat of his mouth from penetrating to her skin. And suddenly, she couldn’t get naked fast enough.

Pulling away, she whipped her clothes off in a frenzy, did not hesitate in the slightest when he threw the sheet back and offered his cock for her to sheathe. She was back on his lap within seconds, on her knees straddling him, his cock filling her up so completely that she moaned again. This was bliss.

He gripped her ass and lifted her, helping her find a rhythm as she pumped his cock slowly. He shifted his hands to her breasts, cupping her at first, his thumbs circling her nipples, then rubbing back and forth until they were so hard they were aching. He moved one hand to her back and pushed her forward so he could suck her breast into his mouth, flicking his tongue against her nipple, nipping her before releasing her to do the same on the other side.

It was too much. Her climax mounted as she moved faster, rolling her hips to hit that special spot that felt so damn good. With both hands on her hips, he pumped her harder and harder, moaning along with her. She rolled her head back, her breasts jutting out, her spine arched and found the perfect angle. Two more strokes and her orgasm cascaded over her, squeezing his cock, pulling him along into dizzying release. As she slowed her pace, he pulled her down, bellowing a second orgasm the moment his fangs punctured the skin of her throat. The bond tightened, strengthened in that instant, sending her over the edge as well.

This was what love felt like.

Jaylon was hers forever.

About the Author

Every day is Halloween for author Angela Addams. Enthralled by the paranormal at an early age, Angela spends most of her time thinking up new story ideas that involve supernatural creatures in everyday situations. She believes that the written word is an amazing tool for crafting the most erotic of scenarios.

She is an avid tattoo collector, a total book hoarder and loves anything covered in chocolate…except for bugs.

She lives in Ontario, Canada in an old, creaky house, with her loving husband and children.

To find out more about Angela, visit www.angelaaddams.com.

Don’t forget to follow her on Twitter (www.twitter.com/angelaaddams).

And you can catch up with her on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Author.Angela.Addams

      Look for these titles by Angela Addams

   Now Available:

   The Order of the Wolf


   Wolf Slayer

   Coming Soon:

   Wolves’ Bane

   Spell Weaver

Her biggest mistake comes with fangs…and a nose for tracking her down.


? 2014 Angela Addams

The Order of the Wolf, Book 1

Wherever there’s a lying, cheating scumbag who’s broken a woman’s heart, Vengeance Dealer Darcy Wells is there. So what if she isn’t the most skilled witch around? She’s only using one spell, which leaves the hapless male suffering tormenting lust for one woman. Her.

The beautiful part? This curse comes equipped with a blinding agent, allowing her a clean getaway. Unrequited lust, coming right up! As far as Darcy is concerned, it’s justice served. Her next target: Raven Glock, rock band bassist and drop-dead-gorgeous sex god.

When Raven lays eyes on the luscious Darcy, he gives her what he promises all the starry-eyed groupies who toss their panties at him—one unforgettable night in his bed. Sex with Darcy is so epic that he forgets his cardinal rule: to get her out before morning.

At the crack of sunrise, Darcy serves Raven a face full of cursed ash. But something goes horribly wrong…and she finds herself magically tethered to one pissed-off werewolf.

Angela Addams's books