Wolf Slayer (The Order of the Wolf, #2)

“So, Jay, how are things going with Aubrey? Departure is in three days. We need her on side by then or we’re going to have to go with Plan B for the tour.”

Plan B, leave Aubrey behind. If she didn’t know about their wolf status by the time the plane left, and was on their side, they’d be boarding it without her. Jaylon didn’t even want to contemplate the ramifications. Although Mayhem hadn’t said it outright, if Aubrey knew they were wolves and didn’t accept him, she was probably as good as dead, especially given her Huntress status. Mayhem would view her as a threat to the pack. So Jaylon was going to have to make the call. Was she ready for the truth or not? As far as he was concerned, she was only ready for the truth if she was committed to him, Jaylon, the man. Only then would she be able to accept Jaylon, the wolf.

“Yeah, I know.” Three days to make a girl fall in love with him? Easy for Raven, Mayhem—heck, anyone else but Jaylon. He was the world’s worst romancer. It’d been a fucking miracle he’d made the night before such a success. Total fluke. He wasn’t even entirely sure if his plans for tonight would help or hinder their relationship. The last time they’d had sex, she had frozen him out for days.

“She was really happy today,” Darcy said with a wide grin. “Seemed like she was looking forward to seeing you tonight. Mentioned that you’d done something very nice for her.”

Jaylon’s pride swelled. Aubrey was talking about him, in a good way. That had to count for something. “We have plans tonight.”

“Ahhh.” Darcy smiled knowingly then turned to greet the others with the cart of platters.

There was hope if she was happy. It meant he’d done something right the night before. Maybe he could make her fall in love with him in three days after all.

He caught her scent drifting down the hall and through the back sliding door. He couldn’t quite name it. What she smelled like was a mixture of the soap she used and something else—a special sweet nectar that hit the back of his throat and made his mouth water. When he kissed her the night before, he felt intoxicated and he knew it was because of her scent. Her taste. Her.

She walked out of the door, smiling, body relaxed and her gaze immediately fell on his. She blushed a little, glanced away briefly but then looked back. This was his woman. He could see it in the way her eyes sparkled and her smile grew wider. One more night. That was all he needed.

Coming behind her were two tall, well built young guys wearing black tees and cargo pants, both equipped with side arms—9mm by the looks of it. The new security team.


“There’s a target area set up at the side of the house.” She was motioning to the west, toward the first target area he’d made. She wore her bow case over her shoulder. “I’ll take you guys over there after dinner. I’d like to get some extra training in before we head overseas.”

Jealousy spiked. He had plans for her tonight and it didn’t involve target practice or two burly security goofs. Jaylon sneered, mouth opened to argue when another feeling kicked at his gut. He scanned the two guards, eyes narrowed. Something was off about them. Jaylon glanced over at Mayhem, who at that moment was preoccupied downing a shot of tequila with Dyami.

“Hello, everyone,” Aubrey said, “I’d like you to meet Gareth and Chris. I’ve known Chris for a really long time. They’re both friends of the family.”

Mayhem looked up, smiled, then moved toward them, hand outstretched in greeting, eyes a little glassy from the shot of booze.

Jaylon’s hackles rose.

“Mayhem.” He started to move toward them, the feeling of something wrong rising with each second that passed.

As the first one, Gareth, took Mayhem’s hand, Jaylon let loose a low warning growl.

“What the fuck!” Gareth yelled as he yanked his hand back and turned his arm up to show the underside of his biceps. There, on his flesh, the ink of a wolf spread right before their eyes.

“Son of a bitch.” Chris bellowed as he yanked back the collar of his shirt to reveal his own wolf tattoo forming.


Mayhem transformed into his wolf that instant, the threat of attack forcing a change.

“Beast!” Gareth pulled his sidearm and took a shot, hitting Mayhem in the shoulder.

Mayhem roared with rage, the bullet slowing him for only a fraction of a second as he launched himself at the Hunter.

Gareth took another shot, and was beneath Mayhem’s paws in a blink.

Something crashed behind him.

“Darcy!” Raven screamed.

Jaylon turned his head, watched with horror as Raven cradled his mate, blood pouring from her arm. Fangs burst from Raven’s mouth, eyes flashed with gold steaks, the change coming with his fury.

Angela Addams's books