Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

Raphael broke the kiss and stared at her with those dark passion filled eyes. “Take off your coat and shirt, and let me see your beautiful tits.”

She divested herself of the pesky garments within seconds, only keeping her breeches, reveling in the hungry look in his eyes. When she was bare, he licked his lips. “Now feed them to me.” He looked up to meet her eyes. “I won’t bite. Not unless you want me to.” There was a hesitation in his voice, as if he was unsure if he’d said the right thing.

“Would I want you to?” she asked, curiosity overwhelming her.

“Maybe one day. But believe me when I tell you that even if you never let me taste your sweet blood, I’ll always be your faithful husband. Never doubt that.”

She didn’t. The sincerity didn’t only shine through his words, but also radiated from his eyes. It was the moment when she realized that he would never be able to lie to her again, because she would always know by looking into his eyes whether he was sincere. The thought warmed her heart.

“Now let me suck those tits before I burn up with desire for you.” He gave her a crooked smile, and Isabella lowered her breasts to dangle above his face. He strained to lift himself closer to her, but the leather straps on his wrists didn’t allow for much movement.

“You want my tits?” she teased him. “How much do you want them?”

He pushed his hips upwards, pressing his hard length against her sex. Liquid heat traveled to her * as it clenched in response. “That much.”

“Oh,” she answered him, trying her most coquettish voice. “That’s indeed quite impressive, Signore.” She lowered herself another inch. Instantly his tongue snaked out and lapped at one nipple. “Signore, do you think that’s proper?”

“Very proper, Signora,” he joined in her game. “Now if Signora would just lower herself a little bit more, I could show her how proper this is.”

“Signora can do better than that.” She cupped one breast and led the nipple to his mouth.

Raphael sighed contently and sucked it into his mouth, his eyes never leaving her face, showing her how much he appreciated her gesture. Greedily, he sucked, turning the little nub into a hard peak, transforming her insides into mush. She pulled up, not being able to take any more.

“The other one,” he begged. Unable to resist him, she led her other breast to his mouth. This time, he sucked on it harder as if he was intent on never letting it out of his mouth again.

She panted heavily. “Signore, this cannot possibly be proper.”

Raphael let her nipple pop out of his mouth and ran his tongue between her breasts, licking her as if he was devouring a sumptuous dessert. “Proper would be if Signora lets me fuck her tits.”

Not knowing what he meant, interest rose in her nevertheless. “And how would such a feat be accomplished?”

He gave a rakish smile. “Slide down on me until your tits meet with me cock. Then take me between them and press them together with your hands.”

A delicious shiver danced along her skin at his description. “Why, Signore, this sounds positively debauched.”

“Yes,” he rasped. “So, do it, my beautiful Signora. Capture my cock between your wonderful flesh and make me come.”

Isabella’s entire body vibrated as she slid down his muscled torso, dragging her sensitive nipples against his skin. Every word Raphael said made her hotter and hotter. All her fear was gone. Left was the passion and love she felt for him. And the knowledge that he would fulfill all her fantasies.

The crevice between her breasts was wet from when he’d licked her. Now she knew he’d done it deliberately so his cock would slide smoothly into place. When she pressed her hands against the outsides of her breasts, he let out an uncontrolled moan.

“Oh, fuck!”

Isabella shifted, making his cock slide toward her throat, then back down again. It felt good to feel his hard, hot length pulsate between her ample flesh. “Yes, Signore, is that proper enough for you?”

“More than proper.” His hips flexed, and he started pumping up and down. “Yes, my angel, this is all very proper.” His voice became more and more slurred and unrecognizable with every thrust of his cock.

When she felt him stiffen and his cock jerk, she knew he was right at the edge. Isabella released him from the prison of her breasts and took him into her mouth with one smooth slide. It was clear he hadn’t expected it.

“Oh, God, Isabella! Fuck!” Raphael cried out and shot his hot seed into her mouth as his body spasmed and rocked against her. She swallowed some of the salty liquid, but his spurts came so hard and fast, she couldn’t keep up. She lifted her head and released him.

Folsom, Tina's books