Throne of Glass

To Erin Bowman, Amie Kaufman, Vanessa Di Gregorio, Meg Spooner, Courtney Allison Moulton, Aimée Carter, and the ladies at Pub(lishing) Crawl—you’re such talented writers and wonderful people, thank you for being a part of my life.

To Meredith Anderson, Rae Buchanan, Renee Carter, Anna Deles, Gordana Likic, Sarah Liu, Juliann Ma, Chantal Mason, Arianna Sterling, Samantha Walker, Diyana Wan, and Jane Zhao: I’ve never met any of you face-to-face, but the years of your unfailing enthusiasm have meant so much to me. Kelly De Groot, thanks for the incredible map of Erilea!

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, thank you to all my readers from Your letters, fan art, and encouragement gave me the confidence to try to get published. I’m honored to have you as fans—but even more honored to have you as my friends. It’s been a long journey, but we made it! Here’s looking at you!

About the Author

SARAH J. MAAS was sixteen years old when she published an early draft of Throne of Glass on the FictionPress website, where thousands of readers flooded her in-box with enthusiastic e-mails. Many years and revisions later, Sarah is delighted to be publishing the final version of Throne of Glass as her debut novel. A New York native, Sarah currently lives in Southern California, with her husband.