The Rush (The Siren Series)

CHAPTER Thirty-Five

I looked at the clock for the hundredth time in the last five minutes and regrettably noticed only five minutes had passed. Unable to sit still any longer, I stood up and started pacing the foyer. Smoothing out invisible lines on my campy black satin cocktail dress, I looked up to gauge Anaxandra and Evaleen.

They sat unmoving, with legs crossed and hands neatly folded in their laps, like they had done this plenty of times before. Hell, maybe they had.

Technically they weren’t supposed to be assets yet, but you couldn’t tell that from the way they shot bored looks around the hotel lobby or sighed impatiently. They looked like pros sitting on the plush bench seat, their slinky stilettos dangling from their toes, their tight skirts riding up just a smidge too high and exposing mile long legs. Eva’s stems were ivory porcelain underneath her silk pink off the shoulder dress. Her long chestnut hair hung down to the middle of her back, straight and sleek. And her lips were glossed and kept strategically away from bangs that slanted over one eye. Ana was just as gorgeous tonight, with her messy blonde braid hanging loosely over one shoulder and her bright blue strapless dress the exact color of her eyes. They were minxy perfection.

And I was a jumbled ball of nerves.

My palms were sweaty, my knees were clammy, my dress felt suffocating and too small. My hair was in this really intricate knot thing on the back of my head, with some faux bangs swept over my forehead, a lot like Eva’s. My bottom lip wouldn’t stop trembling, so I was forced to bite on it which in turn dissolved my lip color a half hour ago. And my hands were convulsing.

I was not supposed to be here.

I had plotted my entire life to get me out of this exact situation.

And for opening my big mouth one too many times, I had been punished by my worst fear.

I absently wondered if Nix knew that. If somehow he had actually seen into my soul and doled out punishment accordingly. Even if he would have taken me two years earlier, it would not have compared to the torture of getting paid to be some old man’s arm candy.

Sex slave industry. Ryder had been right.

Only instead of kidnapping and an unwanted addiction to drugs, my mother had given birth to me for the sole purpose of passing on her legacy. Her whore legacy.

I shuddered as the reality, more than ever before, sunk in.

“Would you stop?” Eva finally snapped. “You are making me nervous. Just sit down!”

I let out a rush of breath but obeyed. I sat on my hands to keep them from spreading the shakes to the rest of my body and then stared down at my feet. I tried to remember the words of comfort and encouragement Ryder had whispered to me all day. Immediately this morning he started drilling me about Nix’s “assignment” and because he already knew more than he should, I told him everything. I laid out my evening for him in exact terms, to give him an idea of what I would face and myself peace of mind because someone else, someone normal, wholesome and good, would know where I was tonight. Because he would be concerned about me. Thinking about me.

“It’s alright, Ivy,” Ana put a comforting hand on my back. She was a little awkward since my dress was backless down to my lowest vertebrae and it was weird with the skin to skin contact of her hand. But she was maternal and sweet and I sank into her tranquility. “This isn’t a real job. Think of it like…. riding your bike with training wheels.”

I thought about that for a minute and then said, “I was never allowed to ride a bike, training wheels or not.”

There was a moment of silence before Ana said, “Me either,”

“Too risky for scars,” Eva added.

“Ugh, what kind of pathetic childhoods did we lead?” Ana groaned and then all three of us burst into laughter.

“How about another analogy that doesn’t remind me of why I’m in therapy?” I asked, but already I felt more relaxed.

“Ok, how about this?” Ana seemed to think about it, “You’ve been on dates before? Lots of dates, I bet, right?”


“Well, just think of this like a date. A date with a man you don’t really like all that much, but you still have to finish out your commitment. He’s not going to try anything; he’s not even going to get further than a goodnight kiss. Most likely, these are some business colleagues of Nix that just want to have some company while they’re in town. We meet them, we go to dinner, maybe out for drinks after, and then we part ways. There’s nothing to it. You’ll be fine.”

Only nothing about this felt fine. I was a junior in high school. I shouldn’t be here with a business colleague of Nix.

And I sure as hell shouldn’t be kissing them goodnight.

The very thought of kissing sent me back to the Delice kitchen with Ryder. It had been a mistake. A horrible, awful, delicious…. wonderful mistake. One that would never happen again.

But even as I swore to myself I could never slip up like that again around him. I mean, it was all my fault, wasn’t it? I was the one stupidly attracted to him. He was just a guy reacting to his baser instincts. And I didn’t mean because I was a siren. Because he was a teenage boy and I basically climbed him like a tree and assaulted his mouth. But then again, he had even commented immediately on how it had been an experiment. So….

So even as I swore all that to myself, I hated, absolutely loathed the idea of cheapening that moment of blissful perfection by kissing a middle aged pervert goodnight.

“This must be them,” Eva commented and sat up a bit straighter.

Three young guys in expensive, well-tailored suits strolled into the lobby of the hotel looking like they could buy this place with a swipe of one of their credit cards. They were younger than I thought they would be, which initially seemed great, but on closer inspection of all things douchy realized that age might have been better than cocky arrogance in this case. Where an older gentleman would have been considerate and grateful to have my attention, these mid-twenty pretentious a-holes would demand it while filling my head with every vapid self-honoring detail they could think of.

Still, now that they were here, I felt better. Just a little more relaxed.

“Drew?” Eva asked, pretending to be shy. She swiped at the bangs that had fallen into her eye and smiled her award winning I’m-a-saucy-sexpot smile.

“Yes,” Drew, the tallest of the three guys smiled hugely in return. He was tan, with overly glossed hair and giant white teeth. While he was handsome in that “Ivy-league-I-do-a-sport-like-rowing” way, he was also so obviously full of himself I wanted to choke on the vanity. “And you are?”

“I’m Eva,” she smiled at him again and held his gaze before she extended her hand. “And these are my friends, Ana, and Ivy.”

“Blake,” Drew gestured to the guy to his right. Blake stuck out his arm and took Ana’s. He had the long, lithe muscles of a runner; I could see them even through his charcoal suit. His hair was shorter than his friends, closely cropped so there was no expensive product to maintain the stray strands. He was better looking than Drew on close inspection, more mysteriously handsome than classically. Except his eyes were almost too enigmatic, too haunting. They were dark brown and roaming. Even though Ana clearly marked him as hers, his eyes floated over Eva and me, drinking us in with an obvious air of approval.

“And this is Taylor,” he gestured to the man on his left who reached out a hand to me.

Taylor smiled at me shyly, lifting a dark eyebrow as if asking me a question. I held out my hand and he took it in his firm grasp, pulling me forward a little while he shook it. I stumbled in my heels, stepping right into his chest. I looked up at him from under my lashes, hoping to convey that I was embarrassed about tripping. He looked down at me with dull green eyes that weren’t upset at all we were standing so close.

Taylor had longer hair than his friends, the top layer falling right to the corner of his eyes. He didn’t seem to notice though, or be bothered by it while he held me close to him, totally invading my personal space. His face was tanned and sculpted, with only a few wrinkles in the corners of his eye and thick ones that crinkled with his forehead.

“Nice to meet you, Ivy,” he murmured smoothly down to me.

“Nice to meet you, Taylor,” I smiled my practiced smile, the one I turned on when it was necessary to perform. His dull eyes twinkled in return.

“Shall we go?” Drew interrupted our too-long greeting.


Taylor turned skillfully, somehow managing to keep hold of my hand while tucking it into his elbow. He kept a tight grip on it, not a painful one, but one that felt awkward and forced. One that I knew I couldn’t break free from.

Ana and her date, Blake, led the way to the dining room that was just around the corner and we fell in step last. Taylor trailed a little, separating us from the other two couples.

“You are truly a stunning creature, Ivy,” Taylor’s words were clipped and enunciated perfectly, like speaking was an art form for him. He didn’t have the smooth, sexy sound that came out of Ryder’s mouth, but I could tell he was used to being listened to. Used to giving orders.

“Thank you,” I offered in return and then coughed to cover my nerves.

“I love this dress, it fits you perfectly,” he continued. A blush crept up my neck; it was awkward to keep talking about my looks. And although I had been in this place before, with guys my own age, I was not anxious to repeat the experience.

“Thank you,” I repeated. “Again.” A moment of silence stretched out between us and I found myself quick to fill it. “So how do you know Nix?”

Taylor looked straight ahead, his jaw clamping together before he cleared his throat and seemed to put himself back together. “Drew and I run one of his smaller subsidiary companies. We’re originally from the south, but while he is relocated to the Midwest, we’ll be coming up here often to visit.”

“Ah, so Nix is your boss?” I clarified.

Which was apparently a mistake. Taylors hold tightened on my hand until he was squeezing it roughly, his short nails biting into my skin. “Do you have a problem because I work for someone?”

We were stopped in front of a table set for six. The other two guys were helping Eva and Ana into their seats while we stood in front of the table looking like a fighting couple.

“No, not at all,” I gushed quickly. “I just wanted to figure out the connection, that’s all.” And now I just wanted to get my hand out of his, before he dug his nails all the way to the bone.

“Well, now you know,” he ground out bitterly. He yanked my arm from the crook of his elbow and let go of my hand with such force that I fell into a heap on my chair. I hit the seat hard, and bumped my tailbone on the corner before I was able to right myself and sit up normally. I wanted to stand up and slap him for his abuse, but this was part of the job.

Taking it.

And so fighting back the tears of frustration and pain, I reached for my napkin and laid it across my lap just so I would have something to do. I ignored looking at the palm of my hand so I wouldn’t have to see the damage he did to it.

But when I pulled it from the napkin, I noticed the blood smears on the white linen. Not wanting to smear blood on anything else, I dropped my hand to my lap and pressed it into the unsoiled fabric. So what if I couldn’t use a napkin again tonight. I just wouldn’t order salad or anything all that messy, which also kind of sounded fantastic at this point.

Thankfully dinner was less eventful, at least to begin with. The men, for the most part, ignored us. We ordered drinks- a water for me since I didn’t want to risk being carded, how embarrassing. We picked at our meals and let the men discuss business, politics and sports around us.

Anaxandra gave me a sympathetic look when Taylor insisted on keeping his arm around the back of my chair. I didn’t mind his arm so much as his hand kept reaching out and pinching my shoulder whenever I would slouch over. My mother raised me with perfect posture, but occasionally I would lean forward to take a bit of my meal, eggplant parmesan, although I hadn’t touched the noodles. Whenever I would, his hand would subtly clamp down on my clavicle, press down and then pull me back until I was in a posture he approved of.

It was starting to weird me out.

And then when the plates had been cleared, Eva stood up to go to the bathroom. I set my napkin down, careful to hide the blood stains, as if to stand up with her. I mean, wasn’t it a universally known fact that women went to the bathroom together? At the very least in pairs? But before I could stand up, the full weight of his arm was pressed down on my shoulder, telling me to sit tight.

I sighed and went back to staring at the table, watching the small votive candle flicker in the dim lighting of the Liberty Tavern. Eventually, the bill was paid, by Taylor, who insisted that this was his treat and we were on our way to after dinner drinks.

I had to assume Nix explained that I was underage and wouldn’t be able to go anywhere they carded. Not that I didn’t have my fake ID with me, I did. And not that I wasn’t used to charming my way passed bartenders and bouncers, because I was. But warning bells were ringing in my head that I should not at all give another man attention while Taylor arranged for me.

He did not seem like the type that played well with others.

The whole underage thing turned out to be a null point anyway, when to my horror, instead of leaving the hotel to drive somewhere else, the men led us over to the bank of elevators. Anaxandra and Eva were cozy and friendly, draped on their dates’ arms, but I remained stiff and cautious next to Taylor.

Even though I hadn’t had anything to drink at dinner, everyone else had plenty and Drew and Blake were more than a little tipsy. Ana and Eva seemed relaxed enough; even though I could tell they were still very much in control.

Taylor on the other hand…. he was clearly on his way to inebriated, but instead of getting loud and goofy, he held on to me tighter, pressed me against him harder. His arm was snaked around my waist with his fingertips digging into my side uncomfortably. And he had me pulled against his body so that my side was pressed firmly against his. It was awkward to walk that way, and I was obnoxiously off balance.

Not to mention he reeked of beer.

Once we were all piled into the elevator, he gripped me tighter, wrapping his whole arm around my waist and then burying his face in the crook of my neck and collarbone.

He made a sexual grunting sound and then inhaled loudly. “Damn, girl, you smell so good.”

I mumbled my thank you and then tried to wiggle out of his hold. We were in the back corner of the elevator and even though I wasn’t exactly in danger, I was extremely uncomfortable and I desperately wished Ana or Eva would pay attention to me. They were busy flirting with their own dates, who had gotten very handsy themselves after dinner, so they were dealing with their own problems.

“I cannot wait to get you alone tonight,” Taylor murmured against my skin. Everything went motionless inside me, petrified with fear. Even my lungs stilled and my heart stopped completely.

“No, I don’t think we’re supposed to be alone,” I fumbled through an excuse. “I uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Sure it is,” he growled, digging his fingers into my stomach and wrapping his other hand around my shoulders so I was effectively caged against him. “It’s a great idea. A fantastic idea.”

I let out a shaky breath and placed my hands over his, the one that was bruising my abdomen. “Please let go. You’re hurting me.”

The pressure let up, just a little bit. “Say it, Ivy, say it’s a good idea.”

I shook my head in response, trying to fight back big tears that were threatening to spill. His fingers went back to jabbing my skin and I would have doubled over if his arm across my chest hadn’t kept me locked in a standing position.

“Say it,” his voice was deadly quiet, just a whisper in my ear. But the ugliest, most dangerous whisper I had ever heard.

“I would love to be alone with you,” I forced out. But no. No I did not want to be alone with him. I wanted anything but to be alone with him. His fingers lightened against my stomach and shoulder and I used the moment to take a deep, steadying breath.

I had to get out of this.

I wasn’t exactly sure what the protocol was here. Last night, Nix made me understand that it was my duty to make my date feel welcomed and at home. I was supposed to be the perfect date, have no expectations on the man and allow him to relax completely with a beautiful woman on his arm.

But surely this was not in the contract. There had to be some kind of code that I could use to warn Anaxandra and Evaleen that my date had gone bad. Really bad.

The elevators finally opened on the top floor and we all poured out of the closed metal box. Drew and Eva started down one way while Blake and Ana walked along with us.

“See you in the morning, dude,” Blake called out to Drew who just laughed hysterically in return.

I looked over at Ana until I caught her attention. We were side by side with the boys on the outside talking about stupid things above our heads.

“I can’t do this, Ana,” I whispered fiercely.

“He knows not to push further than you’ll let him, Ives. It’s in his contract. You have got to relax,” she bit out back at me.

“I can’t. Ana, please, help me get out of this,” I begged as silently as I could. A treacherous tear escaping down my cheek. “Please.”

Taylor’s pull on me was abrupt and painful as my body slammed back into his. I didn’t know if he had heard me or not, but I felt like a worthless ragdoll against the strength of his arms.

Ana must have seen the fear in my eyes or the forceful way he was treating me because suddenly the annoyed look on her face turned to concern.

“Hey, why don’t we party together for a while?” She suggested coyly. She turned in Blake’s arms and played with the top button of his open oxford. “It could be fun. Just a few more drinks? Maybe play a little poker?”

“Strip poker?” Blake asked with hooded eyes.

“Sure, strip poker,” Ana cooed back. “Ivy loves strip poker, don’t you Ivy?”

I opened my mouth to announce how much I loved strip poker, anything was better than being alone with Taylor at this point, but he beat me to it.

“That’s alright,” Taylor said in a cold voice. “Ivy and I are ready to be alone. But you two go on and have fun now.”

Taylor stopped at the door to his room and pulled out the keycard that would open it. Blake laughed at Taylor’s brazenness and pulled Ana along to his room. She gave me an anxious, apologetic look but let him drag her along.

Then the lock clicked open and Taylor was leading me into his room. He didn’t bother to turn on the lights so as soon as the door shut behind us we were lost in complete darkness. His hands had never left me and were now holding me in place, both of them firmly on my waist.

“You, you, y-you should know that I’m actually underage,” I stammered. “I’m only sixteen!”

My voice was a desperate cry, my breath stuck in my throat.

“You better be,” he sneered, and then pushed me forward. My foot caught on something, a suitcase or desk leg or something and I stumbled forward and fell on my knees. My hands caught my fall, but then his polished shoe came down hard on my backside, propelling me forward so that I flew face first into the carpet. The rough, hotel room carpet burned against my face and I cried out in pain and fear. “I wanted someone young, Ivy. You’re exactly what I was hoping for.”

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