The Original Sin

Chapter Thirteen

I felt the covers being removed from my face and I opened my eyes in shock. Bright sunlight streamed through my room, momentarily blinding me.

“What the hell?” I groaned as I immediately shielded my eyes with my hands.

I felt my body being lifted up and I tried in vain to get out of the person’s hold. “Put me down!” I yelled hoarsely as I feebly kicked my legs.

Soon, my eyes adjusted and I saw that Trey was the person carrying me. “Trey, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Put me down this instant!”

He ignored me as I was taken out into the hall, through Archer’s door, and into Archer’s master bathroom. Suddenly, I was unceremoniously dropped into a warm bubble bath; the soapy water sloshing over the side and onto the tile floor.

I sputtered as I sat up out of the water, my bed clothes and hair completely soaked. “What the HELL is WRONG WITH YOU?!?!”

“Shut up,” Aoife growled at me and I turned to see her standing by the bathroom mirror, her slender arms folded under her impressive chest. “I’m not going to sit here and let you sulk anymore. You’ve been in bed for five days and that’s four days too long. This is getting ridiculous.”

I looked over at Trey with wide, angry eyes, but he just looked down at me with pursed lips. “Don’t look at me for help, Skye Morrison. It was my idea.”

“Why the hell can’t y’all just leave me alone?” I asked heatedly.

“Because we care about you and we’re not going to sit here and allow you to spiral further into your depression.”

“You don’t know shit about what I’m going through, Trey!” I yelled as I roughly pushed a tower of bubbles out of my face.

“You’re right, I don’t,” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he threw me a bath sponge. “I can only FEEL every emotion you are having. Now, are you going to wash yourself or do I have to do it for you?”

“Get out!” I screamed at him as I took off my shirt. Trey immediately obeyed and I looked over at Aoife. “You too!”

“Not a chance,” she said plainly as she came to sit on the ledge of the massive garden tub. “Someone has to make sure you bathe, Skye. You reek.”

I knew arguing would be a losing battle, so I huffed as I took off the rest of my wet clothes and threw them over the side of the tub. Aoife grabbed the sponge, dipped it into the water, and then added a large dollop of liquid soap to the top before handing it to me.

I accepted the sponge with a scowl and began lathering my arms and chest. To my immense surprise, Aoife picked up the shampoo bottle and began washing my hair. No one had washed my hair since my mother had when I was a child. It had been my favorite part of bath time when I was little. My mother’s fingers were always gentle and loving and I felt the tension begin to leave my body as Aoife brought back those fond memories with every touch.

She silently rinsed my hair as I finished washing my body and then she began massaging conditioner into the length while I shaved my legs.

When my bath was done, she held out a towel for me and I wrapped up in its warmth before she sat me down and began the tedious task of brushing out my massive tangles. Five days in bed had turned my waist length hair into a huge rat’s nest. I sighed as I closed my eyes, relishing the feel of every brush stroke. The action was so simple, but it felt good and was intensely calming. A deep sense of peace descended upon me and for the first time in many days, I felt like everything might just be okay.

Aoife began to French braid my hair and when she reached the end, she tied it off before wrapping the long tail up into a tight bun at the nape of my neck.

“There,” she said, gently squeezing my shoulders with her hands, “you almost look presentable. Come. Let’s get you dressed.”

I stood and silently followed her into Archer’s bedroom. Draped across his bed sat a pair of my workout clothes and I looked up at her in surprise.

“Get dressed,” she said with a small smile. “Hagan is waiting for you downstairs.”

“I really don’t feel like training today, Aoife,” I sighed, but she immediately cut off further complaint with a flick of her wrist.

“You act as if you have a choice,” Aoife smiled, cocking one perfectly arched eyebrow, “but you don’t. Since you refuse to get up and live life on your own, we’ve decided to make you. It’s business as usual around here and that means you participate in your morning training ritual. Now, get dressed.”

I sighed heavily and frowned as I dropped the towel and put on my gear. I pursed my lips when I saw the ridiculously tiny thong that Trey thought would be appropriate for my workout, but I put it on anyway before pulling on my spandex shorts and red sports tank. Aoife nodded to my socks and running shoes and I put them on as well.

Aoife threw my wet towel on the bathroom floor and escorted me down the hall and into the living room. Hagan and Pádraig were waiting for me by the back door and they both nodded to me as I entered. I took a deep breath as I nodded back and turned to Aoife.

“Thank you for doing my hair,” I mumbled, still relatively unhappy at being forced out of bed and knowing there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

“Thank you for not trying to kick my ass,” she winked playfully with a small smile. “I wasn’t keen on joining that club.”

“I think that’s enough girl-bonding for one day,” Hagan grumbled from the doorway. “We’ve got work to do. Let’s go, Morrison!”

I pursed my lips and followed Pádraig out the back door. “So, where are we going?”

“We’re running in the hills today,” Hagan answered as he jogged past me. “Keep up, Morrison, or I’ll tether you to me with a rope and drag you along.”

I grumbled my displeasure as I put one foot in front of the other and sped to catch up to him. Pádraig followed along silently beside me as we made our way out of the backyard and into nature.

An hour later, as we crested the biggest hill I had ever climbed in my life, Hagan finally stopped. He slipped off his backpack and took out a bottle of water and a small towel for me.

“Drink,” he commanded as he tossed the bottle to me.

I did as he asked and downed half of the bottle quickly as Pádraig draped the towel over my shoulder.

“We’ll rest for a few minutes before we start our descent,” Pádraig said as he sat down on a boulder at the edge of a sharp cliff.

He patted the rock beside him and I gratefully sat down, resting my tired legs. Five days in bed had done me no favors, athletically speaking. I was pretty worn out by the workout and dreaded the run home.

“It’s beautiful out here,” Pádraig admired softly as he took in the scenery.

Rolling hills, tree tops, and blue sky stretched as far as the eye could see in every direction. I looked down and spotted the Colorado River, tiny from this height.

“Yes, it is,” I sighed, wiping my face with the towel.

Hagan took a seat beside us and we descended into a comfortable silence for the next few minutes.

“Why did you choose to take me running today?” I asked suddenly as I looked over at Hagan. “We never run.”

Hagan glanced over at me thoughtfully for a few seconds before finally sighing. “I think you’ve done enough fighting lately, wouldn’t you agree?”

Pádraig cleared his throat in warning and I turned to him just in time to see him give Hagan a disapproving look. “What he means is that it’s a beautiful day for a run. We thought you’d enjoy it.”

“I am enjoying it,” I nodded as I turned back to Hagan. “If you have something to say to me, just say it sir. We’ve always been honest and held nothing back, so let’s not start now.”

“You’re right,” Hagan said as he stood suddenly. “I do have something to say.”

“Hagan, leave it alone,” Pádraig warned as he stood as well.

“No. She asked so I’ll tell her,” he growled as he turned to me with anger and some emotion I couldn’t pinpoint in his eyes. “You’ve been acting like a petulant, moody, irrational child as of late and it is bullshit Morrison. Attacking Archer and then Jameson? If that wasn’t bad enough, you haul off and lock yourself in your room for days, crying about how your mommy and daddy didn’t love you enough or some other ridiculous bullshit. You need to man up and deal with life, little girl. No one is going to cater and pander to you anymore. You need to grow the hell up and learn to deal with the curve balls that life throws at you. So your boss and the cause of your wet panties hurt you…get the f*ck over it already! You were kidnapped and it was horrible…we get it! We’re trying to find the bastard that did it, and I promise you we’ll find him, but until then you need to learn how to deal with shit like an adult. Put on your big girl panties, Morrison, and f*cking deal with it! This shit you’ve been pulling for the past week has set everyone on edge. People are tiptoeing on eggshells around you; thousand-plus year old vampires are at a loss on how to deal with your temper tantrums and it is bullshit! They shouldn’t have to put up with it! You are an adult, Skye…granted, you’re human, but you’re not a child. Grow the f*ck up!”

I sat there staring at him, my mouth open in shock, as I let everything he said wash over me.

“Hagan,” Pádraig admonished in a whisper as he shook his head and started to speak to him in Gaelic. I listened to the back and forth for a few minutes as I numbly watched.

Finally, I swallowed thickly and stood up. “I’ve done a lot of growing up lately,” I spoke over them before they stopped talking and turned to me. “I’ve had my perfect, sugar-coated world turned upside down. I’ve seen things that most humans, outside of law enforcement and serial killers, have never had to see before. I think I’m doing fairly well given the circumstances, sir.” Pádraig opened his mouth and started to speak, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand. “I’m not strong like you. I haven’t lived for centuries or been in wars or have ever dealt with even a fraction of the shit I’ve had to deal with before six weeks ago. I’m only 23 years old. I haven’t lived through or seen the things you have in your 700 years, Hagan. I was relatively untainted by the horrible things that come from living in this f*cked up world and I was lucky. Yes, I’m human and I’m damn proud of that fact, but that doesn’t make me weak. I’m dealing with everything I have been given the only way I know how. I don’t know where all of this rage is coming from, but I’m trying to deal with it. I’m trying to get past my anger, work on my issues, and come out the other side a better, stronger, more complete person. You didn’t have to speak so callously and cruelly to me Hagan. I understand you are frustrated with the situation, but you were the one person I really looked up to and trusted. To hear you say those things to me, however necessary you felt they were, really hurt me. The one person I didn’t need to take shit from was you. Thank you for making my choice that much easier for me.

“I didn’t mean…” Hagan started but Pádraig cut him off with a look.

“What choice, Skye?” he asked, his brow creasing with worry.

I turned and started back down the hill as I answered him. “I’m taking my irrational, petulant and moody self back to my boring, pre-vampire life and as soon as Amun is dead, I’m having Quinn erase my memory.”

The run back to the house was silent. Hagan and Pádraig never said another word to me and I was grateful. I didn’t want to have to deal with any more emotional crap.

As I walked through the back door, I saw Gunnar enter the kitchen carrying my breakfast. “Miss Morrison,” he nodded politely as he set the covered dish on the kitchen table.

“Good morning, Gunnar,” I gave him a small smile as I put the kettle on and grabbed the tea. “Thank you for bringing my breakfast.”

“My pleasure, ma’am,” he nodded again, a tiny smile playing at his lips, before taking his leave again.

Gunnar was a strange man and I still hadn’t figured out what his role was in Archer’s life. I wasn’t really the prying type, so I never asked Archer about him. I didn’t think Gunnar was a vampire like the others though; I was fairly certain he was human like me.

I had developed a fondness for the man over the weeks I spent at Archer’s. Gunner would always bring me breakfast every morning and sometimes dinner to the club before I started my shift. He never said much to me, but that was fine by me. He was the strong, silent type and for some reason, that made me more comfortable around him.

“You’re back,” Archer observed behind me and I looked at him over my shoulder. It was the first time I had seen him since I walked out of his office after I asked him to have Quinn erase all my memories of him and his vampire friends. He stood awkwardly in the kitchen archway with his hands behind his back, a careful smile painted on his lips.

I turned back to my task, indifferent to him, pouring the hot water into my mug. “It would seem so.”

“Did you enjoy your run?” he asked as he watched me take my mug to the table and take a seat.

“Some of it,” I answered honestly as I uncovered my breakfast and looked down at the spread Gunnar had prepared for me. Sitting there were all of my favorites: a small cup of peach yogurt, a large, buttery croissant, a banana and strawberry fruit salad, and a plain waffle. For the first time in my life, my favorite breakfast foods looked completely unappealing and I frowned.

Archer sat across from me at the kitchen table and watched me silently stare at my food. “Is something wrong with your breakfast?” he asked worriedly.

“I, uh…I’m just not very hungry,” I said, replacing the lid on it.

“You have to eat, Skye,” he said, gently chiding me. “I left you alone for five days and didn’t make you eat during that time. You must eat now. You need nourishment.” He set a beautifully wrapped, large rectangle box on the table beside me. “Eat as much as you can and you can open this,” he smiled as I eyed the purple and silver wrapping.

I reached out and gently touched the expertly curled ribbons. “What is it?”

“Eat and find out,” he said simply.

With a sigh, I uncovered the food again and unenthusiastically dipped my spoon in the yogurt. The yogurt was a little warmer than I usually liked and I wrinkled my nose at the taste. It tasted old and unlike the quality I was used to. I checked the label for the use-by date and saw that it was still two months away; meaning the yogurt, my favorite brand, should have tasted fine.

I pushed the yogurt aside with pursed lips and cleansed the disgusting taste from my palate with a sip of tea. Even my tea tasted off and I frowned as I sniffed at the heat rising from the cup. “Huh,” I breathed, surprised, as I sat back. My tea even smelled unappetizing to me. It’s probably because I haven’t eaten anything in five days, I silently considered. My taste buds must be off.

“What’s wrong?” Archer asked as I cut a square from my waffle using the side of my fork.

“Oh, um…nothing,” I shook my head, still deep in thought, and put the waffle in my mouth. I slowly chewed as my stomach did somersaults. The texture of the waffle felt all wrong and I wanted to gag. Archer was watching me closely as I chewed and finally swallowed the vile mouthful. “Are you going to watch me eat the whole time?”

“I’m merely making sure you get a proper meal,” he smiled guardedly.

I pursed my lips again and frowned as moved on to my fruit salad. The fruit wasn’t very good, but it was a hell of a lot better than anything else I had eaten. I managed to stomach down the entire bowl and pushed the plate aside when I was done. “I can’t eat any more,” I sighed with a shake of my head. “It’s making my stomach hurt.”

“You’re body has gotten used to being without,” he said gently and then sighed. “That’s my fault. I should have made you eat, but I wanted to give you your privacy.”

I covered the plate so I wouldn’t have to look at the food and turned to the box. “Why did you get me a present?”

“I’ve had this for a while and was looking for the perfect time to give it to you,” he said with a small smile as he scooted the box in front of me. “I think today is that time.”

I slowly pulled on the ribbon strands and unwound them from the box before ripping off the beautiful, thick silver paper. After carefully folding back the silver tissue I gasped at the contents.

“Louboutin’s,” I whispered in awe as I took the teal suede stilettos from the box and stared at the signature red soles. “You bought me Christian Louboutin shoes?”

“Yes,” Archer said modestly. “They matched the dress.”

I reluctantly set the shoes aside and pulled the dress from the box as well. “Oh my word…” I blinked as I unfolded the beauty before me. The dress wasn’t merely a dress; it was a designer Herve Leger by Max Azria teal and black bandage dress.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I looked back up at Archer. “They’re so beautiful,” I whispered, biting my lip.

Archer relaxed somewhat and smiled widely. “I thought you’d like them.”

“But…why?” I asked, confused. There was easily five thousand dollars’ worth of merchandise sitting before me. I had never received such an extravagant gift before.

“Why?” he asked, confusion playing on his brow as well. “Because I love you, Skye. I wanted you to have them.” He said it so plainly and honestly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and my heart constricted at those three little words every girl on earth would die to hear come from Archer Rhys’ mouth…every girl but me.

“Archer,” I sighed, shaking my head as I moved to put the dress back in the box.

“Please don’t argue with me,” he whispered and I looked back up at him in surprise. His voice sounded tired, defeated, and pleading…and it tore at my heart.

“I won’t,” I whispered back, surprising myself. I had wanted to argue with him; argue about him telling me he loved me and that I couldn’t accept such an expensive gift, but I couldn’t. The tone in his voice sent me backpedaling faster than I thought possible. “Thank you for the gifts. They’re really perfect, Archer.”

Archer stared at me a moment, appraising my mood, and finally smiled, genuinely relaxed. “You’re welcome. I want you to wear them for your shift at The Mausoleum tonight.”

My brow furrowed as I looked back at the dress. “But, it isn’t dress code.”

“To hell with the dress code,” Archer said as he stood and placed a tentative kiss on my forehead.

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