The Warring States (The Wave Trilogy)


The Gospel According to St Barabbas


Now when Herod had searched all the land from Dan to Beer Sheva for rivals, he commanded his astrologers to search amongst the stars. The wise men from Babylon duly searched and found just what the tyrant had feared.


And Herod was exceeding wroth. I have overlooked no tower or palace. Where is this new king born? And the wise men mocked him, Thou hast overlooked the town of David.


So Herod sent forth and ordered all the newborns of Bethlehem slain, and though the lamentation of the other mothers was great, there was one who was not content with lamentation. She was a tumultuous Galilean and Her name was Mary of the House of David. She went up to the Temple and beseeched Her father, This cursed king hath slain my child and husband. Wherefore should he live to beget more children? Wherefore should his child live while mine is slain?


Zacharias was sore grieved by these words and he enjoined his fellow priests to lead the people into the streets. They answered, Alas, Zacharias, we cannot give your daughter justice. Herod is the Etruscans’ man. He hath restored the Temple for the glory of the Lord and our Nation. Wherefore should we rebel against him? For the sake of a few babes? The world has no shortage of those. And furthermore your daughter has sinned grievously by threatening the Lord’s anointed.


And Zacharias knew Etruscan silver had corrupted them and warned Mary to flee before Herod’s agents found Her.

Aidan Harte's books