The Warring States (The Wave Trilogy)


The Gospel According to St Barabbas


Now King Herod saw rivals to his throne everywhere. He murdered the wives of men; he murdered his own. He murdered the sons of men; he murdered his own; and a great many priests besides.


His deeds impressed the Etruscans but disgusted his subjects. The Jews alone amongst the peoples in the Empire refused to worship Etruscan gods. Herod shared neither the religion nor scruples of his subjects. His blood was a barbaric blend and thus he reasoned as barbarians do, that a mighty Empire must have mighty gods.


Now at this time there was an upright priest in Jerusalem, a Galilean from the House of David. His name was Zacharias. Of all the priests who served in the Temple, only he condemned Herod’s idolatry.


But his fellow priests railed at him and said, Zacharias, thou art a fool. And this king, though tyrant and pagan, is also a fool. Canst thou not see we use him to profit our Nation? Hast thou not heard us persuade him that he can buy the Lord’s favour? Dost thou not know he is restoring the Temple to the glory it enjoyed in the reign of Solomon?


But Zacharias said, It is thee who are foolish. This Herod is no Solomon; he is Nimrod reborn. Dost thou not see his bloody hands? Dost thou not know that if the restorers of the Temple are corrupt the Temple must be corrupted also? Hast thou forgotten the fate of Temples that displease the Lord?

Aidan Harte's books