The Undying Legion

Simon went out and handed Charlotte down, offering his elbow for her tiny hand.


She squeezed it, and whispered, “Have you ever been to a party with a hedgehog?”


Simon pursed his lips in thought. “Once. But I was young and I had fewer options.”


The girl laughed as Hogarth closed the carriage door behind them and gave a deep bow. “Miss Charlotte. Miss Imogen. Do have a delightful evening.”


Simon and Charlotte followed Kate and Imogen as they walked up the portico and inside the Hotspur Club. Some of the servants stared, no doubt wondering about the shambling figure in the veil. Certainly it was possible that she was an elderly matron, but there was something odd about her. Simon quickly told the ma?tre d’ that they would not need to have cloaks and hats taken. Kate continued to push forward, speaking quietly to Imogen, assuring her that all was well. They reached the foot of the sweeping staircase. Imogen froze.


Simon patted Charlotte’s hand and slipped out of her grip. He went forward and gently took Imogen’s other arm. She turned her veiled face toward him and took a deep breath. She put her foot on the steps and they started up. Kate’s face was strained with emotion. Her eyes glistened in the candlelight. Imogen gained strength as she went up, long gown trailing down the dark red carpeting.


When they made the top of the stairs, Kate reached out and the two sisters embraced. Simon put a comforting hand around Charlotte’s shoulders to suppress her excited bouncing. The young girl then saw Malcolm standing in the open door to the dining room and she sprinted toward the Scotsman. “Mr. Malcolm!” She threw her arms around his waist and the hunter staggered, arms raised in shock, unsure how to react. Charlotte wrestled him back into the room, where Penny’s laughter came bubbling out.


Kate walked Imogen to the door and let her sister enter alone to applause and shouts of her name. Then Kate turned back to Simon and clasped his face between her two hands.


“Thank you.” She kissed him. “Thank you for suggesting this evening.”


“Kate, this is hardly acceptable public behavior for a lady.”


“For once in your life, shut up.” She put a hand behind his neck and drew him close, kissing him again. Simon tightened his arms around her, tasting her for a long moment.


She slowly slid her hand down his cheek. “I never thought I’d see this. It’s a miracle.”


Simon grinned, and whispered, “Marthsyl.”


Abruptly, there was a pulse of energy against Simon’s chest, where the key hung near his heart.






If you loved Undying Legion, be sure not to miss the final book in the thrilling Crown & Key trilogy:



The Conquering Dark






Clay Griffith and Susan Griffith



Here’s a special preview






Chapter 1



The madman’s boots rang heavily as he strode up the nave of Westminster Abbey. His embroidered attire was old-fashioned and unkempt, including ridiculously tasseled boots and lace cuffs. The fires of hell and damnation drenched his hands in a shimmering hot blaze, causing dignitaries on the aisle to stand and rear back while those farther away stared.


From the walls behind the stunned assembly, statues of marble men stood stoic while stone angels mourned the intrusion. Passing tomb by tomb, the red-haired man marched down the stream of time. An overdressed guard rushed forward. The intruder set him ablaze with a wave of his hand, then pitilessly sidestepped the flailing soldier.


The stunned throngs began to move in a panic toward the doors. The intruder with the burning hands swept under the arch of the choir screen and looked on the theater of coronation. His feet muddied the black-and-white-diamond floor as a squad of guardsmen formed a solid line between the intruder and the royal family, who sat facing forward on a raised dais in the spiritual center of the church.


King William IV rose from his chair, resplendent in an admiral’s uniform, and turned with annoyance to view the disturbance. Beside him, the queen gained her feet as well, nervous and pale, contrasting against the white satin of her gown overlaid with a fine gold gauze. Her purple velvet train lined with white satin and a rich border of gold and ermine bunched around her legs as she twisted toward the line of soldiers standing with their backs to them.


King William motioned for the queen and the other grandees nearby to be removed from harm’s way. More scarlet-breasted soldiers moved quickly to rush the dignitaries toward the north transept where they found their way blocked by a woman.


Clay Griffith & Susan Griffith's books