The Sword And The Dragon

Hyden closed his eyes, and found Talon’s vision. The hawkling was still circling high overhead, and it was clear that the winged monster had come around, and was diving in for its attack. Hyden whirled, and loosed an arrow at the open sky above the trees at the edge of the clearing, earning a snort of disgust from one of the rangers. The snort turned into a gasp of terror, when the Choska demon came streaking over the treetops, and met the missile. The steel point stuck deeply into the dark furred flesh of the Choska demon, but it showed no concern. Hair flew about wildly, and swirls of leaves and debris leapt from the ground, as the beast slammed into a hover, on powerful, thumping wing beats.


The huge, horn-helmed rider on the Choska’s back leaned over and slashed with his long two-handed blade. He held it in only one hand, as if it weighed nothing. One of the rangers cursed, loosed his arrow, and tried to duck away from the slicing steel. He wasn’t fast enough. His body, cleaved from collarbone to abdomen, twisted sickeningly out of the saddle. The woman did well to spur herself clear of the Choska’s dangling claws while Hyden, and the remaining ranger, loosed arrow after arrow at the beast, to no real effect.


The Choska didn’t even flinch when the arrows struck it. With a hiss of effort, it flapped back up out of the camp, and made to get a better position. As it went, a cracking jag of yellow streaked upward from the woman’s hand into the creature’s underbelly. The Choska didn’t ignore that. It bucked wildly in the air, nearly tossing the horn-helmed rider from its back, while shrieking in anguish and fury. A heartbeat later, it was beyond their line of sight. Without thinking, Hyden sought Talon’s vision, and saw that it was already turning to attack again. He called out exactly what he saw.


The fallen ranger moaned horribly. Vaegon raced to his side with every intention of saving the man, but there was so much blood on the ground, that he slid in it, and nearly fell on him. Vaegon found the man’s side, but the expression on his wild, yellow-eyed face when he rose back to his feet, said it all.


Mikahl made his way to the center of the camp’s open space, shooed back the others, and assumed an aggressive stance, as if he was going to fight the beast by himself. Oddly, the wolves ringed around him at a distance, like they did every time he put himself through his grueling exercise routine. Grrr raised his head, and let out an angry growl of savage intent at the empty sky. First Huffa, then Urp and Oof, joined in the din.


He’s gone mad, Hyden thought.


“That’s no hellcat, Mik!” Vaegon yelled, as he dashed to Mikahl’s side with his pike-like bladed weapon held high.


“Just stay clear of my sword, elf!” Mikahl snarled.


Vaegon saw the look in Mikahl’s eyes, and took a healthy step backwards. The memory of the Westlander’s dexterous and acrobatic skill with the blade caused him to take a few more.


This time, the Choska came down and landed hard. Its heavy body forced Mikahl to roll away or be crushed. Vaegon managed to thrust up into the things chest, and black blood spilled over him from the wound. It seemed no more than a thorn prick to the angry demon. The elf stabbed up again, but was knocked away this time by a defending claw.


From beside Hyden, the woman raised her hands from her reins and sent another streaking yellow blast of lightning at the Choska. The demon took the assault with a breathy grunt, and then sent out its own magical blast in response. Its cinder-red eyes flared brightly, and a crimson fist of energy shot forth from them, sending the woman, head over heels, clear out of her saddle. She landed hard in the dense thicket at the tree line, and instantly, the two armored riders charged their mounts in, to form a protective barrier between her and the creature.


The remaining ranger was in the trees now, still loosing his arrows futilely at the demon. Hyden was firing with his bow too, but his arrows were now aimed at the horn helmed warrior instead of the beast. One of his arrows struck Roark in the heart, and he expected the big warrior to fall, but he didn’t. Instead, the dark knight leapt from the Choska’s back, and landed a few feet in front of Mikahl. The Choska moved between the archers and its rider, thus cutting off Hyden’s view of them. He knew Vaegon was over there somewhere too, but didn’t have any more time to think about it, as the Choska turned its attention on him.


The sound of one of the wolves attacking, erupted viciously from behind the Choska. Another flash of white fur, streaked heavily with crimson, darted through the trees nearby.


As Mikahl rolled to his feet, Roark attacked him with all his might and skill. The undead warrior was bigger and stronger, and fueled by hellish intent; but Mikahl was quicker, and smarter. They were evenly matched, and the battle that ensued wasn’t over quickly.


Grrr started to leap on the horned man attacking his two legged friend, but Mikahl’s savage, and unpredictable quickness, kept him from it. Seeing Oof and Huffa bound toward the Choska demon’s unprotected flank, and tear into it, Grrr decided to join them instead.


Mathias, M. R.'s books