The Moon and the Sun

“And three great steeds, to carry the message of Holy Mother Church.”



The three Grandsons of France rode forward, dismounted, led their spotted horses to the foot of the grandstand, and knelt before His Holiness. Bourgogne and Anjou performed their duty stoically, but when the Pope’s Swiss Guard took the reins of his pony, the duke de Berri burst into tears.


Innocent’s disappointment could not match Lucien’s, but Lucien had to conceal his.


“Bless you, children,” Innocent said to the princes. He rose to reply to the King. In a voice grave enough for a funeral oratory, he said, “Cousin, I will pray... for your soul.”


Louis wheeled his horse and galloped from the parade ground. His teams clattered after him, ribbons streaming, jewels glittering, harness chiming with gold, leaving behind the steeds, the serpents, and the wild man.


I can endure this no longer, Lucien thought. The knowledge dismayed him, and freed him.









Marie-Josèphe slipped away from Lotte and Madame, losing herself in the crowd. She must creep unseen to the west side of the chateau and into the garden, where she could bribe away or steal one of the gardeners’ mule-carts.


She wished she were riding Zachi. Then she could lead the cart instead of driving it, and put less burden on the mule. But if she took Zachi, she would implicate Count Lucien.


Count Lucien rode in front of her, barring her way. In the moonlight he gleamed with rubies and diamonds.


“You shouldn’t leave supper before the King.” He nodded toward the courtyard, where the strains of a merry dance intertwined with the fragrance of meat and wine and honey.


“It’s nearly midnight. Sherzad has no other friend to be with her when she dies.”


With a sharp gesture, Count Lucien flicked away her false explanation.


“You have no intention of letting her die,” he said. “This will mean your downfall.”


“I have no choice. There’s no word from the treasure ship —”


“An hour ago, there was not. Now? I shall find out.”


Boldly, she took his hand. “How is it that you always appear when I am thinking about you?”




“It is because you think about me all the time.”


“Sir — !”


“As I think of you.” He bent down and kissed her fingers. He turned her hand over, gently, delicately, and kissed her palm.


He wheeled Zelis around and galloped into the shadows.








Supper was laid out under the moon in the Ministers’ Courtyard. The meal was light, only fourteen courses, to leave the guests a fine appetite for the last event of Carrousel, tomorrow’s banquet.


“Do escort us to supper, Father Yves,” Mme de Chartres said softly. Her hand on Yves’ thigh traced out all the reasons her husband referred to her as Mme Lucifer. “My husband has deserted me to polish the dust from his serpent.”


Her comment shocked Yves until he realized she meant the cobra on the headdress of Chartres’ costume. Then he wondered if she did mean the cobra. She held his right arm, Mlle d’Armagnac his left, and they led him to the courtyard. Trestle tables covered the cobblestones, candelabra lit the tables, and servants offered food and wine.


“How charming, a picnic,” Mme Lucifer said in a derisive tone. “Tomorrow we’ll be spared the rabble — even the Gallery of Mirrors has its limits.”


“Let us look at your medal.” Mlle d’Armagnac and Mme Lucifer moved closer.


Mlle d’Armagnac inspected the medal. The chain pulled at his neck.


Mme de Chartres was much shorter than he. If he looked at her at all, he could not help looking at her bare bosom. Her breasts pressed against his ribs, her hand tested the buttons of his cassock, her belly rubbed his sex. Yves and Mme Lucifer might as well be naked for everyone to see.


“Madame, pardon me —”


“Of course — if you stop struggling.”


“You know who I am — a priest —”


“What does that matter?”


“— and your brother!”


Mlle d’Armagnac handed the medal to Mme Lucifer. Both women laughed and pulled at the chain around his neck. “Father Yves, why torment yourself? No one else bothers! Your sister gives her favors to M. le Chevalier —”


“That isn’t true!”


“— and the notorious M. de Chrétien —”


“Do not insult my sister, madame!” Is it an insult, he thought wildly, to speak the truth? I should have saved her, I should have sent her back to the convent, I never should have allowed her to come to Versailles!


“— and even the King. You’re so scrupulous!” Holding his tether, she plunged her other hand beneath his cassock.


He tore away before she grasped him. The opening of his cassock trapped her, forcing her to stumble after him.


“You’re His Majesty’s natural son —”


“— so your sister must be his natural daughter!”


Mme Lucifer snatched her hand free. Mlle d’Armagnac burst into laughter. They followed him like Furies.


Vonda N. McIntyre's books